'Lazy Baby Kicks in the Womb After Being Woken Up Forcefully *13 Million+ Views* '

3 years ago
'This kid was in line to become a role model for all the lazy people across the globe... and he wasn't even born yet when this video was filmed!

"I was receiving NST testing for low amniotic fluid during my pregnancy and they needed to measure my baby’s bones but he wasn’t positioned correctly and did not want to move," the filmer and mom of the baby, Gloria Arreola wrote. "They tried giving me cold water, soda, candy, I even walked around, jumped and he would not even budge. So, they used vibroacoustic stimulation to wake him up."

The funny footage shows the fetus kicking his mom after having his beauty sleep disrupted.

This comical clip has amassed over 13 Million views on TikTok.

Name: Gloria Arreola
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA'
WooGlobe Ref : WGA471860
For licensing and to use this video, please email licensing@wooglobe.com
