Heavy rains have lashed Chennai and nearby areas in Tamil Nadu. Schools and colleges in Chennai and three other districts have been shut for the next two days. Schools have been ordered to stay shut in Thiruvallur, Chengalpattu and Kanchipuram districts. Heavy rains have led to havoc in several parts of north coastal Tamil Nadu. National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) members have been called in to help in relief and rescue work. On November 8, most government offices will remain shut. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin has appealed to private companies to declare a holiday or allow employees to work from home. The weather department has predicted heavy to very heavy rainfall on November 8, 9 and 10. Water was released from the Chembarambakkam lake. CM Stalin visited many waterlogged areas like Egmore, Jawahar Nagar, Padi Bridge. PM Modi spoke to CM Stalin regarding the situation and assured all the help from the central government. Watch the video to know more.