
  • 3 years ago
00:01All the talk now is about keeping up with the veiled threats. No, it will not be based on explicit threats against
00:08the military leadership and all these threats are veiled, but it is waiting
00:12actions by the lawyer now to actions that started through the formation of the US Sovereignty Council, which is a non-partisan council in the past period
00:21of the partisans in the first place on the decisions of the Council
00:24on the tracks of the process in general, because there was Mohammed Abdullah Al-Taqun, a leader in the Ummah Party, who was a member of the Serbian Sovereignty Council directly in the issue of the peace process
00:34That was done in peace, and there was
00:36an agenda for some political forces and parties. Now, a political council has been chosen, the Sovereignty Council through national figures, figures known to them
00:45has a large presence in the Sudanese public opinion,
00:49some parliamentary figures strongly opposed the former regime against the prophet . Okay, Mr. Osama, what is known in Sudan?
00:56Okay, what about the form of the next government? Is it possible that Abdullah Hamad Locke is the prime minister of this expected government
01:04or has it become outside the scene, which also raises this talk, and this behavior by the new Sovereign Council raises a lot of concern, even in the street
01:14the form of the government. We did not know until now what are the details of what?
01:19Of course, in a wrong way, it was determined for three days that it was agreed with Abdullah Hamdoun to be a member of the sovereignty to take over the file of
01:27the foreign relations and specifically the file of the Union
01:30the European Union and organizations, but some parties, and specifically the Umma Party, opposed this step and thus cut off the road before Hamdoun during
01:39Sovereign Council. If it had happened three days ago
01:42will be a member in the Council of Sovereignty with the military component in this matter, but in some countries, the road was cut perhaps through
01:49The known attractions remain our guide
01:53Maryam Al-Sadiq hopes for the Foreign Ministry in the stage in the stage, that it is very likely that if
02:00Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdoon comes through coalition negotiations until the day before yesterday. Abdullah Hamad abroad nine after the post of prime minister
02:09Thank you very much, Mr. Osama Abdul Majid, writer and political researcher. You were with me from Khartoum
02:15has become ready again and Mr. Shawki Abdul Azim, the writer and political researcher, can you hear me Mr. Shawki
02:23Yes, I hear you very well. Well, you were a little while ago, and he also talked with his honorable guest a little while ago from Khartoum
02:31about the form of this expected government. We are talking now about a government that is being talked about, but it seems that all these mediations
02:38to be Abdullah Abdullah Hamdoun as head of this prime minister outside the scene, I mean, it is not applicable, at least to
02:47What time are we talking now?
02:49will the street accept a new government whose prime minister is different
02:55First, let me say that they interact with the proof by teaching.