Diversity In Sudan | تنوع قبائل السودان

  • 3 years ago

Hello guys so I went to Sudan this summer and I had the chance to record some people there saying there tribe. There are many tribes in Sudan, over 300, however I was only able to record for you guys just a few. This video is meant to showcase the diversity in Sudan as well as introduce you to some of the tribe in North Sudan. I wish I could have gotten all different tribes but you do have to understand that majority of these people are strangers so therefore a lot refused to be on the video. These were some of the people that were willing to be part of the video and therefore that's why there is a lot of repeat of the same tribes. Gisma D

Salute to all the tribal diversity in Sudan 570 tribes . Stay ten on each other and accept each other and make of this . Beautiful diversity is a source of strength for you . Sudan needs us, and it needs us more . Mohammed Al-Raziqi