US, UK Attempt Damage Control With France Following Nuclear Sub 'Crisis'

  • 3 years ago
US, UK Attempt
Damage Control With France, Following Nuclear Sub 'Crisis'.
French officials have expressed outrage
after Australia announced that it will
cancel a contract with the nation for submarines, .
... opting instead to
purchase U.S.-made nuclear
submarine technology in
coordination with the U.K.
The deal is seen as an opportunity for the
U.S. to increase its position against China in the region.
French officials, including the French Minister
for Foreign Affairs, have characterized the
action as "a stab in the back.".
There has been a lie, there has been duplicity, there has been a major breach of trust, there has been contempt. , Jean Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, via NBC News.
So it’s not OK between us, it’s not OK at all. It means there is
a crisis, Jean Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, via NBC News.
Last week, France recalled
its ambassadors from the U.S.
We recalled our ambassadors to try to understand and show these former partner countries our deep discontent. , Jean Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, via NBC News.
Once they are here we will have the occasion to reevaluate our position in order to defend to the best extent our interests both in Australia and United States, Jean Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, via NBC News.
France's outrage is in keeping with broader calls for
E.U. nations to begin to take clearer sides
on issues that affect the continent on the whole.
I think that Europe is emerging from diplomatic innocence, Jean Yves Le Drian, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, via NBC News.
The Australian prime minister justified the decision,
saying it was based on whether or not French
built subs would "do a job that we needed.".
Our strategic judgement based on the best possible of intelligence and defense advice was that it would not, Scott Morrison, Australian Prime Minister,
via NBC News.
China has referred to the deal between the
U.S. and Australia as "extremely irresponsible."