10 Ways The Western World Must Reform

  • 3 years ago
The full video

The Clown World must reform. Every madness needs a shrink and every disorder needs a therapy. These are my remedies:
No 1: Open communication!
No 2: Limit the power of NGOs!
No 3: Whittle down the deep state!
No 4: Restoration of a citizenry & a constitutional, minimal social contract!
No 5: Delimit the boundaries of the government!
No 6: Make government accountable!
No 7: Term limits!
No 8: Government shall not fund political parties. Parliamentarians' salaries should be linked to income average in their constituency.
No 9: Subsidies should have military purposes only!
No 10:Supranational bodies must be cut back!
The list is not comprehensive, but a good shot on the bottleneck issues. The details are explained in my video essay.

[Soros saying that he was influential in the events around 2014, known as Euromaidan] http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1405/25/fzgps.01.html
[Merkel Zuckerberg hot mic situation]https://www.cnbc.com/2015/09/27/angela-merkel-caught-on-hot-mic-pressing-facebook-ceo-over-anti-immigrant-posts.html
[Reagan and Thatcher image]https://www.flickr.com/photos/levanrami/12873673115
[image Victor Davis Hanson] https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bQX0mWbJ34o/W9IHxTlZHuI/AAAAAAABTQk/rFPe83syr8kc_wVn7GGO1rLLM8SwHXfmACLcBGAs/s320/victor-davis-hanson.jpeg
[Bertelsmann shareholder structure]https://www.bertelsmann.com/company/shareholder-structure/
