The 5 smallest countries in the World

  • 3 years ago
The 5 smallest countries in the World

we’re going to look at the smallest countries in the world by their surface land area.
As you will find out, there are some seriously tiny microstates and small countries that are smaller than many towns and cities yet exist as independent states, set their own rules and have their own flags.

San Marino
61 km².Back to Europe for another of the world’s smallest countries. By comparison, San Marino is relatively large in that the combined land area of all of the four smallest countries would fit within it.San Marino is entirely enclosed by Italy and it lies only around 10 km inland from the Italian resort of Rimini. It is situated in the Apennine Mountain Range and is considered one of the most economically stable countries in the world with no national debt and one of the highest GDPs per capita.

26 km².Tuvalu is another tiny island nation in the Polynesian region of the South Pacific. It lies a fraction to the west of the International Date Line and as a result is one of the easternmost countries in the world as we typically look at a map. It’s also sadly one of the most likely to disappear with rising sea levels a major threat to the sheer existence of a country that has been ranked as the least visited nation on earth.English and Tuvaluan are the two official languages .

21 km².To the Pacific Ocean we head next to find tiny Nauru, the smallest island country in the world. It also ranks as the world’s smallest republic , it is certainly not a city state.Nauru is an isolated island very close to the equator and it’s nearest neighbour is some 300 km away (Banaba Island in Kiribati). Around 10,000 people live on Nauru today and it’s believed to have first been inhabited some 3,000 years ago by Micronesian and Polynesian tribes.

2 km².Monaco, the second smallest country in the world. It is a very different kind of place. Known as a playground for the rich and famous, Monaco is the world’s most densely populated country with an estimated population of just less than 40,000 squeezed into this tiny microstate on the French Riviera. Despite strong links to France which borders it , Monégasque is regarded as a distinct ethnic group and is even a language, even though French is the official language of the state which has its own monarchy, currently headed by Albert II, Prince of Monaco.

Vatican City
0.49 km².Even taking into account all those partially recognised and not fully independent states, Vatican City still comes out as the smallest country in the world. At less than half a kilometre squared, it is no bigger than a pretty small village, yet the Vatican is fully independent by just about any measure.It is a tiny enclave within the Italian city of Rome and the home of the Catholic Church.the Vatican ratifying its independence in 1929. It is also the smallest country in the world by population with around 800 people.