A Simplified Guide to Domestic Equality

  • 3 years ago
A Simplified Guide , to Domestic Equality.
These four tips will help you and your partner
maintain an equal split of your household work.
1. , Speak up.
Open and consistent communication is
key to preventing or dissolving resentments.
Try not to let irritations fester.
2. , Prioritize personal time.
Scheduled and impromptu time with friends or any form of personal care, including exercise, can do wonders for a household's equilibrium.
3. , Be mindful of gendered expectations.
Gendered expectations can be deeply ingrained. Awareness is the beginning of reaching a point where you can throw those expectations out the window.
4. , Use tracking tools.
Physical or digital calendars and other
tracking apps go far in helping to keep track
of what and when things need to get done