• 4 years ago
In a debate that is as famous between super rap stars Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur, we asked the pros to pick between living legends Rodney Mullen and Daewon Song. This battle dates back to the first release of World Industries’ 1997 Rodney Mullen Vs. Daewon Song, where the two are captured going mano a mano with mind-boggling technical tricks. Clearly, a powerful influence in the skateboard world that has spanned across generations, the debate goes on as we ask Ryan Decenzo, Tristan Rennie, Alex Sorgente, CJ Collins, Pedro Barros, Mariah Duran, Matt Berger, Murilo Peres, Maurio McCoy, Dashwan Jordan, Manny Santiago, and Paul Rodriguez to pick their favorite between Rodney and Daewon.


