Massachussetts - Florida, Great Barrington - Treasure Hunting

  • 3 years ago
florida, massachusetts Norman's Woe
it's not a public area right now and it's also known as easter point lighthouse it was a place for wreckers and smugglers and those days wreckers were people
that would lure the ships onto the rocks by displaying false lights tricking the ships to wreck and to be destroyed and for the uh sailors and people on the ship basically would die and in most cases if they would not they would be killed by the wreckers it was a horrible horrible trade
and it often was a community affair it was the culture from which the saying was coined finders keepers losers reapers and as an interesting side note the term wrecker was used in the old days originally it was a person who would search for ships that were already wrecked would not cause them to to be wrecked
but the term ended up wreckers for people who would lure the ships and murder the survivors unfortunately it was widespread in this area and this is the reason why there was a great resistance to the building of lighthouses because it would cut down on the wrecking economic boom that many coastal towns villages communities so right in the same area of cape n was north atlantic grand banks those are considered the most dangerous waters in the world over 10 000 men have been lost at sea here and mostly fishermen from gloucester massachusetts work those dangerous waters and so it is no wonder that many tales of hunting and lost treasure
occur in those lonely but very important shores in 1899 we know that three schooners were wrecked on norman's wall
which is another name for north atlantic ground banks
we know that hespers the ellen m gleeson and the lcm smith were wrecked there
now we're gonna stay in this stay in this area of uh cape ann
and another interesting place is called snake island now snake island we have some historical evidence that in 1704 pirate john quelch have buried a large amount of gold right on snake island off of k n and treasure hunters did find a small amount of coins
however the coins they found did not date from the era of the pirates uh alleged buried treasure so they were not dating from 1704 so there is a huge potential there
staying around the same area we will go to uh tarpaulin cove t-a-r-p-a
cove uh which is located on the east shore of nashon island n-a-u-s-h-o-n island so there is a story that captain kidd stopped here
on one of his last voyages before he was captured and that he buried treasure there
nation island is privately owned now there is a place right in this area called the french watering place which is found southeast of that cove
in its name for the french privateers who are based there so this is again all in the same area a great great place to explore of course if you get the permission from the owners if you enjoy this program please subscribe like it and share it great barrington massachusetts
a great road also called mohawk trail went through this town it was a road used by the french and indian war expeditions


