Mark Levin slams Biden for the “worst American surrender in American history”

  • 3 years ago
Last night Mark Levin was on Fox News responding to everything that’s happened recently regarding Afghanistan and you can watch it below:

Levin makes the point that Biden has just blown up more than half a century of American national security and that he needs to be impeached. He said that Republicans in the House need to start hammering this hard and loud.

Yes, Levin says he understands who is next in line behind Biden. But he says it’s also important that “we, and the world, need to know that we try to hold people accountable for what they’ve done.”

He also slammed Biden and the media for labeling this evacuation the ‘greatest airlift in American history’ Levin says this is no such thing. Rather, he says, it’s the worst “American surrender in American history.”

Watch the video for more…
