...ال العملية الانتخابية ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the electoral process
00:25You're missing something anymore with a platform that's east. Rule for video service upon request
00:36We can see the recoil in the east on the east.
00:58Oh, good.
01:02Welcome back. The activities of the forum of the Russian Energy Week 2021 started in the capital Moscow with wide international participation.
01:11Prominent international guests, including the heads of major international energy companies, will participate in the forum
01:16such as Total and Exxon Mobile and others, with the aim or aim of the forum to discuss the future of the global energy sector
01:24and finding common solutions, the stability of the prices of global energy resources,
01:28in addition to discussing the green energy sector.
01:33In the same context, the Kremlin said that Russian Gazprom is committed to its contractual obligations. and said
01:41the gas supplies to europe have increased to their maximum levels
01:45as agreed upon. the Kremlin added, through its spokesman Dmitry Peskov
01:52that nothing can be handed over other than the contracts because it is a matter of negotiation
01:57With Gazprom
02:01Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed during a speech in the Russian Energy Week in Moscow that there is a need for an agreement
02:08on global mechanisms to achieve stability in energy markets.
02:13In the present situation. We need to agree on global mechanisms to achieve stability in energy markets,
02:21The natural gas market is unbalanced and unpredictable, especially in Europe. The rise in gas prices in the European market was a result of the lack of energy and not the contrary.
02:31Russia is fulfilling its contractual obligations to supply gas there. High energy prices may have negative consequences for everyone.
02:38We're also working to ensure energy security in Europe
02:48Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:50In rejection of the Israeli Campos project, about four hundred employees in Google and Amazon signed a petition for the withdrawal of their companies.