On October 28, Aryan Khan, the son of superstar Shah Rukh Khan, was granted bail by the Bombay High Court in the Mumbai cruise drugs case. Aryan Khan was arrested on October 3 by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB). He was sent to Mumbai’s Arthur Road jail on October 8 and was denied bail twice. Aryan will have to spend some more time in jail as his team can apply for his release only after the Bombay HC’s formal order is out on October 29. The 23-year-old boy can walk out of jail either on October 29 or October 30 depending on how quickly the process is followed after the court releases its detailed order. Bombay High Court’s detailed order will specify the exact bail conditions. Mukul Rohatgi, former Attorney General of India, had argued the case for Aryan Khan in court. Aryan Khan's friend Arbaaz Merchant and model Munmun Dhamecha have also been granted bail by the Bombay High Court. Meanwhile, celebrations began outside Mannat soon after the court gave its order. Scores of fans gathered outside the superstar’s house to celebrate. And two pictures which went viral on October 28, were that of Shah Rukh Khan with his legal team. The smile on SRK’s face revealed the relief after fighting for justice for almost a month. Many from the entertainment industry took to social media to express their happiness over the High Court’s decision. Sanjay Gupta, Swara Bhasker, R Madhavan, Sonu Sood, Sonam Kapoor, Hansal Mehta and others took to social media to express their happiness. Watch the video to know more.