MT-HOJGAARD-Presentation by Bente Østerbye

  • 15 years ago
Worldwide expertise

Højgaard & Schultz and Monberg & Thorsen, the two companies that merged to form MT Højgaard, have always been very active and highly regarded in the international market. The two companies have been involved in virtually every major construction project in Denmark and numerous projects abroad. Today, MT Højgaard is Denmark's leading contractor with a particularly broad experience base in the technological development, casting techniques and applications of concrete and steel both in and out of water.

MT Højgaard uses knowledge and experience from Denmark to build worldwide – and brings back new experience to benefit construction projects closer to home. MT Højgaard has gained its expertise in shoreline and offshore construction from the construction of numerous harbours, tunnels and bridges, from the Maldives and Lebanon to Stockholm and Central London. And not least, MT Højgaard has undertaken the vast majority of the world’s offshore wind turbine foundations.

Meeting Europe's need

Foundations for offshore wind farms is a core business that MT Højgaard aims to maintain and expand in the years to come. But as future wind farm locations move further offshore, new challenges will arise: greater water depths and larger wind/wave forces, more demanding seabed conditions and bigger wind turbines. To meet these challenges, innovation is a must. In order to meet Europe's need for a renewable energy infrastructure based on wind, continued technological advances will be required to create tomorrow's offshore wind parks. MT Højgaard is determined to be among the leaders in making it happen. Because where offshore foundations are concerned, We know how.

For more information go to: or contact Ann Bouisset