Burning At Both The Ends Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A small group of dissident survivors who, caught behind enemy lines, must use a radio to broadcast a message of hope to fellow survivors.
Cast: Cary Elwes (SAW, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, The Princess Bride) Jason Patric (SAW, Mississippi Burning, The Firm), Lydia Hearst (Speed 2: Cruise Control, The Losers, Sleepers) Academy Award nominee Judd Hirsch (Independence Day, Taxi, A Beautiful Mind)
Directors: Matthew Hill, Landon Johnson
Cast: Cary Elwes (SAW, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, The Princess Bride) Jason Patric (SAW, Mississippi Burning, The Firm), Lydia Hearst (Speed 2: Cruise Control, The Losers, Sleepers) Academy Award nominee Judd Hirsch (Independence Day, Taxi, A Beautiful Mind)
Directors: Matthew Hill, Landon Johnson
Short film