Mixtape Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: As the world approaches Y2K, a quirky 12-year-old sets out on a journey to find songs on a mixtape crafted by her late parents. Along the way, she builds new friendships, opens up to her grandmother, and finds her own identity.
directed by Valerie Weiss
starring Gemma Brooke Allen, Julie Bowen, Nick Thune, Jackson Rathbone, Olga Petsa, Audrey Hsieh, Diego Mercado
release date December 3, 2021 (on Netflix)
directed by Valerie Weiss
starring Gemma Brooke Allen, Julie Bowen, Nick Thune, Jackson Rathbone, Olga Petsa, Audrey Hsieh, Diego Mercado
release date December 3, 2021 (on Netflix)
Short film