Pirate Captain Kidd - Part IV

  • 3 years ago
captain kid part four dance he sailed for long island sound enter it from the eastward end and made for new york cautiously anchoring in oyster bay nowadays uh seditiously avoided by male factors of great wealth it was his purpose to open negotiations with belmont at long range if you don't know captain's kids story you can definitely find out more i'm just gonna focus on what's relevant to us

belmont was a governor of massachusetts who was his former uh who was his partner however he was going after kid and kid wasn't sure whether to trust him or not so he opened a negotiation with the lord belmont at long range holding his treasure as an inducement for a pardon to be pardoned

from being a pirate being at least labeled a pirate from oyster bay he sent a letter to a lawyer in new york james emmat emmod who had before then defended pirates and also a message to his wife emma was asked to serve as a go-between and he hastened to join kate on the sloop explaining that belmont was in boston there upon the antonio this is the sloop the kid was using it's actually called saint antonio or saint anthony it's the same slew so antonio waded anchor and sailed westford westward as far as narragansett bay now this is why i was quoting this because this definitely talks about him being in narragansett bay some of the events i'm presenting here are the same events but are presented from different accounts with different point of view and with additional information so i'm not repeating myself i'm just adding information which is very useful for us treasure hunters kid suspected belmont's intentions and decided to leave his treasure in safe hands instead of carrying it to boston with him now follows the documentary narrative of the authenticated buried treasure of captain kid at the eastern end of long island sound is a beautiful wooden island of tree of three thousand acres which has been owned by the gardiner family as a manor manor since the first of them lionel gardner obtained a royal grant almost three centuries ago in june of 1699 john gardner third of the line of proprietors cited a strange sloop anchored in his island harbor and rolled out to make the acquaintance of captain william kidd who had crossed from narragansett bay in the san antonio what happened between them and how the treasure was buried and dug up is told in the official testimony of john gardner dated july 17 16 99 i quote before we fall to digging up the treasure of gardner's island carried a short in the chest of box of gold it is well to follow those other goods which were carried away in the sloops about which so much has been said by the said john gardner now all of the plan that transfer from kit sloop to those other craft work was cosigned to him and some of it was put ashore at stamford connecticut in charge of a major seller who had a warehouse hired by the sound clark was arrested by order of belmont and gave a bond of 12 000 pounds that he was delivered up all up to the gove


