Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot unveiled the statue of 'Father of the Nation' Mahatma Gandhi in the Rajasthan Khadi and Village Industries Board premises and inaugurated a picture exhibition based on the life of 'Bapu' at Jawahar Kala Kendra in Jaipur. Rajasthan Industries Minister Parsadi Lal Meena, Minister for School Education Govind Singh Dotasra, Rajya Sabha MP Neeraj Dangi accompanied CM Gehlot. Rajasthan Chief Minister paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi. The Chief Minister also visited the exhibition of khadi products there. He interacted with the weavers and encouraged them. CM Gehlot appreciated the photo exhibition 'Mohandas to Mahatma' which depicts the work of Bapu and his long struggle journey as a messenger of non-violence.