Most Bizarre People in the World

  • 3 years ago
Most Bizarre People in the World

There are quite a few people in this world who make it difficult for us to believe that they actually do exist in this same planet and are so bizarre. They have a lot of weirdness or do strange things which help make them find a place in this list.

Thai Ngoc
Yet another bizarre person living on this earth is called Ngoc. What makes him strange? Well, he is a Vietnamese insomniac. He has got no sleep at all for about 30 years. Naturally, it is insomnia that does not let him sleep, but what is weird is that he functions almost as normally as most other people. He is able to do quite a lot of farm work too.

Michel Lotito
A human who can eat everything . Michel Lotito, is someone most people are aware of. This Hungarian born man has set records many a time and deservingly so. He can eat metal, rubber, just about anything, and still survives. He has not only eaten cars and cycles but an entire aircraft.

Sanju Bhagat
A farmer from India, Sanju Bhagat, lived his entire life with a bulging stomach. Everyone started saying that he was pregnant and teased him. Little did they know that what they were saying was in a way true. When Sanju was 36 he found it difficult to breathe because of his growing stomach.Doctors thought that he may have a tumor but when they started operating him they realized that it was a medical condition of the fetus in a fetus. This is a case where a fetus gets trapped inside its twin. So basically, Sanju was carrying the mutated body of his twin brother for a full 36 years.

Supatra Nat
The hairiest teenager from Thailand, Supatra was diagnosed with a very rare condition which makes hair grow in those places where they generally do not. It is true that this made things difficult for her many a time, but she does not find herself different from others and her condition does not really bother her.

Cathie Jung
Strange people quite often make sure they have some such weird attributes that help make them stand out in the crowd. One such person that certainly deserves a mention is Cathie Jung who is known for having the smallest waist. If you are wondering how small this ‘small’ is, then you would be surprised to know it is 15 inches.