Travelling in Laddhak (Northern India) in 2001 with RBM (Rencontres au bout du monde) French Fair travel agency based in Aix-en-Provence, I have discovered thru 17 days of trekking the Himalayan culture of the Tibetan Indian Zanskar people.
An amazing trip, only beauty and beautiful people, landscapes, villages, paths and passes !
The mother and daughter shepperdesses where singing to keep the rythm while they beat the milk to make Yogurt and cheeses.
We were above a glacier, around 4200 meter.
As sound engineer, i had a couple of microphones and a Minidisc recorder...
for the photo, it was a Nikon FM2 with color slides by Fuji
and black and white slides Scala 200 by AGFA
As i had to scan the slides and convert all in 16/9,
The quality is not the same as the original slides,
but the memory of this trip
is still perfect.
An amazing trip, only beauty and beautiful people, landscapes, villages, paths and passes !
The mother and daughter shepperdesses where singing to keep the rythm while they beat the milk to make Yogurt and cheeses.
We were above a glacier, around 4200 meter.
As sound engineer, i had a couple of microphones and a Minidisc recorder...
for the photo, it was a Nikon FM2 with color slides by Fuji
and black and white slides Scala 200 by AGFA
As i had to scan the slides and convert all in 16/9,
The quality is not the same as the original slides,
but the memory of this trip
is still perfect.