The word of the day is SCANT. The FBI says ‘no grand scheme’ on January 6th. No insurrection. No TRUMP blame.

  • 3 years ago
‘Scant evidence’ is how Reuters generously describes the FBI having found absolutely zilch in the way of coordinated plots or conspiracy to overthrow the government. No insurrection, no revolution. Sorry, not sorry, libs.

SCANT is a good word for today. There’s SCANT evidence of coordination on January 6th and SCANT evidence of coordination in the pull-out from Afghanistan. Over there, they had an actual insurrection. Over here: nope.

Over there, riots were quelled by the imposition of a new and former power as the Taliban forcefully took over. Over here, riots raged for a year uncontrolled, until the wrong kind of riot took place in D.C. and the Democrats imposed power through deception and fraud.

From Reuters, via Hot Air.

The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

One person privy to the investigation said that even though the organization of some militia groups in D.C. that internally was noted, “there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.” The FBI says that although the Proud Boys decided they wanted to invade the Capitol building that day, there is “no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside.”

That’s what we’re calling “scant” evidence. They found none at all. The fact that a militia is a centrally structured group, or that Proud Boys talked to each other, is not a conspiracy or a plan. There’s nothing. No conspiracy. No insurrection. Nothing whatsoever. You can call that scant I guess. I’d call it GOOSE EGG.

But if that’s how they want to use it, then SCANT is what we should say about the Biden administration’s competence. Scant is the planning for evacuating them or the many hundreds of Afghans who worked directly with and for our troops and staff.

SCANT is the evidence of Biden’s administration proving their case that somehow Trump and Parler and Roger Stone and Dan Bongino tried to do a coup.

It’s a good word, scant. There’s scant evidence we still have a fully functioning democratic republic with freedom and liberty for all.

Keep that word in mind. It’s also a good way to describe the marbles Biden has rolling around upstairs, anymore.