• 4 years ago
PAL MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Bhojpuri New Song Video is here superhit song bhojpuri no. "Ka Dela larkori Ta ka khojatara maja...Godi Me Raja" Music Arya Sharma Bhojpuri video gaana beautiful voice satyam singh nikku ji and acted Amar Rao and Pooja Chatterjee bhojpuri hit lyrics written by Pawan Vidyarthi #BhojpuriVideoSongnew #Bhojpurilokgeet #satyamsinghnikkuji

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अपने सुपरहिट गानो व वीडियो को रिलीज़ या बनवाने के लिए हमें संपर्क करें : Office : +91 8286378837/ 7021067925
Song : Godi Me Raja
Singer : Satyam Singh (Nikku Ji)
Writer : Pawan Vidyarthi
Music Director/Composer : Arya Sharma
Director : Ravikeshvani
Editor : Ravikeshvani
Actor and Actress : Amar rao , Pooja chatterjee
label : Pal music entertainment

Audio & Video on Pal music entertainment of pal entertainment.
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