• 4 years ago


00:01:23Mr. Bobby?
00:01:24Yes, doctor.
00:01:25And the police are particularly anxious that the cause of death be determined at the earliest possible moment.
00:01:30It's a pity.
00:01:31She was a very beautiful woman.
00:01:33One hates to perform an autopsy on a beautiful woman.
00:01:36But you have no other choice, doctor.
00:01:38Most unusual.
00:01:40There are no marks of violence on the body.
00:01:42What do they suspect, poison?
00:01:44Have they any idea?
00:01:45My understanding is, doctor, that the authorities are entirely at sea as to how she was killed.
00:01:50They know why, but... and they also have the fellow who killed her.
00:01:53Yes, yes, that doesn't matter. That's none of our business.
00:01:55Our business is to find out what killed her.
00:01:57And yet, one often wonders...
00:02:02What could have caused the last thought that was cut off by death?
00:02:08If it were spoken now, what would it be?
00:02:15It's your hair.
00:02:17You've found me at last.
00:02:19But you know what can kill me, I warn you.
00:02:22Don't come and I'll step.
00:02:24No, don't, please.
00:02:28No, no, I told you I didn't want the bandage.
00:02:31But why, Laura?
00:02:33Why are you so opposed to the bandage?
00:02:37Does it remind you of something, perhaps?
00:02:40What do you mean?
00:02:41Oh, nothing, Laura, nothing.
00:02:44Now, won't you lie down again and let me complete the examination?
00:02:47You're a sick girl, you know, in a highly nervous condition.
00:02:51I want to know what you meant by saying the bandage reminded me of something.
00:02:54If you don't know, how should I?
00:02:57You don't fool me for a minute, doctor.
00:02:59I know how you feel about me.
00:03:01Do you, Laura? Then I wish you'd tell me, for I don't know.
00:03:04I don't know how I feel about you at all.
00:03:07You're clever, doctor.
00:03:09But I'm wise to you and that fool of a son of yours.
00:03:11How long have you been married to Ward now?
00:03:14Too long.
00:03:16And why don't you give him his divorce?
00:03:19He's asked you often enough.
00:03:21I'll give him a divorce when I'm good and ready.
00:03:24I see.
00:03:26I'm not afraid of anything he can do or you or anyone else.
00:03:31What's that?
00:03:34Your heart's beating like a trip hammer.
00:03:37I must warn you of this high state of nervous tension.
00:03:41What's that noise?
00:03:57It's only a branch tapping against the window.
00:04:03Now, my dear Laura, if you want me to help you, you must tell me what it is you fear.
00:04:10I told you I'm not afraid of anything.
00:04:13I know what's going on here.
00:04:16Someone's trying to scare me out, but it won't work, see?
00:04:19Here I am and here I'll stay until I rot.
00:04:22I'm afraid there's more truth in that than you suspect.
00:04:25Laura, I must ask you not to cause father any more trouble.
00:04:32I don't want you threatening him, you hear?
00:04:34You too.
00:04:36You're so cute.
00:04:38I'm sure you want to be alone.
00:04:41You're not going to make him pay for my mistake.
00:04:43What are you going to do about it?
00:04:45I'd like to...
00:04:46You'd like to choke me, wouldn't you, Ward?
00:04:48You haven't got a choice.
00:04:50Here, this is the only thing you ever gave me.
00:04:53You can have it back.
00:04:59She's right.
00:05:01I gave her this when we were married.
00:05:03It's the only gift that ever passed between us.
00:05:05Ward, what do you propose to do about Laura?
00:05:08What can I do?
00:05:10She won't leave me, she won't give me a divorce.
00:05:12Things can't go on this way, you know.
00:05:15Dad, what is the matter with her?
00:05:18Dad, what is the matter with her?
00:05:20What do you think is wrong?
00:05:22I don't know.
00:05:24She wasn't this way until she began getting those letters from abroad, you remember?
00:05:27Yes, it had something to do with those letters.
00:05:30But you would have thought that when they stopped coming that...
00:05:33What is it, little bit?
00:05:34There's a patient, doctor, a Mrs. Williams.
00:05:38That's the name she gave, and she's decked out like she's going to a horse show.
00:05:42I can't see anyone today, ask her to make another appointment.
00:05:45Dad, please don't let what's happening interfere with your practice.
00:05:47Don't worry, I'll send her in in a few minutes.
00:05:49Sure, doctor.
00:05:50Oh, yeah, that Bill Raymond's waiting, do you want to see him?
00:05:52Who's he?
00:05:53That private cop who's always hanging around, just hoping somebody gets murdered.
00:05:56Oh, yes, he's probably come for his check.
00:05:58Take care of it, will you, Ward?
00:06:01Little bit.
00:06:03This is for you.
00:06:06Thanks, Mr. Warren.
00:06:08Thanks, Mr. Warren.
00:06:09But this belongs to Mrs. Diney, doesn't it?
00:06:11Not anymore, it's all yours.
00:06:13She won't get sore, will she?
00:06:14I don't want to have any trouble with her, you know how she is.
00:06:16I know, we all know, little bit.
00:06:18And I want to thank you for your patience.
00:06:20Run along now, little bit.
00:06:21Yes, doctor.
00:06:27You made a fatal mistake, my boy, in marrying Laura.
00:06:30Yes, I know.
00:06:31But you don't suppose I'm going to stand for it forever, do you?
00:06:34No, I don't.
00:06:36And I don't think it will be necessary.
00:06:39Do you have a plan?
00:06:41I think it will be better if you leave everything to me.
00:06:49From the day a mysterious caller came to see Dr. Van E...
00:06:56Oh, yes, I remember now, Mrs. Williams.
00:06:58I spoke to you this morning on the telephone.
00:07:01I'm sorry, but I can't tell you any more now than I told you then.
00:07:04Oh, naturally, doctor.
00:07:06I did not mean to imply that there were any abnormal goings on here.
00:07:10I assure you there is not, Mrs. Williams, nor will there be.
00:07:14Nevertheless, doctor, the way you were described to me,
00:07:17and the way your place was described to me,
00:07:19I am certain that I am in the right place.
00:07:22May I ask from whom you obtained these descriptions?
00:07:25From a friend, doctor, a mutual friend.
00:07:29Lily Beth, the woman I love.
00:07:33Can't we be friends?
00:07:35Stop tracking your big flat feet after me wherever I go.
00:07:38I've got things to do.
00:07:40Oh, gee, it's wonderful just to see you around,
00:07:43busying yourself, the little housewife.
00:07:45I never knew the cop who didn't love to stand around and watch other people work.
00:07:50Mrs. Williams, it's obvious from your conversation
00:07:54that you've come into possession of certain facts concerning my past.
00:07:58I know of only one person who could have given you that information,
00:08:01and it was my belief, yes, even my hope.
00:08:05That person was dead.
00:08:09But let me say that even if that person were alive,
00:08:13I should not submit to blackmail from you or from anyone else.
00:08:17You show great courage, doctor, for one in your unusual position.
00:08:21There has been no question of blackmail.
00:08:24I came here seeking your cooperation, which you have refused to give.
00:08:28So let us call the matter closed.
00:08:35Au revoir, doctor.
00:08:44Then came this sinister pair.
00:08:59My little guardian of the doorbell.
00:09:02If you had waited another second,
00:09:04Indigo and I should have kicked the door in.
00:09:07Yes, sir.
00:09:13There is an air of inquiry about you
00:09:17that immediately offends my deepest nature.
00:09:20There is something suggesting Scotland Yard,
00:09:25the French Surté, the Italian Carabinieri,
00:09:29the Turkish Policei, and other minions of the law.
00:09:33In short, sir, I think you're a cop.
00:09:37Yeah, how did you know?
00:09:40I believe I'm in the home of Dr. Joseph Van E.
00:09:45Yes, sir. I mean, sirs.
00:09:49Oh, do not be polite to Indigo.
00:09:52He's only offended by it.
00:09:54Run along, Indigo. Make yourself at home.
00:09:57We got a nice tree in the yard, but it ain't got no coconuts.
00:10:13My little friend Indigo is deaf and dumb.
00:10:15He cannot hear and he cannot speak.
00:10:17But he reads the lips,
00:10:19and I would advise you to say nothing to annoy him.
00:10:23For his temper is short indeed.
00:10:28This, I presume, is Dr. Van E.'s private office.
00:10:32Yes, sir, but I really should announce you.
00:10:35My dear girl, if I allowed myself to be announced,
00:10:40I doubt I would be received adequately.
00:10:43I'm sorry, really I am,
00:10:45but the doctor won't see anybody without an appointment.
00:10:49I have had an appointment with him these 20 years.
00:10:54He will see me.
00:10:56Doctor, doctor, someone's coming!
00:11:02My dear doctor,
00:11:04truthfully can it be said that your house is your castle,
00:11:08protected by your countless slavies?
00:11:11So it is you, Leonide.
00:11:14I was warned you might appear like one of your own illusions out of nowhere.
00:11:21My dear Joseph, you have not changed a bit.
00:11:25Have you met my friend, Mr. Raymond?
00:11:30Oh, Raymond!
00:11:32No doubt a relative of the great magician of the same name.
00:11:35Mr. Raymond is our private patrol officer.
00:11:39He keeps an eye on the premises for us.
00:11:42And other comings and goings.
00:11:45A very good idea, my dear Joseph,
00:11:48to have a private bodyguard at your beck and call.
00:11:52Well, you fellows are old friends, I can see that.
00:11:56Oh, yes.
00:11:58Old friends.
00:12:01Well, then maybe you'd like to be alone to talk over old times.
00:12:04A very good suggestion.
00:12:06Thank you, Mr. Raymond.
00:12:08I won't be far away, doc.
00:12:12Well, so long, Mr. Leonide.
00:12:15Don't pull any more little men out of your hat.
00:12:20Well, Leonide, what brings you to me after all this time?
00:12:23The long arm of coincidence, my dear Joseph.
00:12:26Simply the long arm of coincidence.
00:12:28Aren't you glad to see me again?
00:12:30No, I can't say that I am.
00:12:33You with your foreign background and I...
00:12:36What are we doing, Colin?
00:12:40Always truthful, cousin Joseph.
00:12:44As when we were young men.
00:12:47You might have said no and saved your career.
00:12:50But you prefer to tell the truth and ruin yourself.
00:12:55What do you want here, Leonide?
00:12:58A few days' hospitality, my dear Joseph.
00:13:01Nothing more.
00:13:03Is that too much for one cousin to ask of another?
00:13:07Remember, we agreed not to think of each other as cousins again, Leonide.
00:13:11Goodbye, Lawrence, my dear Joseph.
00:13:14And I'm willing to forget.
00:13:17And I suggest that you do the same.
00:13:22You've grown older, Leonide, but there may be something in what you say.
00:13:26I'm not one to hold a grudge.
00:13:29But don't do anything that will make me regret my action.
00:13:33You have my promise.
00:13:35Now, if you will show him to my room.
00:13:38Oh, I should say I have a traveling companion
00:13:43from whom I am inseparable.
00:13:48Inigo, a dwarf, one of the little men.
00:13:51He became very much attached to me when he lost his master.
00:13:54You do not object?
00:13:57What good would that do?
00:14:00What good would that do?
00:14:02How true.
00:14:04Very well.
00:14:06You may have the room next to my daughter-in-law.
00:14:08I know you'll like that.
00:14:10Oh, yes.
00:14:12The lady, who I am told, has an utmost horror of having her eyes blindfolded.
00:14:17A phobia of most interesting origin, I dare say.
00:14:21Something to think about.
00:14:25That night, my husband questioned Leonide about my past.
00:14:33Cousin Leo!
00:14:38My dear Walter.
00:14:41How flattering that you remember me.
00:14:43How could I ever forget you? What are you doing here?
00:14:45A chance visit to my boy.
00:14:47I wanted to see the old homestead again.
00:14:49You've seen father?
00:14:51Yes, and he received me with open arms.
00:14:54In a manner of speaking.
00:14:56I don't mind telling you, you came at a very bad time.
00:14:58We're... you'll have some trouble.
00:15:01My boy, trouble and I are like this.
00:15:05I presume you refer to the charming lady in the room next to mine.
00:15:09Your wife, I believe.
00:15:11Yes, Laura. I have met her.
00:15:13But I'm looking forward to the pleasure.
00:15:16I'd like to talk to you for a moment.
00:15:18All right.
00:15:20Perhaps you can help us.
00:15:22By doing what, my boy?
00:15:24You've been everywhere.
00:15:26You were caught in Europe during the war.
00:15:28I'd like to show you something.
00:15:30You may be just the person I'm looking for.
00:15:32If I can be of any service.
00:15:34Did you ever hear of a dance team called Rene and Laurette?
00:15:38I don't think so, my boy.
00:15:41And then again.
00:15:43There must have been such a team. Look.
00:15:50Rene and Laurette.
00:15:52The dance of the green mask in the green room in Paris.
00:15:57The green room.
00:16:04The face of the man does seem slightly familiar.
00:16:08May I ask where you got this photograph?
00:16:13The mate, Lilibeth, found it in Laura's room and turned it over to me.
00:16:17My boy, I'm afraid I can't help you.
00:16:21I played the green room on several occasions, but never with these people.
00:16:24In fact, I don't seem to remember them at all.
00:16:27And I appeared in many clubs during the occupation.
00:16:30I'm sure the girl behind the green mask in this picture is Laura.
00:16:34How can you be sure?
00:16:36Who can ever be sure what's behind the mask?
00:16:39If the people in this photograph could suddenly come to life.
00:16:44I'd like to know who the man is.
00:16:47It can be anyone, my friend. Anyone.
00:16:50In this makeup, it might be even I.
00:16:53I wish you wouldn't joke about it.
00:16:55This is very serious, of course.
00:16:57But let us say you found out who the man in the photograph is.
00:17:00What then?
00:17:02I have an idea that if the man in this picture were to show up,
00:17:06I'd find out I wasn't married to Laura at all.
00:17:10Think over what I've asked you. It'll be to your advantage.
00:17:13Certainly, my boy. I will give it every consideration.
00:17:16And perhaps something will occur.
00:17:19Who knows?
00:17:23Don't you want to leave the photograph with me for my further study?
00:17:28It might be the very incentive that my memory needs.
00:17:31No, thanks. I'll keep it.
00:17:34As you wish.
00:17:43Lorette, Lorette.
00:17:46I'll make a bet the man in green will get you yet.
00:18:13In you go.
00:18:27A gruesome surprise was in store for me the following morning.
00:18:40Who is it?
00:18:42It's me, ma'am.
00:18:44What do you want?
00:18:46The afternoon mail. You wanted to know when it arrived.
00:18:49Was there anything for me?
00:18:51Yes, ma'am.
00:18:53Put it under the door.
00:18:55I can't. It's a package.
00:19:01What's in it?
00:19:03I don't know. It's against postal regulations to open other people's mail.
00:19:06That's never stopped you before.
00:19:08I'd like to know what you mean by that remark, ma'am.
00:19:10Get out.
00:19:11Don't you want me to help you open it?
00:19:12No, I don't. Get out.
00:19:13It's addressed to you in green ink with a warning.
00:19:15Look out for the man with the green mask.
00:19:40To the rescue, ma'am. Who done it? Which way did he go?
00:20:02Get out. Get out.
00:20:04I just heard you yell. I was hoping it was a murder at least.
00:20:07Get out. I tell you, you have no business here.
00:20:09But you don't understand. I'm supposed to be here.
00:20:12That's what I'm being paid for.
00:20:15Yeah. You see, I'm Bill Raymond, private cop in this neck of the woods.
00:20:19I was hoping we'd have a little murder or something happened around here
00:20:22so as I could solve it and get my old job back at Central Homicide.
00:20:26Nothing personal, of course.
00:20:28Who told you to say these things to me?
00:20:31Nobody. Nobody said nothing to me.
00:20:33I was just waiting around outside to see Dr. Van Lee and I heard you yell.
00:20:38Well, you're a friend of that crazy doctor and his son.
00:20:41Crazy? I wouldn't exactly say that, ma'am. The doc's a pretty good egg.
00:20:46You wouldn't want anyone to say you was crazy, even if you...
00:20:49You can go back and tell them I'm not afraid of being murdered by you or them or anyone else.
00:20:53No, I don't guess you are, ma'am.
00:20:55Still and all, if you was to get murdered and I was to find out who done it,
00:21:01it'd be kind of a break for me.
00:21:03Fatone! Fatone, please! Please to go.
00:21:07I wouldn't say that to you, lady, even if I knew what it meant.
00:21:14Now will you get out?
00:21:16All right, all right. I can take a hint.
00:21:18Nice little bedroom companion you've got there.
00:21:20Get out!
00:21:21I'll go, I'll go, but don't think I'll come running next time you yell.
00:21:24I'll know it's a fake.
00:21:33I became afraid and my mind started to crack.
00:21:38Lilybeth, my melancholy baby, where are you?
00:21:43Where'd you get that box?
00:21:44I don't know what you're talking about.
00:21:46You lying little snoop going through my things.
00:21:48What'd you do with the picture? Where is it?
00:21:49I didn't see it. That's the last time you put your hands on me.
00:21:52I'll give you one more chance and then I'll...
00:21:54I told you I don't know where the picture is and I don't know what you're talking about.
00:21:57I blame you all the time, going through my things, opening my mail,
00:22:00wrapping up my do at night.
00:22:01Now you're blaming me?
00:22:03I've never touched anything of yours.
00:22:04You've got my robe on now. Where'd you get that?
00:22:06I was just trying it on. Mr. Ward gave it to me.
00:22:08He said you didn't want it anymore.
00:22:10I'll tell you when there's something I don't want.
00:22:13Oh, shut up. It's only a dummy.
00:22:15A dummy? Where'd you get that thing?
00:22:18I suppose you're gonna tell me you don't know anything about that either.
00:22:21Oh, I bet it was in the box.
00:22:23In the box I brought up for you, that's what.
00:22:25There were no stamps on it. How did it get in the mail?
00:22:27I don't know. The doorbell rang.
00:22:29I thought it was the mailman.
00:22:31I opened the door and it was sitting there on the stoop.
00:22:34You're lying.
00:22:35No, I'm not. I don't mind telling a lie now and then,
00:22:37but I'm not lying now, honest.
00:22:40You're trying to scare me out.
00:22:43I'm not leaving.
00:22:45No, but I am.
00:22:47You come here.
00:22:49You and Mr. Ward are pretty thick, aren't you?
00:22:52Yes, thick like your head.
00:22:53He's fallen in love with someone else.
00:22:55Who's she?
00:22:56Yes, thick like your head.
00:22:57He's fallen in love with someone else.
00:22:58Who's she?
00:22:59I don't know. It's not me.
00:23:01I know it isn't you.
00:23:03I know all the signs.
00:23:05He's fallen in love with some simple-faced...
00:23:09There's always a way to get even with them.
00:23:16I've got to find that picture.
00:23:18Otherwise they won't know what he looks like.
00:23:20I've got to send it to the police.
00:23:22And he won't dare touch me.
00:23:24What do you mean, the man in the picture?
00:23:27Have you seen him?
00:23:28Maybe I have, and maybe I haven't.
00:23:30Maybe I saw him go behind the thicket.
00:23:33Or through the wall.
00:23:35Or under the house.
00:23:36He's here in the house?
00:23:38I let him in.
00:23:40I let him in.
00:23:41He was waiting outside to get to you, Miss LaValle.
00:23:44Miss LaValle.
00:23:47There's nothing safe from your prying eyes, is there?
00:23:50You think you know everything, don't you?
00:23:52I know why you're afraid.
00:23:54And I know what you've done.
00:23:55No, I'm not so thick.
00:23:57I'm not as thick as you think I am, Miss LaValle.
00:24:00That head's supposed to be you.
00:24:02Kind of a calling card.
00:24:03I'll remind you that.
00:24:04Why, you...
00:24:11Excuse me, lady.
00:24:22Oh, I'm afraid.
00:24:25I'm afraid.
00:24:26Where are you, Heidi?
00:24:32Dr. Vanni!
00:24:34Dr. Vanni!
00:24:41Dr. Vanni!
00:24:42Dr. Vanni!
00:24:44Doc, Doc!
00:24:46Fun is fun.
00:24:47But after all, there ain't nothing in my contract that says I gotta...
00:24:50Now I ask you, is that anything to be playing football with?
00:24:54Where did you get that, Raymond?
00:24:55Miss Vanni chucked it at me like I was a pass receiver for a football team.
00:24:59And I'm all out of practice.
00:25:01Let me see it.
00:25:05This comes from a group of anatomical specimens that was locked in a room in the cellar.
00:25:11How did you happen to get it?
00:25:12That's what I'm trying to tell you.
00:25:14There I was, outside her door, strictly minding my own business, understand?
00:25:18Listening at the keyhole.
00:25:20I don't think that belongs in the realm of your duties, Raymond.
00:25:23But, Doc, there were screams inside.
00:25:25You gotta admit, it's within the longitude of my profession to make with an investigatory reaction thereto.
00:25:31What am I saying?
00:25:32I don't understand how his head got from its locker room in the cellar.
00:25:36Well, the way I heard it, it was sent to Mrs. Vanni.
00:25:39That was rather a gruesome practical joke.
00:25:42Why, your anatomical locker hasn't been open for ages.
00:25:45I think you once told me you'd lost the only key to it.
00:25:47I know.
00:25:48There is no key, to my knowledge.
00:25:50Why, that thing didn't walk out of the room by itself?
00:25:58Doc, I'm worried.
00:26:00What about, Raymond?
00:26:01Well, now, take this head business.
00:26:03The whole thing don't seem hardly serious to me.
00:26:06I think that if it's all the same to you, I'd better be checking along to other duties.
00:26:11You're not afraid, are you, Raymond?
00:26:13Who, me? Scared?
00:26:16It's just that I don't think that there's going to be any murder here done after all.
00:26:20That's too bad.
00:26:22Well, it's not your fault, I guess.
00:26:25It's just not my lucky day, that's all.
00:26:32Thank you very much.
00:26:37Oh, Miss Lilybeth, have you a little more coffee in the kitchen?
00:26:41What happened to the three gallons I already gave you today?
00:26:45Lilybeth, what you need is a good, strong, steady man.
00:26:49Who is always hanging around, tracking up my floors and things.
00:26:53What's that on your shoe?
00:26:55Looks like cobwebs from out of the cellar.
00:26:58What were you doing in the basement?
00:27:00It could have been the attic.
00:27:02Bill Raymond, you're holding out on me.
00:27:05What are you up to?
00:27:07Up to?
00:27:08Yes, who asked you to go poking around in the cellar?
00:27:11It was in performance of my duty.
00:27:14What duty?
00:27:16What did you find?
00:27:17Absolutely nothing.
00:27:19That's what makes me so disgusted.
00:27:21Too bad about you.
00:27:23You know, Lilybeth, I think somebody around here is just kidding.
00:27:28They don't mean business at all.
00:27:30Why don't you just wait around and see?
00:27:33Say, if you've got any inside dope, I wish you'd tip me off.
00:27:36If I'm ever going to get back to Central and prove I'm a good detective, I've got to have some clues.
00:27:46Yes, I was scared. Scared of my life.
00:27:53I expected big things of that ghoulish-looking guy, but he ain't delivered neither.
00:27:59I should say, in a way, you were entitled to expect big things from him.
00:28:04Leo was once confined in this house when it was an institution for the insane.
00:28:09Nerves, you know.
00:28:12Do tell. Well, then, he must know his way around the place, huh?
00:28:16I understand why he was here.
00:28:18He engineered an immense number of secret passages through which the guards could keep an eye on the inmates at night.
00:28:26Finally, he took one of these passages into the outside world,
00:28:31and we heard later he'd been seen in Europe.
00:28:34Ah, Europe. That's where history is being made today.
00:28:38Gee, I'd love to travel and see.
00:28:40Well, perhaps you'll have an opportunity someday.
00:28:42Not if something don't happen around here pretty soon to make me famous.
00:28:47That Lily Beth. I've been trying to get a cup of coffee off of her all day.
00:28:52She don't care what happens to my metabolism.
00:28:55Metabolism. That's a good word.
00:28:59I wonder what it means.
00:29:15Operator, I want the police right away.
00:29:19Stop crowding me.
00:29:22But, hon, don't you want me around to protect you?
00:29:25That indigo guy might...
00:29:26Yes, but who's going to protect me from you?
00:29:30Lily Beth.
00:29:33My wild Irish rose.
00:29:36I just live for the day when I can take you out of all this,
00:29:40when I can slave and get you the life you deserve.
00:29:44Gee, when I can take you out of all this,
00:29:47when I can slave and get you the luxuries in life.
00:29:51Gee, I'd gladly work my fingers to the bone
00:29:54to buy you expensive motor cars and furs and jewels and things
00:29:59and serve you breakfast in bed.
00:30:02What's the matter with me? Am I crazy?
00:30:04Yes, and I'd hate to hang by my neck until you got me all those things.
00:30:09Yeah, you might get a little blue in the face.
00:30:12Still and all, all I got to do is to find myself
00:30:15one slightly murdered body and I'm in.
00:30:18Stop looking at me.
00:30:21Oh, Lily Beth, sometimes I think I'm not getting anywhere with you.
00:30:25What do you think?
00:30:26I think you've got a good idea there.
00:30:29All right, all right.
00:30:31You'll be sorry someday when you see my picture in the paper.
00:30:35Wait and see.
00:30:39Hey, Lily Beth, why don't you answer the doorbell?
00:30:41Maybe that indigo guy wants in.
00:30:51The doctor ain't home.
00:30:53You'll have to call some other time.
00:30:56Don't be silly.
00:30:58Don't say I didn't tell you.
00:31:01Close the door on your way out.
00:31:03Hey, wait a minute.
00:31:05Well, if it isn't Bull Raymond.
00:31:08Shh, Terry.
00:31:10You trying to ruin me?
00:31:11Ruin him.
00:31:12Come here, Bull.
00:31:14Meet Miss Cornell.
00:31:16How do you do? I'm sure.
00:31:19How do you happen to be out with him?
00:31:21Cute, darling, don't you think?
00:31:22Flat at both ends, head and feet.
00:31:24You've heard me speak of him?
00:31:25Bull Raymond.
00:31:26Bill Raymond, if you please.
00:31:28Mr. Terry Lee, the so-called reporter.
00:31:31How do you happen to be out with a dish like this?
00:31:33Jane Cornell.
00:31:34Jane Cornell.
00:31:35Good for dull days in a man's life.
00:31:37Mr. Raymond.
00:31:39Oh, yeah, I remember.
00:31:41Terry told me about the time you shot up the dressmaker's dummy.
00:31:45He said you closed in on what you thought was a murderer,
00:31:47but it turned out to be the dressmaker's dummy,
00:31:49and you shot it full of holes
00:31:50while the real murderer got away.
00:31:54My pal.
00:31:56So this is where you've been hiding
00:31:57after they kicked you out for that fiasco, huh, Bull?
00:31:59Bill, I mean.
00:32:00What are you doing here?
00:32:02Can't a man rehabilitate himself in peace?
00:32:05Here I come looking for an honest crime around here
00:32:08so I can solve it and get myself back to Central.
00:32:10And you come along and...
00:32:12Where's the body, Bull, Bill?
00:32:13There ain't no body.
00:32:14That's the trouble.
00:32:15Now, now, let's keep it friendly.
00:32:18What do you mean?
00:32:19Let's have it.
00:32:20Who killed who and why?
00:32:21Are you kidding?
00:32:24Did somebody get knocked off around here?
00:32:26Look, I don't like to be kidded either.
00:32:28Where is it hidden, Sherlock?
00:32:30Come on, Terry.
00:32:31You've been on the police beat so long that...
00:32:33Now listen, Bill.
00:32:34You know me well enough to know
00:32:35I wouldn't come out here just for the ride.
00:32:37Not when I could be, um...
00:32:39It just so happens there was a call to the police.
00:32:42Came from out here.
00:32:43And I happened to be there when it came through.
00:32:46Miss Cornell happens to be the operator.
00:32:48So she tipped me off.
00:32:50Told me the line had gone dead.
00:32:52So I smell the story,
00:32:53and here I am for an exclusive,
00:32:54you see what I mean?
00:32:55What's in there?
00:32:56Well, that's the doctor's consulting room,
00:32:58but there ain't nobody in there.
00:32:59I've been standing here for quite a spell.
00:33:01Open it up. Let's take a look.
00:33:05That's funny.
00:33:06The lights in here ain't almost never out.
00:33:08In you go.
00:33:10Never do that.
00:33:11I could get killed that way.
00:33:12Is that bad?
00:33:14Oh, so nothing's happened around here, huh?
00:33:17It's busted.
00:33:23There, see?
00:33:24Like I said, there ain't nobody here.
00:33:30Hey, cut it out, will you?
00:33:32You're making me dizzy.
00:33:34Well, sure, somebody stumbled over it,
00:33:37pulled it out of the wall.
00:33:38Could happen anywheres.
00:33:48Must have shake hands with you, Bill.
00:33:50Step right up.
00:33:51Not me.
00:33:52You seen it first.
00:34:04Did you try and kill me?
00:34:06Why, Doc?
00:34:07Why should I do that?
00:34:09You ain't paid me for last month yet.
00:34:12How long you been here?
00:34:14Now, let me see.
00:34:16I was going to make a telephone call when...
00:34:19Somebody conked your head, Doctor?
00:34:20Then ripped the telephone wire out?
00:34:22Yes, I imagine that is about what happened.
00:34:24Who are these people?
00:34:26Well, they're all right, Doc.
00:34:28This is Terry Lee and Miss Cornell from the Times.
00:34:31We don't want any reporters here.
00:34:33Nothing's happened.
00:34:34Look, Doctor, nobody ever wants reporters.
00:34:36But then something happens, and there they are.
00:34:38But nothing has happened.
00:34:40I fell and hurt my head.
00:34:42Oh, I see.
00:34:43Then you got up again, put yourself on the table,
00:34:45and got all nice and pretty in that shroud there.
00:34:47You won't get any story here.
00:34:49And now, if you'll excuse me,
00:34:50I'm going to have to get back to work.
00:34:52You won't get any story here.
00:34:53And now, if you'll excuse me,
00:34:54I have some work to do.
00:34:55Doctor, do you mind if we stick around for a while,
00:34:57seeing that nothing's happened?
00:34:58Well, why not?
00:35:00Very well.
00:35:01You may stay for a while.
00:35:02But I warn you,
00:35:03if you make yourselves objectionable in any way,
00:35:05I'll have Raymond throw you out.
00:35:08Well, come on.
00:35:09You heard what the doctor said.
00:35:10He's busy.
00:35:11Get out of the office.
00:35:18Probably a pretty nice guy,
00:35:19caught in a tough spot.
00:35:20That's the way I see it.
00:35:24You wouldn't want me to tell him
00:35:25you got kicked out of Homicide,
00:35:26would you, Bill, old boy?
00:35:28Oh, Terry, you're my pal.
00:35:30You know that, don't you?
00:35:32Would I kick you out?
00:35:33You would if you could, Bill.
00:35:35Now, why can't we have a little talk,
00:35:36quiet like?
00:35:37Well, if you'd just follow me
00:35:38in the parlor over here.
00:35:40Oh, me too, darling.
00:35:41Me too.
00:35:42Darling knows everything about everyone,
00:35:43and that's how I learned.
00:35:45Does that?
00:35:46I just sit at his feet and listen.
00:35:50Baby, I'm gonna miss you an awful lot
00:35:51when I grow tired of you.
00:35:52Now, remember, you're just going to listen.
00:35:54Well, of course, darling.
00:35:55What else do I do when I'm with you?
00:35:57Sit down.
00:36:00Now, as I remember it,
00:36:01there was a singer at the click club
00:36:03who called herself Flora LaValle.
00:36:05Didn't she marry young Ward Vanny
00:36:07a couple of years ago?
00:36:09I don't know nothing about it.
00:36:11Oh, yes, you do.
00:36:12It was just about the same time
00:36:13that you had that affair
00:36:14with the dressmaker's dummy.
00:36:17Oh, yeah.
00:36:18Now I remember, Terry.
00:36:19You're right.
00:36:20You're right.
00:36:21She was down at the click club,
00:36:23and it was her that married Ward.
00:36:25Wasn't that on a bet of some kind?
00:36:28Well, there was a party going on,
00:36:30and somebody dared Ward
00:36:32to ask the singer to marry him,
00:36:34and he thought at the time
00:36:36it was a good gag,
00:36:37and he went along with it.
00:36:39That's right.
00:36:40He got pretty high,
00:36:41and then popped the question at her.
00:36:42How romantic.
00:36:44I just love that.
00:36:45Hush, dear.
00:36:53Well, that's how it happened anyway.
00:36:55Ward woke up the next morning
00:36:57and found himself married solid.
00:36:59He'd asked her,
00:37:00and she'd snapped him up.
00:37:02Oh, and they lived snappily ever after.
00:37:04I don't care.
00:37:05I think it was sweet.
00:37:07couldn't I get you high sometime?
00:37:10have you ever heard the old saying
00:37:12about little girls?
00:37:13What's that?
00:37:14Little girls should be seen and not heard.
00:37:16Now go on, pout your nose.
00:37:17All right.
00:37:18I think I'll be shoving along, too.
00:37:20Now, wait a minute.
00:37:21We're just getting started.
00:37:22We were talking about a singer
00:37:24who called herself Laura LaValle,
00:37:26pushed away into this house
00:37:28for good reasons of her own.
00:37:31I beg your pardon.
00:37:35I must tell you frankly,
00:37:37I have been eavesdropping.
00:37:39Professor Leonhard,
00:37:41this is a reunion.
00:37:43My boy, you must forgive me.
00:37:45You seem to remember me,
00:37:47but I do not recollect you.
00:37:49When was it?
00:37:53What was it?
00:37:54Oh, Professor,
00:37:56it was a long time ago
00:37:57when I was a kid up in the balcony in Albany.
00:38:00When you brought down the house
00:38:01with great feats of legitimate.
00:38:02You remember, Professor,
00:38:03that was the night
00:38:04that the box office receipts disappeared
00:38:06just like magic.
00:38:08Part of the act, my boy.
00:38:10Just a part of the act.
00:38:12It's a pleasure to meet
00:38:13one of my youthful admirers.
00:38:15Terry Lee of the Central City Times.
00:38:17Oh, the press.
00:38:20it's nice to have known you.
00:38:22Wait a minute, Professor.
00:38:23What's your hurry?
00:38:24Are you afraid I might bring up the subject
00:38:26of those certain unfortunate
00:38:27recent connections of yours?
00:38:29A shot in the dark, my boy, I'm sure.
00:38:32And I will ignore it.
00:38:33Of course.
00:38:36And this young lady,
00:38:38no doubt a companion of yours.
00:38:40Jane Cornell, my fiancée.
00:38:43Likewise, I'm sure.
00:38:47And I would suggest
00:38:48to take very good care of her.
00:38:55Mr. Lee.
00:38:59I haven't had a chance
00:39:00to talk to him yet, Mrs. Van E.
00:39:01Never mind, I'll tell him myself.
00:39:03Darling, I met her upstairs
00:39:04and I told her all about you
00:39:06and that you know everything about everyone.
00:39:08Thank you very much, dear.
00:39:10Welcome to your living room, Mrs. Van E.
00:39:12Thank you, but it isn't my living room.
00:39:14I understand you're not unaware
00:39:15of my position in this house.
00:39:17Well, maybe you can tell us about it.
00:39:20I'm being kept a prisoner here
00:39:21against my will.
00:39:23I'm alone and friendless.
00:39:25I'm sorry.
00:39:26Why haven't you called the police?
00:39:28They've done nothing but to call the police.
00:39:30They have kept me penniless
00:39:31so that I can't leave.
00:39:34I understand.
00:39:36They're trying to destroy my mind, Mr. Lee.
00:39:38By innuendo and indirection.
00:39:40They're trying to make me believe
00:39:41I've done something dreadful in the past.
00:39:43I'm going to be the victim
00:39:44of some horrible vengeance.
00:39:45You know best about that.
00:39:47I'm innocent, Mr. Lee.
00:39:48I've done nothing.
00:39:49Now, this doctor's brought some stranger here
00:39:51with his tricks and illusions
00:39:52to further make me believe...
00:39:53You mean the professor and his little...
00:39:56You must help me, Mr. Lee.
00:39:59It's so good to see you downstairs again
00:40:01after all these days being locked in your room.
00:40:03You know perfectly well
00:40:04why I remain locked in my room.
00:40:07this is Mr. Lee of the Times,
00:40:09the gentleman I told you about upstairs.
00:40:11Oh, yes.
00:40:12Look here, Mr. Lee.
00:40:13We don't want any more of that front-page splash stuff
00:40:15such as I got when I married Laura.
00:40:17Your wife's been telling us
00:40:18that she's being kept here under constant threat.
00:40:20She is out of her mind.
00:40:21See what I mean, Mr. Lee?
00:40:23They don't overlook a single chance
00:40:25to put it in my head that I'm crazy.
00:40:27Perhaps I can explain, Mr. Lee.
00:40:29We don't believe there's anything wrong with Laura now.
00:40:32But we are sure something will happen to her mind
00:40:34if she continues to live under this strain.
00:40:37It's just as I told you.
00:40:38They're behind it.
00:40:39Can't I make that clear to you?
00:40:41They spend all their time trying to terrify me.
00:40:43They write me letters in green ink.
00:40:44They send me dummy heads wrapped in green paper.
00:40:46Anything to frighten me so I can't sleep.
00:40:48I can't think.
00:40:49The only thought in my head is that I'm going to be killed.
00:40:51These are very serious charges, gentlemen.
00:40:54And I might say it didn't make a perfect front-page splash.
00:40:57Lee, if you dare print a word about those ravings of my wife...
00:40:59Don't do anything to make me think they aren't ravings, Mr. Verney.
00:41:05He said to put the blindfold on.
00:41:07And you will know the truth.
00:41:15What's wrong with her, Doc?
00:41:16Quiet, Raymond.
00:41:17You don't mean that she's...
00:41:19dead, Raymond?
00:41:35Then I knew that he was here.
00:41:50She's coming out of it, which is in an advanced state of shock.
00:41:54May be necessary to administer sedative.
00:41:57That's intended to shut her up.
00:41:59I'd like to hear her do some more talking, Doctor.
00:42:02If her mind is allowed to dwell upon what's happened,
00:42:04that may be the breaking point.
00:42:06Well, you've got all the answers.
00:42:09Look here, Lee, I don't like your tone.
00:42:11If you have any insinuations to make, make them to me.
00:42:13Okay, I will.
00:42:15Suppose you and I talk this over downstairs.
00:42:17I don't recognize your right to question me.
00:42:19However, if it'll make you leave father alone...
00:42:27Fix yourself a chair right outside the door
00:42:29and don't leave until I get back in.
00:42:31Sure, sure, but what about Lily Peck?
00:42:33Don't she write nothing around here?
00:42:39Now, Lee, first I'd like to see your credentials.
00:42:41You're bust in here saying you're a reporter.
00:42:46That's the alternative tables gag, Vanny,
00:42:48but if it'll make you any happier, take a look.
00:42:51All right, you're a reporter.
00:42:53But I still don't understand how you and the young lady
00:42:55got the news about our troubles.
00:42:58Do you really believe that?
00:43:00Do you really believe that story, Lee?
00:43:03Do you in your right senses really believe
00:43:05that we are keeping Laura a prisoner here?
00:43:07That's what the lady says. She said that...
00:43:10Nothing would please me more than if she got out.
00:43:13Look, I don't get any of this stuff, Vanny,
00:43:15but there's a tricky deal going on around here
00:43:17and I intend to sit in on it.
00:43:19Too bad I can't flash the city desk
00:43:21to make ready for a front-page replay.
00:43:23Yes, isn't it?
00:43:25Either your wife is the victim of a well-plotted
00:43:27persecution calculated to drive her insane,
00:43:30or she's the witch you say she is.
00:43:33You're the fellow with the nose for news.
00:43:35What does it tell you?
00:43:36It tells me that right now I'd like to know
00:43:38where your disappearing relative is.
00:43:49Get back, you fool.
00:43:50What's out there? I have a right to know.
00:43:57I don't see anything.
00:43:58What was it?
00:43:59It isn't possible. It isn't possible, of course.
00:44:01What do you see out there, Lee? I've had enough of this.
00:44:03Come on.
00:44:05Are you nervous, Miss Cornell?
00:44:07Oh, no. I think it's very exciting.
00:44:14Oh, Professor, I thought I just saw you outside
00:44:16banging at the moon.
00:44:18You disturbed her sleep.
00:44:20Poor child.
00:44:21Where have you been?
00:44:22How will you start acting normally for a change?
00:44:24You're bringing suspicion upon all of us.
00:44:26I, my boy?
00:44:28What have I done?
00:44:29Suppose you tell us.
00:44:30Has no one arranged to silence you yet, Mr. Lee?
00:44:33What a pity.
00:44:35I don't silence very easy, Professor.
00:44:37And it'll take a lot more than what you've done to her.
00:44:40Do you suggest that I had a hand
00:44:42in that poor girl's unfortunate demise?
00:44:46Why don't you behave yourself, Professor?
00:44:48Mr. Van E. here has the right idea.
00:44:50You're just gumming up the works.
00:44:52I did my humble best.
00:44:53Who are you working for?
00:44:55I expect to get out of it.
00:44:57I'm discharging a debt, Mr. Lee.
00:44:59A debt contracted many years ago.
00:45:03Now, are you any wiser than you were a moment ago?
00:45:07No, but I'm beginning to get a general idea.
00:45:09By the way, how's that little girl of yours?
00:45:13I hope fervently that nothing happened to her.
00:45:16She would look so beautiful lying here.
00:45:20Look, Professor, I may not have been very smart
00:45:22in bringing Miss Cornell here,
00:45:23but if I thought you had any plan to do that...
00:45:25Why do you persist in making me the villain, Mr. Lee?
00:45:33Now we will let you be the witness, Mr. Lee.
00:45:36I am here.
00:45:37The sounds came from upstairs, right?
00:45:44Always been liable.
00:45:45Now what are you rehearsing?
00:45:46In there, Terry. In there. It's murder.
00:45:53Come on.
00:46:02Jenny, Jenny, wake up. Wake up.
00:46:05Oh, Terry.
00:46:06Tell me, what happened?
00:46:07Oh, Terry, let me think.
00:46:10Everything went black.
00:46:12Then it started to talk.
00:46:14What started to talk?
00:46:15I don't know. That thing.
00:46:18Now, look, let's get back to the beginning.
00:46:19I left you here with Dr. Van E.
00:46:21Yeah, and then he gave Mrs. Van E a shot with a long needle.
00:46:25Never mind that.
00:46:26All right.
00:46:27Then he said, would I sit with Mrs. Van E.
00:46:29Okay, okay. Where is she now?
00:46:32Mrs. Van E.
00:46:34Where did she go?
00:46:36That's just what I asked you, Jenny.
00:46:38She was right here.
00:46:39Then Dr. Van E went out.
00:46:41Then what happened?
00:46:43Oh, then Bill Raymond came in.
00:46:46Oh, that's great.
00:46:47The two of you in the same room at the same time.
00:46:49And how did you communicate with each other? Sign language?
00:46:51Oh, I don't care.
00:46:53All you do is make fun of me.
00:46:55I didn't ask to come to this.
00:46:57Whatever it is.
00:46:58Oh, yes, you did, dear.
00:46:59Don't you remember?
00:47:00You said you wanted to see what the life of a reporter was like.
00:47:03Don't forget, Mr. Lee.
00:47:05One must not expect too much of certain types of mentality.
00:47:08Shut up, Bill Raymond.
00:47:10I remember you when you couldn't even make your ex.
00:47:12Oh, I want to go home.
00:47:14We can't go home, darling.
00:47:16We've got to get a story.
00:47:19You don't understand.
00:47:20Yes, I do.
00:47:21Why do we have to get the story?
00:47:22Who cares?
00:47:24She's got you there.
00:47:25All right.
00:47:26Now you tell me, what happened to you?
00:47:29Oh, well, you said to stay outside the door.
00:47:31I pulled up a chair.
00:47:33That's right.
00:47:34She was inside the door and you were outside.
00:47:50Then, then come that, that odor of heavenly perfume.
00:47:54That wasn't only bad.
00:47:55It was sweet and penetrating.
00:47:57Like, like an ancient drug.
00:47:59And I felt kind of sleepy-like.
00:48:02Oh, so sleepy.
00:48:08At last he had me under his power.
00:48:18There must be a button or a gadget of some kind around here.
00:48:23Two o'clock, almost deadline for the nine o'clock final.
00:48:26Oh, Terry, what makes you think there's anything behind them walls?
00:48:29I've got a sneaking suspicion that the professor uses them for a disappearing act.
00:48:33I wish Lillipeth was here to make me a cup of coffee.
00:48:36Well, she's right over in the doctor's office.
00:48:38Why don't you ask her?
00:48:40Poor Lillipeth.
00:48:42I kind of hinted that all I needed was a murdered body,
00:48:45but I didn't think she'd take it personal.
00:48:48Will you stay with those walls?
00:48:50Well, I've been around them three times, Terry.
00:48:54The thing I can't understand,
00:48:56if the professor was down here when the trouble was going on upstairs,
00:49:00he'd just have to be two different guys in order to have a hand in it.
00:49:03Oh, Terry, let's figure it out in the morning, huh?
00:49:07What's that?
00:49:10I don't know.
00:49:12I don't know.
00:49:39Wake up.
00:49:41I heard there's something or somebody open the front door.
00:49:43Well, that's the shortest night's sleep I've had in a long time.
00:49:47All right, now that you're good and rested,
00:49:49let's see if we can understand what happened upstairs.
00:49:52Well, do you think it had something to do with that picture, maybe,
00:49:55that Lillipeth found in Mrs. Vanee's room?
00:49:57What picture?
00:49:59Oh, the one with the couple with the two masks, you know,
00:50:01like we found, like that mask.
00:50:04Who has the picture now?
00:50:06Well, young Vanee, I guess.
00:50:08That's a point.
00:50:10Where has Mr. Vanee been since his wife's disappearance?
00:50:13Well, him and his old man are sleeping.
00:50:16I guess they got some sense.
00:50:18Oh, no, no, I've already checked that,
00:50:20and they haven't slept in their beds tonight.
00:50:24Wake up.
00:50:26I refuse to answer on the grounds that my tender incriminator degraded me.
00:50:31My unconscious mind.
00:50:34Now, look, Bill, please stay awake for a while.
00:50:37Now, look, tell me, what happened when you smelled that sweet odor
00:50:40in the hall upstairs?
00:50:42No, it smelled lovely.
00:50:44Lovely, that's all I can remember.
00:50:48And Dr. Vanee had already left Laura's room, is that right?
00:50:52Yeah, he'd gone out, and he said good night,
00:50:55and he had given her some sedative or something
00:50:58that he said would take care of her in the morning,
00:51:00and then he went down the hall to his own room.
00:51:02And then you fell asleep?
00:51:04Yeah, no, I just kind of dozed off a little.
00:51:08Like this.
00:51:11Here's your coffee, sir.
00:51:12Terry, that's a dirty trick.
00:51:17Stay on the other side of that window.
00:51:18What for?
00:51:19Take a look.
00:51:21I'm looking.
00:51:22What do you see?
00:51:28Why, it's Professor Leonard.
00:51:30You think so?
00:51:31Come on, get outside.
00:51:32Who, me?
00:51:33Yes, you, I can't go out there with Jane in here.
00:51:35Well, why can't I stay inside and watch, and you go outside?
00:51:38Oh, that's great, you'll watch the way you did upstairs.
00:51:40Now, do you want that guy to get away?
00:51:42Standing there, shaking in your boots,
00:51:44aren't you ashamed of yourself?
00:51:46Well, you should be.
00:51:47Go on, Bill, this is your one chance to rehabilitate yourself.
00:51:51Wish I'd never even heard of the word.
00:52:03Have your gun ready.
00:52:05What good is a gun against what's going on around here?
00:52:10Louis, Beth.
00:52:13Gee, this ain't natural.
00:52:15Who are you talking to?
00:52:17The woman I love.
00:52:19Poor little angel.
00:52:20Try and speak to me.
00:52:22She can't hear you.
00:52:31What was you doing outside?
00:52:33You're supposed to be dead.
00:52:35Now, you stay right here, honey.
00:52:36I gotta catch that guy in the shrubbery.
00:52:41Oh, gee, what are you doing to me, Lily Beth?
00:52:46I got work to do.
00:52:50Lily Beth, be reasonable, will you?
00:52:52If you don't cooperate, I'll never get back to Central.
00:52:55Never mind, Raymond, take care of Lily Beth.
00:52:58Lily Beth!
00:52:59Lily Beth!
00:53:02Yeah, that's who it was.
00:53:04I opened the door and she fell right in my arms.
00:53:06Like she had something special to tell me.
00:53:10You notice that fragrance about her?
00:53:13To think this wilted flower was once even as you and I.
00:53:16Take her back into Dr. Van E.'s office.
00:53:18What's she doing wandering around?
00:53:19She's supposed to be a corpse.
00:53:21What happened to that guy outside?
00:53:23Never mind.
00:53:25You found her?
00:53:26I never knew she was lost.
00:53:28I missed her. I missed her from my office.
00:53:30Will you please take her back?
00:53:33What are you gonna do?
00:53:34Yes, Doctor, and what have you been doing?
00:53:36We've turned this house upside down trying to find you.
00:53:38Hardly that, young man.
00:53:39If you'd done that, you would have found me.
00:53:41Now, Raymond, we can't allow this girl to remain in this condition any longer.
00:53:45But what can you do?
00:53:47She looks like a perfect stiff to me.
00:53:50Bring her into my office.
00:53:51Oh, Doctor.
00:53:53This may not be any news to you, but your daughter-in-law has disappeared.
00:53:57Oh, how dreadful.
00:53:59But let us say somewhat overdue, eh, Mr. Lee?
00:54:03You don't seem very surprised to hear about it.
00:54:05Young man, when you've been devoutly praying for something to happen,
00:54:08you accept your good fortune without question.
00:54:19We thought that probably you might be able to throw some light on the subject.
00:54:22That's right, Raymond.
00:54:24Leave her there.
00:54:25There's absolutely nothing wrong with her.
00:54:28And you mean I've been pining away for nothing?
00:54:31She was put in a deep hypnotic sleep, that's all.
00:54:34But why? Why, Doc?
00:54:36Who done it?
00:54:37It was done so that she would obey certain orders that were transmitted to her.
00:54:42If that's true, then why did you declare her dead?
00:54:44I had my own good reasons.
00:54:46Would you give me one reason why you like to go around getting hit on the head?
00:54:49I must become a little monotonous.
00:54:50Mr. Lee, are you sure that you saw what you thought you saw?
00:54:55I'm not blind. I might be getting a little dizzy in this madhouse.
00:55:21You know, Doctor, morning isn't very far off.
00:55:23And when the police get here, you've got an awful lot of explaining to do.
00:55:26You're in this up to your neck.
00:55:27By morning, let us hope no explanations will be necessary.
00:55:31Everything will have explained itself.
00:55:37Poor little sleeping beauty.
00:55:41Do you suppose someone thought she looked weak-minded
00:55:44and picked her out to carry out his commands?
00:55:46That's not always the case, Raymond.
00:55:48If Leonid were here, we could settle this case very quickly.
00:55:55It is my peculiar misfortune
00:55:57to always be in a position where I may eavesdrop.
00:56:02How can I be of service, Cousin Joseph?
00:56:04Oh, Professor.
00:56:05Ask me no questions, my friend, and I will tell you no lies.
00:56:08Leonid, you could undo certain mischief that has been done this girl.
00:56:12Leonid, you could undo certain mischief that has been done this girl.
00:56:16I know you can help if you will.
00:56:19I could, my dear Joseph.
00:56:21But I will not bring down the wrath of the unknown madman
00:56:24who is loose about these premises.
00:56:27It is a matter of self-preservation.
00:56:29I had nothing to do with hypnotizing this girl.
00:56:33I have an idea that she may have already carried out the unknown's orders
00:56:36and that he no longer needs her.
00:56:38Nevertheless, my dear Joseph, you must excuse me.
00:56:42Just a minute, Professor.
00:56:45I wonder what would happen, Professor,
00:56:47if in connection with your sudden reappearance here,
00:56:50somebody dug up the old story of why you swindled Dr. Van E.
00:56:53and then ran off and let him take the rap.
00:56:55I will not be blackmailed, Mr. Lee.
00:56:58And I observe again that you are a young man who knows too much for his own good.
00:57:03And I would also like to know where you obtained all this information.
00:57:07You are extremely young to have your fingertips on events of twenty years ago.
00:57:11I have a memory like an elephant.
00:57:13I never forget something once I hear it.
00:57:15I'm a sharpie, Professor, as every one of you will admit before morning.
00:57:21Now, Doctor, I'd like to bore you with a few questions.
00:57:25I wouldn't mind, young man, if you had the slightest idea of what you were looking for.
00:57:29Maybe if we start back to the time around midnight,
00:57:32when you administered what you call a sedative to your daughter-in-law.
00:57:36Are you inferring that I had anything to do with Laura's disappearance?
00:57:39Why do you keep evading the issue, Doctor?
00:57:41You know you'll have to confess when the police get here anyway.
00:57:44I would remind you, young man, that you're making a direct accusation.
00:57:48And I refuse to answer.
00:57:50Look, I want the facts and I want them now.
00:57:52Let's cut out the Mulberry Bush routine.
00:57:54Listen, Bill, you're supposed to be a cop and you want to get back to homicide.
00:57:58Help me make the doctor loosen up. He knows a lot more than he's telling.
00:58:01Sure, I'll help, Terry, but first let's get Lily Beth out of this.
00:58:05Maybe she can tell us something.
00:58:07Yes, Mr. Lee, it seems to me that you're not too anxious
00:58:10to have Lily Beth restored to consciousness.
00:58:17What do you hear, Doc?
00:58:19Her heart's in a very depressed condition.
00:58:22Someone's been giving her orders by mental telepathy.
00:58:25Hey, could I learn to do that?
00:58:27Supposing Lily Beth was in the kitchen,
00:58:29could I telegraph her a wish for a cup of coffee? Huh?
00:58:32Perhaps, Raymond. Someday, when we have a little time,
00:58:35I'll indicate the principles of hypnosis to her.
00:58:38Gracias, Joseph.
00:58:42The principle of hypnosis isn't as simple as you would make them believe.
00:58:47It requires a long and patient study.
00:58:51But I will risk the rest of the unknown.
00:58:55For I see you truly love this child.
00:58:59And for your sake, for your sake, I shall use my knowledge.
00:59:04Oh, gee, thanks, Professor. You're solid.
00:59:22Wake up.
00:59:26Wake up!
00:59:29Lily Beth, darling.
00:59:31Keep your big hands to yourself. What are you slapping me for?
00:59:34Professor, put her back to sleep. It's better that way.
00:59:37What have you been doing to me?
00:59:38Me? What have I been doing?
00:59:40Yes, what have you been doing?
00:59:41You gotta learn me that hypnotism trick. It's my only chance.
00:59:44Tell me, Lily Beth, what happened?
00:59:46Well, I can't seem to remember it.
00:59:49It all seems like a dream.
00:59:50Did you see anyone?
00:59:53But I do remember a perfume, a sweet odor.
00:59:56Yes, yes, go on.
01:00:00Terry, darling.
01:00:04Terry, darling.
01:00:06Yes, Jane. What is it?
01:00:08Is it Halloween?
01:00:09No, it isn't.
01:00:10Then why was that green face bobbing up at the window?
01:00:14Yeah, a green face, just like the one I saw in Miss Van E's room.
01:00:17You saw a green face in Mrs. Van E's room?
01:00:19Yes, darling, that's what she was shooting at.
01:00:21I mentioned it to you, but you're so scatterbrained.
01:00:24Yes, dear, I'm scatterbrained.
01:00:26Does your mind feel rested now and everything after your nap?
01:00:30That's a good girl.
01:00:31Now, come on, tell me, what happened?
01:00:33Oh, don't yell at me.
01:00:35I can tell you just how it happened.
01:00:37We were alone in the room, and Laura was going to sleep.
01:00:39And then she said, oh, take away the bandage.
01:00:42And I said, what bandage?
01:00:44And then she said, oh, don't shoot me.
01:00:46I didn't mean to do it.
01:00:47And then the room got awfully black.
01:00:51The room got awfully black.
01:00:54I think somebody must have turned off the lights.
01:00:57Just like that.
01:00:58Go ahead.
01:00:59You're doing fine.
01:01:01Yeah, the lights had already gone out.
01:01:04And the room got awfully dark.
01:01:06You've already said that.
01:01:08Think hard now.
01:01:09You saw a green mask.
01:01:11It came out of the wardrobe.
01:01:13Like a moth?
01:01:14Yes, darling, just like a moth.
01:01:16Oh, how clever of you.
01:01:17It was just like a great big moth, and it flew around and around.
01:01:20Please don't make yourself any dizzier than you are.
01:01:23Now tell me the rest of it.
01:01:25Well, I just don't see how you could remember that it was like a great big moth.
01:01:28And did you see it?
01:01:29Were you there hiding in the wardrobe, maybe?
01:01:31No, I wasn't in the wardrobe.
01:01:34Now look, Jane, please, be yourself.
01:01:37No, I mean, don't be yourself.
01:01:39Just relax.
01:01:41Mr. Lee, just a moment.
01:01:45Where were you?
01:01:47Were you upstairs?
01:01:48No, I was down here talking with your son.
01:01:50And by the way, where is he?
01:01:52Here I am, Mr. Lee.
01:01:53What can I do for you?
01:01:55Will you stop it?
01:01:57Yes, I was listening outside the door.
01:01:59You haven't answered my father's question yet.
01:02:01Oh, come on.
01:02:02Take it easy.
01:02:03Take it easy.
01:02:04Maybe you can tell us where you've been, Mr. Vanny.
01:02:06Of course you don't know anything about your wife's whereabouts.
01:02:09Oh, go on.
01:02:10Tell him where she is.
01:02:11I want to go home.
01:02:12I'm hungry.
01:02:16Quiet, everybody!
01:02:22No, don't!
01:02:32She's under a hypnotic spell.
01:02:36Ladies and gentlemen, it has been an exciting night.
01:02:40And you all are deserving of some explanation and relaxation for the strange goings-on.
01:02:45The guy who's doing the talking is behind the wall somewhere.
01:02:48Now you're getting smart, Sherlock.
01:02:50We introduce at this time the team of Lorette and Rene,
01:02:53as they appeared at the height of their success in the green room of the Paris Creole.
01:03:00The mask.
01:03:01The picture.
01:03:02Mademoiselle Lorette.
01:03:06Now I know who she is.
01:03:09Mademoiselle Lorette will now put a bandage over her eyes.
01:03:12The better to see the inner truth.
01:03:16Very good, Rene.
01:03:17Very good.
01:03:19Just like the old times.
01:03:21Would any member of the audience like to ask Mademoiselle a question?
01:03:28Come, Mr. Lee.
01:03:29You have been so full of questions up to now.
01:03:32I'm thinking, brother.
01:03:34We cannot keep Mademoiselle too long in this delicate mental balance.
01:03:38She has been under a great strain lately.
01:03:41Then I will ask the questions myself.
01:03:44Yes, Rene. I'm at your command.
01:03:46Are you afraid now?
01:03:49I'm quite safe.
01:03:51Will you tell the truth?
01:03:56They came to me and said your partner,
01:03:59he of the magic feats and rare impersonations, is a spy.
01:04:02But we can't prove it.
01:04:04We will give you a million francs if you, Lorette, bring us that proof.
01:04:08Now we shall know.
01:04:10You gave them the proof they wanted?
01:04:15They took him away to be killed?
01:04:18What was he to you?
01:04:20This man you betrayed.
01:04:22This man you sold to the enemy for money.
01:04:25He was my husband.
01:04:27When they told you he was to be executed,
01:04:30you sent this man a gift for his last moment before the firing squad.
01:04:34What was it?
01:04:37It was a green scarf for his eyes.
01:04:39Like the one you're wearing now?
01:04:42Why did you send it?
01:04:44It was my scarf.
01:04:46I wanted him to know I had betrayed him because I hated him.
01:04:50He was good and kind.
01:04:53But I hated him for the power he had over me.
01:04:56I see.
01:04:57That is your only defense, you hated.
01:05:00You thought they shot him.
01:05:02You escaped to America.
01:05:04You thought you were safe.
01:05:06Then you found out he was alive and wanted revenge.
01:05:09Thank you, mademoiselle Lorette.
01:05:11You may remove the bandage now.
01:05:14What do you see on the cloth, mademoiselle?
01:05:19There's a hole in it.
01:05:22What else, Lorette?
01:05:24What else?
01:05:26There's blood on it.
01:05:28There's blood.
01:05:30I have come back.
01:05:31I am here.
01:05:33And I will have my revenge.
01:05:36No, don't touch me!
01:05:42Outside, under the window, you know where.
01:05:49Yes, he had his revenge.
01:05:52She's been living in mortal terror that he'd find her.
01:05:59Just a minute, lady.
01:06:01You ain't going nowhere.
01:06:03Well, if it ain't Mrs. Williams.
01:06:06Come along with me.
01:06:08Come on, come on, you want me to explode you?
01:06:11Get inside.
01:06:12Hey, Terry, Terry, come here.
01:06:14Get a load of this.
01:06:15There's your man.
01:06:17At last, I caught me a murderer.
01:06:20You're wrong.
01:06:21I never laid a hand on her.
01:06:22Hey, my boy.
01:06:23You kept your promise to me.
01:06:24You said you wouldn't touch her.
01:06:26But she's dead, ain't she?
01:06:28And you ain't going nowhere till we find out what killed her.
01:06:30And you, professor, you know too much for your own good.
01:06:33I'm holding you too.
01:06:35Now you're getting smart, Bill.
01:06:37Well, professor, I see you two know each other.
01:06:40Yes, Rene was my assistant.
01:06:43I taught him everything he knows.
01:06:45He went out for himself and became a success.
01:06:48Later, we met in a concentration camp.
01:06:51And here we are.
01:06:53A small world, Mr. Lee.
01:06:55A small world, indeed.
01:06:59Terry, is this the place where you get the marriage licenses?
01:07:02No, dear, this is the morgue, the morgue.
01:07:04Oh, darling, you say the cutest things.
01:07:07The morgue.
01:07:09Never mind, dear.
01:07:10You just stay right here.
01:07:11Nobody will get you.
01:07:12Oh, but...
01:07:14Well, doctor, got anything to add to my story of the year?
01:07:17Who is this Rene?
01:07:18Rene was her husband.
01:07:19She turned him over for a sum.
01:07:20Figured the Nazis would take care of him.
01:07:22But he had ideas of his own.
01:07:23Look, doc, was it murder?
01:07:25Do I finally get a break?
01:07:27Was she murdered?
01:07:28We're sending the report to the police.
01:07:29Was it saved?
01:07:30Oh, come on, doctor.
01:07:31Don't hole out on us.
01:07:33I didn't understand it at first, but I do now.
01:07:35There were no marks of violence on the body,
01:07:37and we found no internal disturbances.
01:07:39What does this all add up to, doctor?
01:07:41Yes, let's have it.
01:07:42She was literally scared to death.