On November 19, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the three controversial farm laws will be withdrawn. This significant announcement from the Prime Minister comes ahead of elections in key states. These three controversial farm laws led to massive farmer protests across the country. This announcement comes on Gurpurab festival. On November 19, Sikhism founder Guru Nanak's birthday is celebrated. Thousands of farmers protested against the three farm laws of the government. Farmers from Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh have been protesting since November 2020. Farmers demanded that the laws be repealed. Several rounds of talks took place between the farmers and the government, but the protests did not stop. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi tweeted, “The country's farmers have defeated arrogance with their satyagraha. Jai Hindi, Jai Hindi's farmers.” Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait tweeted, “The agitation will not be taken back. We will wait for the day when the farm laws will be scrapped in the Parliament.” Watch the video to know more.