• 4 years ago
Hey guys! I'm “Spiderman” and today we're going to learn how to sing the “Happy Birthday” song. It's a really easy song, so don't worry if you have trouble singing in tune because I'll be there to help out.
The “Happy Birthday song” is a classic, but it can get old if you sing it the same way every time. This video shows you how to remix the traditional tune with Spiderman!
Spiderman is turning 1 today and he wants to sing the happy birthday song with you.

Listen to our song on Spotify➤https://open.spotify.com/album/6FgyPfoQ60jTQA58KZU91x

-----------Our Goal------------------
U-Kids – Nursery Rhyme is a 100% videos for kids 100% it is an educational and entertaining channel directed to “children” in order to build the future generation with the most famous songs kids, including entertaining songs and educational, the educational songs like “ABC Song” and “Fruits & vegetables song”, and more rhymes for babies, children should be taken care of Listen to educational songs for children here all music platforms➤https://ffm.to/nlvdevm.

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Happy Birthday to You U-Kids
Happy Birthday to You U-Kids
Happy Birthday Dear (name)
Happy Birthday to You. U-Kids
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.


