00:00:56No, I couldn't get it, Swami.
00:00:59He would not give it to you.
00:01:01Not a cent. He was cruel in his refusal, abusive.
00:01:05The present is filled with evil forebodings, Mrs. Lang.
00:01:11What do you see, Swami?
00:01:13I see great trouble, disaster.
00:01:18I see the cause of your present unhappiness.
00:01:22I see great crowds, confusion, excitement.
00:01:27I see a tall, dark man who will have great influence in your life.
00:01:33Can you tell me who this man is, Swami?
00:01:36The magic ball is dim.
00:01:39The face is shadowy.
00:01:42The name eludes me.
00:01:47Perhaps it will come to me presently.
00:01:53I see tragic events which will alter your entire future.
00:01:58I see sorrow, despair.
00:02:03And again I see vaguely this tall, dark man.
00:02:08He's about to speak.
00:02:12Ah, he fades from view.
00:02:16Another man.
00:02:18I see the cause of your present unhappiness removed.
00:02:29Any more letters, Mr. Lang?
00:02:32No, thank you. That'll be all today.
00:02:35If I think of anything else, I'll use the dictaphone.
00:02:40Oh, by the way, Miss Powell.
00:02:43Is my wife with the guests?
00:02:46Why, no, sir.
00:02:48I think Mrs. Lang went down to the Swami's.
00:02:51Yes. I see.
00:02:58What's the score, Dad?
00:03:24Now let me see you win this game, Vivian.
00:03:26All right.
00:03:29All right.
00:03:32You ready?
00:03:43That'll cost you a kiss.
00:04:37Monroe, tell my wife I'd like to speak to her.
00:04:41Yes, Mr. Frazer.
00:04:50Mr. Frazer wishes to speak with you, madam.
00:04:58You'll excuse me, Nick.
00:05:00Why, sure.
00:05:10I'll see you later.
00:05:17Will you please remember that you're supposed to be a lady and try to act like one?
00:05:23Listen, I'm tired of your rudeness.
00:05:26You just seem to delight in humiliating me in front of people.
00:05:29Don't be humiliated. Stop making a spectacle of yourself.
00:05:43Oh, I was just looking for you.
00:05:47I saw how you were looking for me.
00:05:49Oh, now, please.
00:05:50You can't play me for a fool as you do your husband.
00:06:03Hello, John.
00:06:05I just came up to see if the kids were getting along all right.
00:06:12So you and Lang take me for a fool, huh?
00:06:17Oh, you make me sick with your silly jealousies.
00:06:19Silly jealousies or not, you're going to stop this sort of thing or I'll put a stop to it.
00:07:11I'm just crazy.
00:07:24Hello, Nick.
00:07:25We just missed a good tennis game.
00:07:27Hey, folks, let's go.
00:07:28We'll be late for the country club.
00:07:40I wish you'd stay.
00:07:41Mother's having her swami over tonight to put on a seance for us.
00:07:44Oh, I'm sorry, Betty, but we're going to run off to the club for an informal dinner tonight.
00:07:47Oh, Lucille.
00:07:49I'm going to be here, Betty.
00:07:51I'm coming right back after dinner.
00:07:52That'll be fine, Vivian.
00:07:53See you later.
00:07:56Well, I guess I'll be moving along, too.
00:07:58Oh, please stay, Nick.
00:07:59We'll have so much fun at the seance tonight.
00:08:02You know I'd love to, baby.
00:08:04But your dad might...
00:08:05Oh, I can handle Dad.
00:08:10Okay, kid.
00:08:11I'll stay.
00:08:12Come on.
00:08:16Ah, the magic ball.
00:08:19Tell me, what do you see?
00:08:30You're the sweetest kid in all the world.
00:08:43I'm sorry, madam.
00:08:45I can't tell you no more.
00:08:47But I must know more, swami.
00:08:52The coming events are not clear.
00:08:57The great forces which reveal these things to me do not respond to those of little faith.
00:09:05Those who falter in the face of obstacles and material skepticism.
00:09:12But I do have faith, swami.
00:09:15You don't know how much I believe in you and your wonderful power.
00:09:19Material demonstration is the only evidence of complete faith.
00:09:26If I get more money, will you be convinced of my absolute faith in you?
00:09:38Don't forget, swami.
00:09:40I've told my houseguest what a wonderful man you are.
00:09:44And I promised that you'd give us a crystal reading tonight.
00:09:47Madam knows how unhappy I am among skeptics.
00:09:50Oh, but you must come, swami.
00:09:53I need you.
00:09:55I want you.
00:09:57I'll have the money for you then.
00:09:59I promise.
00:10:01I will come as a very special favor to you, most beautiful lady.
00:10:06Oh, I'm so glad.
00:10:08That's lovely of you, swami.
00:10:24Until tonight, swami.
00:10:26Until tonight, madam.
00:10:55What a watch to use.
00:10:56Never couldn't beat the blues.
00:11:00Give a little kiss.
00:11:03One you'll never miss.
00:11:06Just a little bliss.
00:11:07All I ask is this.
00:11:09I'm totally asking, dear.
00:11:11Do you really mean it?
00:11:13Do I mean it?
00:11:14Put your loving arms around me and move.
00:11:18Baby, please.
00:11:20Put your loving arms around me and move.
00:11:24If you only knew how I long for you.
00:11:32Swami Umurta is a really great teacher.
00:11:35He not only has a marvelous knowledge of the occult,
00:11:39but he's so human, so understanding.
00:11:45If it weren't for you silly women,
00:11:48would starve to death.
00:11:49You're very rude, John.
00:11:51No, I'm not, my dear.
00:11:52I'm only telling the truth.
00:11:54Besides being fakers, these swamis are always making trouble.
00:11:58You will soon find that Swami Umurta is no faker.
00:12:02He'll positively starve on you.
00:12:05Yes, they say he really is uncanny.
00:12:07You see?
00:12:08Even Mary admits it.
00:12:10And being Richard's secretary would make anyone a skeptic.
00:12:15Now I can finish what I started to tell you in there.
00:12:19Well, no man seems to be in the air tonight.
00:12:25Why, Nick was just going to show me a new dance step.
00:12:30It looked very interesting.
00:12:32Will you show me the same step?
00:12:35Why, sure.
00:12:38Betty will excuse me.
00:12:40Well, I won't.
00:12:44Mmm, that swell perfume you're wearing, Mrs. Fraser.
00:12:47What is it?
00:12:49It's a perfume Chateau makes especially for me.
00:12:52He says it fits my personality.
00:12:56I'll never forget it.
00:12:59The perfume or the personality?
00:13:06The perfume.
00:13:10These matters must be straightened out at once.
00:13:13And furthermore,
00:13:15Mrs. Lange has been giving large sums of money to this Swami.
00:13:20Judge, as my attorney,
00:13:22you know more about my business than anyone else.
00:13:24I don't have to tell you that my staff attorney is some of my bonds...
00:13:27I've got to put a stop to these drains on my resources.
00:13:31And with all this,
00:13:32my home has become a public hangout
00:13:35for gigolos, hoodlums and fakers.
00:13:38I tell you, Judge,
00:13:40I'm not going to stand it any longer.
00:13:50I beg pardon, sir. Did you ring, sir?
00:13:52No, I did not ring.
00:13:53And if I catch you listening at my door again,
00:13:55I'll kick you off the place
00:13:57and send you back where you came from.
00:13:58You understand?
00:13:59I'm sorry, sir.
00:14:00Ask Miss Betty to come here
00:14:02and to bring that gigolo with her.
00:14:04Mr. Genna?
00:14:11I'm going to straighten out this whole mess
00:14:13if I have to throw them all out.
00:14:15Family, servants and all.
00:14:17Well, if you will pick a man out of the gutter,
00:14:19what can you expect?
00:14:21A man doesn't have to come from the gutter to be a rat.
00:14:35Miss Brown,
00:14:37when you get through with your routine correspondence,
00:14:40will you please call up the Union Trust Company
00:14:43and check on the bonds in our safety deposit vaults
00:14:46and also check on the various transactions with our brokers
00:14:50for the last 60 days?
00:14:53Come in.
00:14:58You sent for us, Father?
00:15:02Listen, Genna.
00:15:04You have a colossal nerve
00:15:05coming into a respectable house like this.
00:15:08I've checked on you
00:15:10and found out that you're nothing but a hoodlum and a rat.
00:15:13What's your game?
00:15:16Wait a minute, kid.
00:15:19I'm not a hoodlum.
00:15:21I'm a rat.
00:15:24Wait a minute, kid.
00:15:27I may have been running with the mob, Mr. Lang,
00:15:30but I'm going straight now.
00:15:31Your kind never go straight.
00:15:34I'm warning you to stay away from my daughter.
00:15:36And I'm telling you I'm going to marry your daughter.
00:15:40You'll marry her only over my dead body.
00:15:44All right, then.
00:15:46I'll marry her over your dead body.
00:15:48Nick! Father!
00:15:50To avoid a scene,
00:15:52I'm not going to throw you out of the house tonight, Genna.
00:15:54But once you leave, don't ever come back.
00:15:57And never be seen with my daughter again.
00:16:23Father isn't really as bad as he sounds, Nick.
00:16:26And I will see you again.
00:16:28You're okay, kid.
00:16:30I never let any guy talk to me like that before.
00:16:33Come along.
00:16:52It was so good of you to come, Swami.
00:17:16It is my great pleasure of being of service to you,
00:17:18my most gracious lady.
00:17:20I have everything prepared.
00:17:22As soon as I introduce you to the guests,
00:17:24I'll run upstairs and get Mr. Lang.
00:17:27And the check.
00:17:32Folks, this is Swami Umurda.
00:17:39Betty, will you assist the Swami until I return?
00:17:42Certainly, Mother.
00:17:58Well, Lefty.
00:18:00What are you doing here?
00:18:01Getting ready for a big killing?
00:18:03No. I'm trying to go straight.
00:18:07I just heard that our kind never goes straight.
00:18:11Your kind, maybe.
00:18:15Say, you haven't been doing any talking to Lang about me, have you?
00:18:20Oh, you know I haven't, Nick.
00:18:22I ain't so sure.
00:18:25I was sitting pretty with this layout until somebody tipped Lang off tonight.
00:18:29Oh, it wasn't me, Nick. Honest, it wasn't.
00:18:31I'm on a level with you.
00:18:32You'd better be.
00:18:34Remember, I'm the boss of the gang and you still belong to it.
00:18:37I'm telling you, I'm through with the bunch for good.
00:18:40That last prison stretch cured me.
00:18:44I don't savvy your racket, Lefty.
00:18:47But don't start anything around here until you hear from me.
00:18:51And get this.
00:18:53No one ever walks out on the gang and lives.
00:19:03Five hundred dollars and I've got to have it.
00:19:07Only five hundred, huh?
00:19:09Well, you've given this dirty faker two thousand dollars in less than a month.
00:19:13It was worth it.
00:19:15You only knew the things he told me.
00:19:17Well, I'm going to tell you something.
00:19:19You may be a fool, but I'm not.
00:19:21You won't get another cent from me.
00:19:24I'll get that money, Richard.
00:19:26And more, too.
00:19:39Swami, you murdered the wonderful mister.
00:19:42He's helping me to solve my problems.
00:19:45Well, if he's what you say he is, perhaps he can solve some of my problems, too.
00:19:48He could if you'd only give him a chance.
00:19:51All right.
00:19:52I'll give him a chance.
00:19:54If he can tell me anything, you'll get the five hundred.
00:19:57Thank you, dear.
00:19:59Come in.
00:20:03The swami is ready, madam.
00:20:28My dear friend,
00:20:31it is very difficult for me to delve the unknown
00:20:35in the presence of those who do not believe
00:20:39in the unseen forces which inexorably shape our destinies.
00:20:45In the mystic realm of the great unknown,
00:20:48there are invisible forces which reveal to me
00:20:53the secrets of today and the mysteries of tomorrow.
00:20:59The manifestations of these revelations
00:21:03come to me through two different mediums.
00:21:08One, the mystic crystal ball
00:21:12in which the events of tomorrow are revealed to my sight.
00:21:19The other is the magic slate
00:21:23on which I receive written messages from my spirit control.
00:21:27First, through the medium of the slate,
00:21:29I shall answer any question any of you might wish to ask.
00:21:34The slate is perfectly clean, as you can see.
00:21:38I place it together and put the chalk inside.
00:21:43Mr. Lang?
00:21:47Would you steal the slate?
00:22:17The slate will not be opened until one of you breaks the seal.
00:22:23Now, the room must be in complete darkness.
00:22:28Monroe, turn out the lights when the Swami commands you.
00:22:32Yes, and do not turn them on until I tell you.
00:22:37It would please me very much if you would ask the first question, Mr. Lang.
00:22:41All right.
00:22:42One moment, please.
00:22:44The light.
00:22:58The question, Mr. Lang.
00:23:01Is there any real foundation for my present worries?
00:23:20Don't touch that knife.
00:23:22You might destroy fingerprints.
00:23:25I'm afraid not.
00:23:29Don't touch that knife.
00:23:32You might destroy fingerprints.
00:23:40Someone in this room is a murderer.
00:23:43You will all stay here until the police arrive.
00:23:46Where are you going?
00:23:47To telephone the police.
00:23:50Please headquarters, please.
00:24:20Please headquarters.
00:24:50Hello, Judge.
00:24:52Did you phone police headquarters?
00:24:54Yes, Captain Devlin.
00:24:55There's been a murder here.
00:24:58Hello, Judge.
00:25:00Did you phone police headquarters?
00:25:02Yes, Captain Devlin.
00:25:03There's been a murder here.
00:25:28Has anyone left or entered this room since the murder?
00:25:31I attended to that myself.
00:25:37All right, Johnson.
00:25:38Post your men outside and see that no one gets out or in.
00:25:42Watson, you stay with me.
00:25:44Don't call me Watson.
00:25:46The name is Watkins.
00:25:51Lefty Louie of the North Side Gang.
00:25:54I thought you were in the big house.
00:25:56Mr. Lang had me paroled, sir.
00:26:05Why, this looks like a gathering of the North Side Clan.
00:26:09What are you doing here, Nick?
00:26:11I'm an invited guest.
00:26:13And you can't hang this on me, Devlin.
00:26:24Weren't you an old friend of Mr. Lang's?
00:26:27I was his attorney for many years.
00:26:29Well, maybe you can tell me something about what happened here this evening.
00:26:33Well, briefly, we were holding a...
00:26:36a seance, I suppose you would call it.
00:26:39The room was in total darkness.
00:26:41And Mr. Lang had just asked a question of Swami Umada.
00:26:46What was the question?
00:26:48Something about whether there was any foundation for his worries.
00:26:52And the answer?
00:26:56There wasn't any answer.
00:27:08Then what happened?
00:27:10Then there was the sound of a blow and of a body falling.
00:27:14Then the lights came on.
00:27:16Mr. Lang was lying where you see him.
00:27:22Who turned on the lights?
00:27:26Monroe, the butler.
00:27:33No. As a matter of fact, there was a slight delay.
00:27:44Why did you delay turning on the light, Lefty?
00:27:47I left the switch for a moment, shut off the lights in the alcove.
00:27:51Sure that's the only reason?
00:27:53Yes, it's the truth, sir. So help me.
00:28:09I'm John Frazier, Lang's former business partner.
00:28:22So you're a mystic, eh?
00:28:25How long have you been working in this town?
00:28:28Only a few weeks.
00:28:32I never happened down to you before.
00:28:34The Swami is a very good friend of mine, Captain. I can vouch for him.
00:28:39This is Mrs. Lang, Captain Devlin.
00:28:42How do you do, Mrs. Lang?
00:28:44This is Tommy and Betty Lang.
00:28:46And a little neighbor, Vivian Rose.
00:28:49And a little neighbor, Vivian Rogers.
00:28:53Now folks, I'm going to ask all of you to take the same positions you occupied just before the lights went out.
00:29:07Watson, you take Mr. Lang's place.
00:29:12I want you to track the entire scene from the moment before the lights were extinguished.
00:29:20I want you to time the interval of darkness as near as possible to what it was before, and then call for the lights.
00:29:30All right, let me turn them out.
00:29:42It's all right, Watson. It's only me.
00:29:45Just trying out a theory.
00:29:51Ladies who are inclined to be a little indiscreet should not use distinctive perfumes.
00:29:57Why? Why, you don't think that I...
00:29:59These hairpins I found here match your hair.
00:30:03I may have lost a hairpin or two.
00:30:05Get Frazier.
00:30:06Oh, please, don't bring my husband into this.
00:30:09Oh, he's insanely jealous.
00:30:11Of course you know your husband suspected you and Lang.
00:30:14Well, lately he has been very unpleasant.
00:30:18Every time he saw us together.
00:30:20And Mr. Lang was kind to you?
00:30:23Yes, he was very kind.
00:30:25Generous and understanding.
00:30:28That's all.
00:30:30You may go to your room and don't leave it.
00:30:40Did you ever see this handkerchief before?
00:30:43Yes, it belongs to my wife.
00:30:54You suspected your wife of being too friendly with Mr. Lang, didn't you?
00:30:58Yes, I did.
00:31:00How long had you suspected this?
00:31:02For quite a while.
00:31:04And for that reason, you killed him?
00:31:07No, I didn't kill him.
00:31:09But I might have, if someone hadn't beaten me to it.
00:31:15That'll be all, Mr. Frazier.
00:31:17You may retire to your room, but don't leave it without my permission.
00:31:22Gosh, you're sure hungin' out at him, Chief.
00:31:24You ready to make the pinch?
00:31:28I'm not sure I'll be able to get through to him.
00:31:31Well, I'll have to see if you're up to it.
00:31:41I'm not sure I'll be able to get through to him.
00:31:44Well, I'm not sure I'll be able to get through to him.
00:31:48You ready to make the pitch now get Nick and the girl up here
00:32:12Proud. To get through with your routine correspondence.
00:32:22I won't give you
00:32:27a long this. You can't
00:32:34put me on the spot I ain't talking. I don't know nothing and I ain't saying that
00:32:39you're going to do plenty of talking before I'm through with it. You knocked me
00:32:44over on suspicion the gang will spring me and you'll be walking the sticks.
00:32:49Get this you know when I get ready to knock you over it'll be for murder and
00:32:55the only thing you'll ever spring is
00:32:56a trap. All right.
00:33:03Risk them.
00:33:15Nice innocent toy you carry.
00:33:21Did your father approve of this man.
00:33:32No father didn't like Nick very much did they ever quarrel. Yes they did this
00:33:38evening. A very violent quarrel.
00:33:52I'm sorry. Where was this man while the lights were out I was sitting right
00:33:58alongside of Betty Miss Lange I was holding her hand I know you weren't you pulled
00:34:03your hand away just before the lights went out. You can't hang this on me down you
00:34:08know I never use a knife. No. That'll be all.
00:34:15And don't try to make
00:34:16a getaway. Ring
00:34:25Mrs Lange up here and by the way tell those two kids the Mr Lange secretary to go
00:34:30to bed Watson. Don't call me Watson the name is Watkins
00:34:37W.A.D.K.I.N.S. Watkins.
00:34:51I wonder how such
00:34:52a nice girl ever got mixed up with a dangerous rat like that well she's been running
00:34:57around a lot of nightclubs lately she probably picked him up at some such place.
00:35:07I. Got
00:35:15a cigarette I think you know. Thanks.
00:35:34Order of you.
00:36:04What are you doing out here yeah what are you doing. I just have to go home I can't
00:36:11stay away all night I'm sorry Miss Rogers I'll phone your family for you. Back to
00:36:16the house.
00:36:32That's the day I did it all right chief yes. It does look like it Watson.
00:36:38I. Think this is lying up now.
00:36:53I'll be as brief as possible Mrs Lange. Ten people in the living room tonight when
00:36:58your husband was killed. One of them killed him. Have you any suspicions. I don't
00:37:05know who could possibly have done it. You recently endorsed the number of checks
00:37:11over the Swami a murder. The last one was dated ten days ago yes I believe so.
00:37:23When did you visit this Hindu last. Today did you take him another check what can
00:37:30you take the Swami a check today. No. Why not.
00:37:38My husband refused to give me any more money. Did you argue the matter with your
00:37:43husband. Yes.
00:37:50As a matter of fact Mrs Lange you call rather violently with your husband and you.
00:37:55Show me just he doesn't suspect me of killing my husband I'm sorry Mrs Lange.
00:38:03But we must all answer any questions the captain cares to ask.
00:38:08Why yes. We did have a few rather heated words.
00:38:15When did this call take place. Just before we all gathered in the mystic circle
00:38:20just before we all gathered in the mystic circle down there. That will be all Mrs
00:38:27Lange. I would suggest that you retire but I must ask you not to leave your room.
00:38:41She your slick captain she killed him for his money didn't she she and the Swami.
00:38:48Well maybe and then again maybe not Watson. Don't call me Watson now get the Swami
00:38:55and bring along a slate.
00:39:03So you're Swami a murder the mystic. I am. Mrs Lange the murdered man's wife has
00:39:10been one of your most profitable clients hasn't she yes she has. You are extremely
00:39:16friendly with Mrs Lange. Yes but not so friendly with her husband I never had any
00:39:23contact with Mr Lange until tonight you claim to be a mystic why don't you tell us
00:39:29who killed Mr Lange. Perhaps I will. When the proper time comes.
00:39:38You answered a question for Mr Lange tonight did you not I did through the medium of
00:39:43the slate.
00:39:55Yes you have real cause for worry. Or you are being betrayed by one you trust.
00:40:06This looks like it was written left handed I can write equally well with either hand
00:40:11I have to use both hands in my profession.
00:40:18I suppose in your profession you have to wear felt shoes so you can get around a room
00:40:22quickly and noiselessly why was there a delay after the blow before you call for the
00:40:26light I was startled naturally I didn't think quickly didn't think quickly I find
00:40:34a room for this man so he can retire and collect the scattered thoughts that bring
00:40:37them all here.
00:40:47That's as cold as the cobras of his native India and as dead. Well judge there's
00:40:55just one more suspect Monroe alias lefty Louie you know Devlin I strongly suspected
00:41:02Monroe before you started your investigation. Why I heard Mr Lange severely
00:41:09reprimand him just before the sales for eavesdropping outside the study door and
00:41:15threatened to send him back to prison.
00:41:16No. You're in
00:41:29a pretty tough spot. You're a man with
00:41:33a police record. A parole convict. You were in the room tonight when Mr Lange was
00:41:41killed. And by your own confession away from the light switch when the blow was
00:41:47struck. Why did you kill Richard Lange Oh I swear I didn't kill him Captain he was
00:41:54the only real friend I ever had you'll have
00:41:57a hard time convincing the jury of that Monroe.
00:41:59What was that. Where did that scream come from. Don't ask me. What about that door.
00:42:16Open the door. Did you scream as a stranger.
00:42:23Why yes. My husband was having a nightmare and they frightened me.
00:42:31Mr Frazier has been having
00:42:32a nightmare I think you better find another place for Mrs Frazier to sleep.
00:42:45Not resting well tonight Mr Frazier.
00:42:46Come on scram the rest of you go back to your rooms. You'd better go to bed to
00:42:56let the remember don't try to make a getaway as well got.
00:43:18That is the last of the suspects. I think it would be
00:43:22a good idea to list all of them. You mind writing down the names as I recall them I'm
00:43:28not at all nervous.
00:43:38Go ahead. John Frazier elderly. Married to a contagious flapper.
00:43:49Insanely jealous of the sea.
00:43:50Nick Gannett. Gangster killer. Making play for daughter against violent opposition of
00:44:03deceased. Swami a murder. Avaricious faker. Grab stop by the sea.
00:44:14Monroe. Alias lefty Louie. Gangster. Paroled convict.
00:44:29Mrs Lang wife of the deceased. Infatuated with Swami.
00:44:36Mrs Frazier. And Mary Brown secretary. With possible motives.
00:44:48I guess that's all judge kids are out. Unless you consider yourself a suspect judge.
00:44:56You write a mighty fine hand judge McLeod. McLeod McLeod. Say you don't happen to be
00:45:03Dave McLeod the old time tennis champion the Michigan media. Well. They used to call me
00:45:11that by George you were my biggest hero when I was a boy really what can. You know
00:45:19I've just made a discovery this is Dave McLeod the old champion who well I swing a mean
00:45:25racket myself I'd like to take him on sometime well in that case why don't you and the
00:45:30judge have a game in the morning. To me. And I don't know if you don't mind I'd like
00:45:36to go to my room I'm a bit tired I certainly judge and thank you for your kind cooperation
00:45:42good night night. Good night judge.
00:46:32Gosh Captain how long are we going to stay here don't you know who killed him yet.
00:46:37Yes I think I do well then why don't you knock him over and let's go home.
00:46:46Did you notice the position of the knife in Lang's body sure it was stuck in his back.
00:46:52The knife entered the back about here on the left of the spinal column and penetrated
00:46:59downward toward the right. Therefore Lang was killed by a left handed person.
00:47:06If the blow had been struck by a right handed person and I would have taken the opposite
00:47:12Furthermore the killer must have been extremely powerful to drive
00:47:14a knife into a man's back like that.
00:47:21Lefty Louie shall I make the pinch chief. Not just yet.
00:47:26All right I don't know why they ever wished you on me Watson don't call me that.
00:47:32I don't know why they ever wished you on me Watson don't call me that.
00:47:36Not just yet.
00:47:38All right I don't know why they ever wished you on me Watson don't call me Watson.
00:47:58What do you suppose that is chief.
00:48:02It's a thousand dollar bond made out to Richard Lang.
00:48:07And endorsed by him.
00:48:24Come in.
00:48:27Is that my father.
00:48:30Listen you have a colossal nerve coming into a respectable house like this.
00:48:34I've checked on you.
00:48:36Found out that you're nothing but a hoodlum and a rat.
00:48:39What's your game.
00:48:41Wait a minute kid.
00:48:42You're running with a mob Mr. Lang.
00:48:44Of your kind never go straight.
00:48:46I'm warning you to stay away from my daughter.
00:48:49I'm telling you I'm going to marry your daughter.
00:48:52You'll marry her only over my dead body.
00:48:57All right then.
00:48:58I'll marry her over your dead body.
00:49:01Nick father.
00:49:03To avoid a scene.
00:49:05I'm not going to throw you out of the house tonight.
00:49:08But once you leave.
00:49:09Don't ever come back.
00:49:11And never be seen with my daughter again.
00:49:15I knew it was Nick all the time.
00:49:29Captain Devlin.
00:49:31It's Lefty.
00:49:34I've been trying to get a chance to tell you something all evening.
00:49:36But I was afraid.
00:49:39What is it Lefty?
00:49:40I know who killed Mr. Lang.
00:49:42It was Monroe.
00:49:48Something's happened.
00:50:02A knife just like the one that killed Lang.
00:50:05Did anybody come into that room?
00:50:07No sir.
00:50:08Did you leave the room at any time?
00:50:10No sir.
00:50:11Sure you didn't doze off?
00:50:12No sir.
00:50:13I was awake all the time.
00:50:15Watson go and see if the knife is still in Lang's body.
00:50:32The knife's gone chief.
00:50:37I guess Lefty knew too much.
00:50:40Poor devil.
00:50:41He was killed by the same hand that got Lang.
00:50:45Get back to your post Kennedy.
00:50:47And keep a sharp lookout from now on.
00:51:32Get something and throw over him.
00:51:57What are you doing here?
00:51:59What are you doing here?
00:52:01Just gazing at the stars.
00:52:04Put this stargazer back in his cage and keep him there.
00:52:07Pull up that chair.
00:52:28Pull up that chair.
00:52:33Sit here and there.
00:52:34And don't go to sleep.
00:52:36Sorry chief.
00:52:37I ain't gonna do no sleeping around this joint.
00:52:49What are you up to Nick?
00:52:52I thought I heard a commotion downstairs.
00:52:55Get back in your room and stay there.
00:54:37Police Headquarters.
00:54:40Sergeant Burke?
00:54:42This is Devlin.
00:54:44Yeah. Captain Devlin.
00:54:46I'm working on the Lang murder case.
00:54:49I want the chief to get some information the first thing in the morning.
00:54:52And do it quickly.
00:54:53I'll be back in five minutes.
00:54:54Thanks chief.
00:54:55I'll be back in five minutes.
00:54:56Thanks chief.
00:54:57Thanks chief.
00:54:58Thanks chief.
00:54:59Thanks chief.
00:55:00Thanks chief.
00:55:01Thanks chief.
00:55:02Thanks chief.
00:55:03Thanks chief.
00:55:04Thanks chief.
00:55:05Get the first thing in the morning.
00:55:06And bring it out himself.
00:55:08I'm also sending some papers down for a handwriting analysis.
00:55:12Now listen carefully Burke.
00:55:14You see there's been a little bit of a discrepancy.
00:55:35Have you a match?
00:55:49Keep them.
00:55:51And you stay in there.
00:55:57Okay Watson.
00:56:00Don't call me Watson.
00:56:02The name...
00:56:05I don't know.
00:56:06I don't know.
00:56:36I told you to stay in...
00:56:39Well Watson I see you're still on the job.
00:56:42Yeah but I thought daylight would never come.
00:56:45Come on Buck up.
00:56:46You've got to keep on your feet until the chief gets here.
00:56:49Good morning Judge.
00:56:51How are you feeling this morning?
00:56:52To tell you the truth Devlin.
00:56:54I'm feeling a trifle seedy.
00:56:56Well that should make you and Watson even.
00:56:59I would suggest that immediately after breakfast.
00:57:02You have that tennis game.
00:57:03That should limber you up and blow the cobwebs out of your brain.
00:57:07I don't believe I've got even cobwebs in my brain this morning.
00:57:57Some person in this room can't be trusted.
00:58:01Some person in this room killed Richard Lang.
00:58:06Someone who had a desperate need to get him out of the way.
00:58:09There are of course...
00:58:11Certain members of the family and their friends who above suspicion.
00:58:17Judge McLoyd who was present is a respected member of the bar.
00:58:22Attorney and lifelong friend of the deceased.
00:58:24Mrs. Lang was in the clutches of an avaricious faker.
00:58:28Her husband had refused to give her more money.
00:58:31They quarreled violently and she threatened him.
00:58:38Mrs. Lang did not kill her husband.
00:58:46John Frazier.
00:58:49For some time you had suspected Lang of being a murderer.
00:58:52For some time you had suspected Lang of being too friendly with your wife.
00:58:57You were insanely jealous.
00:58:59You came to that seance in this room with murder in your heart.
00:59:04Get up.
00:59:07Come here.
00:59:17I know that you didn't kill Richard Lang.
00:59:20I knew when I saw your crippled condition.
00:59:23That you could not have crossed this room and committed the deed without betraying yourself.
00:59:37Nick Jenner.
00:59:40You're a gangster.
00:59:42A killer.
00:59:44And a desperate criminal.
00:59:45You quarreled violently with Richard Lang over his daughter.
00:59:50And I have positive proof that you threatened his life just before the seance.
00:59:56You claimed you were holding Betty Lang's hand.
01:00:00But you were not.
01:00:02I have enough evidence on you to send you to the chair.
01:00:06I didn't do it, Devlin. I swear I didn't.
01:00:08You know I never use a knife.
01:00:10Shut up, you rat.
01:00:11The worst thing I can hang on you is carrying concealed weapons.
01:00:15You didn't kill Richard Lang because the killer was left-handed.
01:00:19And I know you're not.
01:00:26The one suspect who is not here to defend himself is Lefty Louie, the butler.
01:00:31This man was a crook, a parole convict.
01:00:35Who had just been harshly reprimanded by Lang for eavesdropping.
01:00:38But Lefty Louie did not commit the crime.
01:00:41He was the one person in this whole unhappy household
01:00:45who was loyal and faithful to Richard Lang.
01:00:48And the same hand that killed his master killed him.
01:00:55Swami, you're a faker and a swindler, preying on silly women.
01:01:01For some time you've been extracting large sums of money from Mrs. Lang.
01:01:04Her husband put a stop to this.
01:01:06Only Lang stood between you and great wealth.
01:01:10You came to this house prepared to commit any crime,
01:01:14even murder, to get this money.
01:01:16But you can't get away with it.
01:01:19Lang was killed by someone who moves stealthily in the dark
01:01:25and used an oriental knife.
01:01:27You're an oriental, trained to glide about dark places
01:01:30on felt shoes.
01:01:32You're powerful and agile and use either hand with equal facility.
01:01:49Give me your magnet.
01:01:51Oh, I'm not interested in exposing any of your silly tricks.
01:01:55I'm merely trying to help you.
01:01:56Oh, I'm not interested in exposing any of your silly tricks.
01:01:59I'm merely trying to show who committed the murder.
01:02:09The steel core inside the chalk follows the magnet.
01:02:27But you're not guilty.
01:02:29No man could have written the message
01:02:31and have committed the crime in the short time the lights were out.
01:02:35What's all this nonsense about, Devlin?
01:02:38Do you think Lang killed himself?
01:02:40Just a moment, coroner. I'm coming to that.
01:02:48Lang was murdered by someone who was in his comfort zone.
01:02:52Lang was murdered by someone who was in his confidence.
01:02:55Someone who was very close to him.
01:02:58For some time, his broker's transactions had been falsified
01:03:03and he had been systematically robbed of various large bonds.
01:03:08That's one of the points you verified this morning, chief.
01:03:11But Lang recovered some of the stolen bonds with their forged signatures
01:03:15and the guilty person was in imminent danger of exposure and imprisonment.
01:03:18The person who killed Lang was strong and athletic
01:03:22and able to drive a knife into a human body up to the hilt.
01:03:27Mary Brown knew right and performed the small acts of life right-handed.
01:03:31But it is a known fact that many people
01:03:34who are apparently right-handed are athletically left-handed.
01:03:38The killer wore noiseless footwear
01:03:40and was clever enough to wear gloves,
01:03:43leaving no fingerprints on the knife.
01:03:44A very unique knife such as only a collector would have.
01:03:48Richard Lang was killed by a famous collector of antiques.
01:03:52A great left-handed athlete.
01:03:54A former tennis champion.
01:03:57Judge David McLeod,
01:03:59the man who forged Lang's signature to the stolen bonds.
01:04:05The handwriting on this forged bond,
01:04:07which you did not get last night
01:04:09when you opened the hidden vault in Lang's study,
01:04:11has been tested
01:04:13and matches your handwriting on this list of suspects.
01:04:16Stop him! Stop him quick!
01:04:20My compliments, Captain Devlin.
01:04:23You're a very clever man,
01:04:26and I'm delighted to have met you.
01:04:29I'm delighted to have met you, too.
01:04:32You're a very clever man.
01:04:42And he escaped after all.
01:04:45I never even thought of a poisoned ring.
01:04:49Oh, thank you, Mr. Watson.
01:04:51Don't call me Watson.
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