Neo-noir psychological horror film starring Sean Gullette, Mark Margolis, Ben Shenkman, Samia Shoaib, Pamela Hart, Ajay Naidu, Joanne Gordon, Stephen Pearlman.
The debut film from Darren Aronofsky in which a mathematical genius Maximilian Cohen discovers a link in the connection between numbers and reality and thus believes he can predict the future.
Unemployed number theorist Max Cohen, who lives in a drab apartment in Chinatown, Manhattan, believes everything in nature can be understood through numbers. He suffers from cluster headaches, extreme paranoia, hallucinations, and schizoid personality disorder, and his only social interactions are with Jenna, a young girl fascinated by his ability to perform complex calculations; Devi, a young woman living next door who sometimes speaks with him; and Sol Robeson, his mathematics mentor, now an invalid.
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The debut film from Darren Aronofsky in which a mathematical genius Maximilian Cohen discovers a link in the connection between numbers and reality and thus believes he can predict the future.
Unemployed number theorist Max Cohen, who lives in a drab apartment in Chinatown, Manhattan, believes everything in nature can be understood through numbers. He suffers from cluster headaches, extreme paranoia, hallucinations, and schizoid personality disorder, and his only social interactions are with Jenna, a young girl fascinated by his ability to perform complex calculations; Devi, a young woman living next door who sometimes speaks with him; and Sol Robeson, his mathematics mentor, now an invalid.
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Short film