Leyard-Litchfield-Kelsey Point- Thames River-Connecticut

  • 3 years ago
when searching for native american artifacts always search where the tribes would meet or where something unusually said to have happened the story that i will tell you now is one area definitely to search a native american legend about the region is about the birth of loon island in alexander lake the native american name for the lake was lake marsh park m-a-s-h-a-p-a-u-g

the story goes that there was once a mountain called lake mashpal and that it rose where the lake is today it was submerged quickly by the great spirit as a partnership as a punishment for those tribe members who were engaged in drunken dances on the summer just the top remained and that is the island today pines could be seen under the lake for many years the question arises as to why this particular legend exists what happened here was there once a mountain did something catastrophic occurred very quickly whatever happened there were once native americans living in the area the mohigan and piqua tribes are closely related by blood and royal marriage they lived on the banks of the thames river in the ladyard region the native american name for river was mashapen kotak

it's m-a-s-h-a-p-e-q-u-o-t-t-u-c-k

this is a mohegan word meaning great pickup river or river of the great destroyers of men the pequot war began the mohigans and naragan said aligned with the english setter settlers and in 1637 war was declared so the piqua village here was called mashan taksit or martian toxin there is a pick-what legend about this region there is a treasure buried in a swamp here and a native american ghost protect and guards the loot there is gold and other types of treasures to be found but the exact swamp location is not clear it could be kappa ko mak or shomo waki which means owls owl's nest due to the large number of owls who lived here or to shelter here and kappa ko mak means place of refuge or where we hide from enemies it was here that the last battle of piquat were occurred perhaps the treasure is in must swamp m-a-s-t swamp must-want covered much of eastern connecticut the swamp is also known as pine swamp or lead yards flower garden only in this place does a rare flower grow a red heart rhododendron the flower has a dark crimson heart instead of the usual gold and center this place in an enclosed grove was the last refuge of the pequod when they were hiding from the english after the destruction of the fourth in mystic actually the piqua tried to hide here after major mason destroyed the fort but they were followed in the late june 1637 just as the flower was blooming the peak was starved and captured here most died never leaving the swamp on july 13 1637 that piquate saitrim patak quak was captured and taken to the swamped and killed it is said that he died lying in the blossoms and he added the curse curse upon the swamp because of the starvation of his people and on the settlers who killed the pequots the swan blossoms lost the golden center and became blood red forever not o


