00:30Put on that table before it gets cold.
00:56It's getting late, you'd better call Mr. Butler.
01:01I done called him two times already, Miss Butler.
01:04Seemed like he don't ever come down till I called him the third time.
01:07I think tomorrow morning I'm going to call him the third time first and save them other
01:11two calls.
01:12Goodbye, dear.
01:13Take care of yourself.
01:14See you tonight.
01:16Aren't you going to have your breakfast?
01:17Yeah, sure.
01:18Didn't I have my breakfast?
01:20My goodness, I'm so busy, I'm way ahead of myself.
01:21Memphis, why didn't you call me?
01:22I did call you, sir.
01:23I called you and called you till I was black in the face.
01:24Oh, you did, huh?
01:25Very good, Memphis.
01:26Very good.
01:27Black in the face.
01:28Did you hear that, honey?
01:29Pardon me.
01:30Pardon me.
01:31Let me have this piece, will you, please?
01:48Thank you, sir.
01:59Oh, what is that?
02:00Grace Norman got a divorce from Jack.
02:01I'll get you in the paper.
02:02She photographed well.
02:03I wish I photographed as well.
02:04Oh, that's too bad.
02:05They could really have made it successful if they'd tried.
02:08Don't you think so, dear?
02:09Harriet, why do you get one for $29?
02:11Henry, did you hear what I said?
02:13What did you say, dear?
02:14I said Grace Norman has got her divorce from Jack.
02:17Oh, that's too bad.
02:19Grace Norman.
02:21What about her?
02:22She got her divorce from Jack.
02:24My, my.
02:25Well, for goodness sakes.
02:26They seem such a happy couple to me.
02:29Miss Butler, there's a man on the phone
02:31that wants to know, do you want doves,
02:33or bridal figures, on the cake, or both?
02:37But the man's holding the phone.
02:39Somebody want me on the phone?
02:40No, dear.
02:41It's just, uh, tell him I'll call him later.
02:42Yeah, so?
02:43Hey, honey.
02:44Look, I want to call you to tell you something.
02:45You see that?
02:46That's mine.
02:49See that?
02:52No wonder he doesn't do any business.
02:54Darling, what day is today?
02:56The 7th is Tuesday.
02:57I mean the date, dear.
02:59The 6th.
03:02Does that mean anything to you?
03:04I'll say it does.
03:05Why, it's the day before our big annual sale.
03:08Look, honey, look.
03:09You see that?
03:10Every family in town has this on their breakfast table
03:12right now.
03:13You know, Henry, sometimes I think you're married
03:15to that department store, said it to me.
03:16Sometimes I think I'm up, honey.
03:18Don't be silly.
03:19Uh-oh, 8 o'clock.
03:21Got a big break.
03:22Goodbye, dear.
03:23Take care of yourself.
03:24I'll see you tonight.
03:25Have you got your glasses?
03:27And your keys?
03:29And a clean handkerchief?
03:31Well, great.
03:32You don't have to worry anymore about someone
03:34forgetting your anniversary, do you, kid?
03:37I should say not.
03:39It's perfectly marvelous, Claire,
03:40this feeling of freedom.
03:42I keep pinching myself to see if I'm really awake.
03:44And I got the most wonderful property settlement
03:46thanks to my brilliant attorney.
03:47He comes from the East.
03:48He's perfectly charming.
03:49His name is Gilbert Wayne.
03:51Oh, no, of course I'm not in love with him.
03:53Don't be silly.
03:54Really, Claire, I don't think I'll ever love again.
03:58Hold on a minute, dear.
03:59There's someone at the door.
04:04Why, Essie, darling.
04:06How sweet of you to come.
04:07Come on in.
04:08I'm talking on the telephone.
04:09Sit down, dear.
04:10Make yourself comfy.
04:11Help yourself to cigarettes.
04:12Oh, dear, I always forget you don't smoke.
04:15Hello, Clara.
04:16What were we talking about?
04:17Oh, yes, love.
04:18Well, personally, I'm sure there isn't a man living
04:20that I'd trust, not one.
04:22They're all born cheaters.
04:24It's Clara Drake.
04:25Sometimes I wonder how Wilbur ever puts up with her.
04:27But then he's such a stuffy boy.
04:31Well, listen, dear, I'll have to say goodbye.
04:32But then I'll see you tonight.
04:33Are they invited to your anniversary dinner?
04:35You're going to Essie's party tonight?
04:37Well, then I'll see you there.
04:38Goodbye, dear.
04:39That woman, once she gets you on the phone,
04:41there's just no getting rid of her.
04:43Essie, how sweet you look.
04:46So this is your 20th anniversary.
04:51I suppose Henry's beaming.
04:53Well, as a matter of fact, he forgot it.
04:55Essie, no.
04:56That's just the way my Jack started.
04:59I'd look into it.
05:00Well, there's nothing to look into.
05:02He simply forgot it.
05:03He doesn't forget the day he's to leave on his fishing trips.
05:05And he didn't forget the day he was to leave for his large
05:07convention in New York.
05:08But he did forget to come home on the day you expected him.
05:11But business kept him after the convention was over.
05:14That's what he said.
05:16Someday you'll get your eyes open.
05:18Men are all alike.
05:21I know.
05:22But my Henry isn't like other men.
05:24Oh, he's different.
05:26That's exactly the way I used to feel about Jack,
05:28then came the awakening.
05:30Oh, don't get the idea that I'm bitter.
05:32Not at all.
05:33Why, Jack and I are the best of friends.
05:37Oh, pardon me a minute.
05:42Well, hello, stranger.
05:43Come right in.
05:44Hello, Mrs. Norman.
05:45How are you today?
05:46Never felt better.
05:47Give me your hat.
05:48Come along.
05:49I have a friend I want you to meet.
05:50Mrs. Butler?
05:51Mr. Gilbert Wayne, my attorney.
05:53How do you do, Mrs. Butler?
05:54How do you do?
05:55Well, I suppose congratulations are in order, eh?
05:58Well, are all the little details taken care of?
06:00Oh, yes.
06:01Your husband's been very generous.
06:03Oh, you mean ex-husband.
06:04Pardon me.
06:05Your ex-husband.
06:06Now, here's your final decree, signed, sealed, and delivered.
06:09And here's your check.
06:11Settlement in full.
06:12Very generous, don't you think?
06:15Yes, indeed.
06:16But, of course, stinginess never was one of Jack's faults.
06:19Not so bad, eh?
06:23And I suppose he was just as generous with your fees.
06:25Well, if you remember, according to the settlement agreement,
06:28that was to be taken care of by you.
06:30Was that?
06:31Oh, yes, of course.
06:34Well, you see...
06:35Well, there's no hurry about it.
06:37Anytime at your convenience.
06:38Yes, yes, of course.
06:39Well, I'll send you a check in the morning.
06:41If you'll excuse me, I'll be running along.
06:43Goodbye, Mrs. Butler.
06:44Nice to have met you.
06:46If I can ever be of any service to you...
06:47Oh, save your breath, Gil.
06:48She's one of the happiest women I know.
06:50Married 20 years today and to the same man.
06:54That's right.
06:55Congratulations, Mrs. Butler.
06:56That's a record to be proud of.
06:57Yes, I think so.
06:59If we were all like Effie, you'd starve to death.
07:03Well, goodbye.
07:04Goodbye, Mr. Mason.
07:08Goodbye, Gil.
07:09Thanks again.
07:10I'll see you soon.
07:11Yes, I'll be in my office all day tomorrow.
07:18Well, how do you like him?
07:19Isn't he wonderful?
07:20By the way, have you invited Jack to your party?
07:22Well, under the circumstances, no.
07:24Well, in that case, do you mind if I bring Gil?
07:26You know, he said he'd like to meet some of my friends.
07:28Why, it's quite all right.
07:29Bring him by all means.
07:30Oh, yes.
07:31I mustn't forget to make a place card for him.
07:33How do you spell his name?
07:34Gilbert Wayne.
07:42Opal, put that at the place next to Mrs. Drake.
07:44Right there.
07:45Yes, ma'am.
07:47I'm sure glad to hear Mr. What's-his-name's are coming.
07:50Because without him, it would have been 13.
07:52And 13 is bad luck, Mrs. Butler.
07:53Mighty bad luck.
07:54Oh, don't be ridiculous, Opal.
07:55What did you do with my present for Mr. Butler?
07:57Oh, here it is.
07:58Where do you want me to put it?
07:59I'll put it.
08:01All right.
08:02Uh, Miss Butler, don't you think it's time you'd get in dress?
08:04It's getting late.
08:05Oh, I'm all ready, except to slip on my dress,
08:06and that won't take but a minute.
08:07Uh, has the ice cream come?
08:08Yes, ma'am.
08:09And the cake?
08:10Yes, ma'am.
08:11Uh, Memphis, have you put on Mr. Butler's clothes?
08:12Yes, ma'am.
08:14I'll run up the chain.
08:15Yes, ma'am.
08:17Mrs. Butler!
08:18Oh, what's the matter?
08:19You don't walk under that ladder.
08:21Oh, is that all?
08:22I thought something had really happened.
08:25Right in the same place.
08:27That's bad.
08:28That's bad.
08:29I wouldn't be surprised if this surprise party
08:31don't turn out to be the wrong kind of surprise.
08:35Oh, no.
08:36That doesn't make sense.
08:40Uh, get me Mr. Johnson, host of the department.
08:42I want to speak.
08:43I want to...
08:45Uh, gone home?
08:47What did you do, take the afternoon off?
08:517 o'clock?
08:52Oh, no, no, no.
08:53It can't be 7 o'clock this time of the day.
08:55Can't be.
08:56Can't be.
08:57Oh, it is 7 o'clock this time of the day.
08:59Goodness sake.
09:00Well, what are you doing here?
09:01Why don't you go home?
09:03Goodness sake.
09:047 o'clock.
09:05Uptime flight.
09:06I'm late for dinner again.
09:09It better be cold as ever.
09:10I'll be mad.
09:17Can't get enough done.
09:20Work all day and do nothing.
09:27I'd like you to okay these fashion show numbers, H.J., before you go.
09:30See, we're using them the first thing in the morning.
09:32I'm disturbed over the shoulder sweep of this sweater.
09:35What's wrong with it?
09:40I can't see anything wrong with it.
09:42Well, I don't like it.
09:44How do you like the drape of this formal?
09:48I see you don't approve of it.
09:50Well, frankly, neither do I.
09:51And that change to the turquoise blue.
09:53It's a bit daring, but the lines are gorgeous.
09:55I'm sure you'll agree that this cocktail ensemble is perfect.
09:58I don't like it.
10:00But, H.J.
10:02I don't like it.
10:04Well, make a substitution.
10:06Change to the jersey print.
10:09Oh, H.J., I want you to see my arrangement of the wax models in the window display.
10:12I'm sure you'll like it.
10:14Do you think you'll have time?
10:15I suppose so.
10:17All right, come on, girls.
10:18Make those changes as fast as you can.
10:19Mr. Butler and I will be downstairs.
10:20We'll see you there.
10:25Now, here's what I mean, H.J.
10:26How you take, uh...
10:28Well, take the figure, for instance.
10:30By the way, I call her Heddy.
10:31Don't you think there's a resemblance?
10:34Oh, yes.
10:36I saw her in that picture called Gone with the Wind.
10:38Wasn't she wonderful in that scene with Rhett Butler?
10:40That was Vivian Lay.
10:42That was Vivian who?
10:43Vivian Lay.
10:44Never heard of her.
10:45But, Heddy...
10:46Now, to get back to the figure.
10:48We not only call attention to the gown,
10:50but we also emphasize the vanity without stressing it too much.
10:54That sounds all right.
10:55A very good idea.
10:57Careful there, H.J.
10:59After all, this is my department.
11:01If you want any changes made, just tell me.
11:03What's wrong?
11:04Well, I'm sorry, but I...
11:06I thought maybe the hands should be tilted just...
11:09Just a little bit.
11:10Just a little tilt.
11:11A weeny tilt.
11:15Like that?
11:17Now, that looks much better.
11:18And is there anything wrong with Carol over there?
11:21Oh, Carol.
11:22Let me see.
11:25Well, I think that...
11:27No, nothing wrong with Carol.
11:29She looks fine there.
11:30Looks very comfortable.
11:32Very good likeness, too.
11:33It's a good job.
11:34Good job, Mr. Sibley.
11:35Now, let's see.
11:39The bed.
11:40The bed.
11:41I don't like the bed.
11:42And what's the matter with the bed?
11:43Well, I...
11:44I just don't like the position of the bed.
11:45You see, we're featuring the mattress and the bedding.
11:49Not the bed alone.
11:50Now, I'll show you something.
11:51Anyone passing by outside on the sidewalk and looking in here,
11:54all they can see is the foot of the bed.
11:56Just the foot.
11:57They can't see the...
11:59I'll show you.
12:00Just move it over a little bit, and I'll show you.
12:02Just a little.
12:03No harm.
12:04No harm, Mr. Sibley.
12:05Now, would you mind pushing the bed just a little bit to the right?
12:08That's it.
12:09Oh, too much.
12:11Too much.
12:12Back a little bit more.
12:15Too much.
12:16Now, just a teeny-weeny...
12:20There you are.
12:21Now, you see, that looks better.
12:22And look.
12:23Anyone passing by and looking through the window
12:25can visualize themselves sleeping peacefully on our double-X slumber mattress.
12:31Don't be long, Will.
12:32My auntie will never forgive us if we hold up her party.
12:35Be back in a jiffy.
12:38Everything looks lovely.
12:40Everything is fine.
12:41Now, there's just one more thing, Mr. Sibley.
12:44I think that Carol would look much better over here on the bed than over there
12:48because over here she would attract more attention to the bed.
12:51Don't you think?
12:52Definitely not.
12:58Well, I...
12:59Oh, there you are, girls.
13:00H.J., will you okay these costumes?
13:03Come here, little girl.
13:05Move it right around.
13:08Very good.
13:09Very fine.
13:10Say, now, Mr. Sibley, while we're at it,
13:12I just want to show you what I mean about Carol being over here.
13:15Now, wait.
13:16Now, just watch.
13:17Just watch.
14:04What are you looking at?
14:07What are you looking at?
14:18And on his 20th anniversary, too.
14:21Poor Effie.
14:22Well, I guess I've been in the wrong kind of business for the last 15 years.
14:27Come on.
14:28Come on.
14:31Now, look, Clara, you're a pretty good friend of Effie's, aren't you?
14:33Yes, I am.
14:34Well, then, keep your mouth shut.
14:35Now, come on.
14:36Get in.
14:37Let's go.
14:38Never mind.
14:39Come on.
14:40Don't you think Carol looked much better here like that?
14:43I most certainly do not.
14:44Come on, girls.
14:45Let's go.
14:54I guess she didn't like it.
15:21Oh, my goodness.
15:22What have I done?
15:27What did Sidley say?
15:29You know, I've never given a party when it was a surprise for Henry before,
15:32and I'm just as nervous as a child.
15:34You shouldn't be nervous about it.
15:36You're old enough.
15:37Oh, but old enough.
15:39Pardon me, please.
15:45Oh, Clara.
15:46Hello, dear.
15:47Well, if we're late, you can blame Wilbur.
15:49You know his failing.
15:50Always some last minute business to attend to.
15:52But you're not late, Clara.
15:53Henry isn't home yet.
15:56Well, he's probably just working over something at the office.
16:01You know how he is.
16:02When he has anything on his mind, time means nothing.
16:05Well, I'd look into this, my dear, if I were you.
16:10Oh, I'm sorry, dear.
16:12No better kid, Jeffy.
16:13She's spoiled because my work's over at 3 o'clock.
16:16All men don't have bankers' hours, you know.
16:19Oh, there's Mabel and Bert.
16:21Come along, dear.
16:22But I'll see you later.
16:27Oh, look at that.
16:29What are you laughing at?
16:30These old snapshots of you and Henry.
16:32They're priceless.
16:33Have you come to the one with Henry and me on our honeymoon with Niagara Falls in the background?
16:37No, not yet.
16:39When you see the hat I'm wearing in that one, you'll die.
16:44What an awfully smart dress, Clara.
16:46It'll be coming.
16:47Don't you think it's thinned you down a bit?
16:49Oh, thank you, dear.
16:50Well, you know there's a great deal of competition these days, Effie.
16:53But I'll never lose your face.
16:55I'll never lose your, bless you, my carelessness in appearance.
16:58Aren't you putting on a little weight, dear?
17:00Oh, a little perhaps, but it doesn't bother me.
17:03Henry likes it, and he's all that matters.
17:05Oh, yes, of course.
17:07Pardon me, please.
17:08Say, when do we eat?
17:10As soon as Henry gets here.
17:12Be patient.
17:14I walked out on a deal that would have made me $2,000 to get here on time.
17:18Effie, darling!
17:20Good evening, Mr. Wayne.
17:23Clara, will you ever forgive us for being so late?
17:25We got caught in the most frightful traffic jam
17:27in just the one time in my life I wanted to be on time.
17:29Was Henry surprised what he said?
17:31Well, you're not late.
17:32As a matter of fact, Henry isn't home yet.
17:34Of course, he didn't know I was giving this party for him,
17:36but he's never been this late for dinner before.
17:38Well, he phoned the store?
17:40No, no, because I expected him any minute.
17:42How's Jack been doing?
17:43How did he come out on that deal?
17:45Oh, it was simply wonderful what he did.
17:47Well, that's marvelous.
17:48Well, darling, will you get me another glass of punch?
17:54Doesn't it seem strange to you that Henry isn't home yet?
17:57Why, yes, it does seem so.
17:59I could tell them where he is.
18:02What do you mean?
18:06Well, on the way down, Wilbur had to stop at the office.
18:09That's near Henry's store.
18:11And she got out of the car and went over to the window, and, um...
18:15And when she peeked out the window, there was Henry.
18:19Stillwater runs deep, you know.
18:22He was born under the sign of Leo, and they're born playboys.
18:25How do you know what sign he was born under?
18:28His birth date's the same month as mine.
18:31Then what does that make you?
18:34Are you reading the right number?
18:36Garfield, 3651.
18:39Oh, you are.
18:44I feel so sorry for poor Effie.
18:47If she ever finds it out, it will break her heart.
18:50There he was, sitting on the bed with a beautiful girl.
18:54Not Henry Butler.
18:56Henry Butler.
19:07Uh-oh, what's that?
19:10Uh-oh, what's the matter, Miss Butler?
19:12Look like you done seen a ghost.
19:14Oh, Memphis, I'm so worried about Mr. Butler.
19:16Will you take the car and go down to the store and see what has happened to him?
19:19Yes, ma'am.
19:21I sure wish you hadn't walked under that ladder.
19:24But it's very important.
19:26She got an awful blow there.
19:29She looks terrible, awfully bad.
19:33Oh, no, no, you can't wait until in the morning.
19:35I got to get her fixed up tonight.
19:37Yeah, I'm in a hurry.
19:41Yeah, oh, oh, oh, thanks, Max.
19:44All right, I'll drive her right down.
19:45I'll be right down there right away.
19:46Yeah, okay.
20:37Look out for a black sedan.
20:49License and B column.
20:56Body of dead woman reported in back seat of car.
20:59Man is dangerous.
21:01May be armed.
21:02That is all.
21:05Now, don't worry, Mr. Butler.
21:06She had a pretty bad bump.
21:07But I'll have her back in the morning looking like she just
21:09stepped right out of a beauty shop.
21:10That's fine, Max.
21:11That's a load off of my mind.
21:13Now I can go home and have dinner in peace.
21:17What, at 930?
21:18Is it 930?
21:20My, my, bedtime.
21:22What will Effie say?
21:24I'm sorry to have kept you all so late.
21:26I know you must be starved.
21:28You said it, Effie.
21:29Well, I'm hungry.
21:30Early yet, Effie?
21:31Let's give him a few more minutes.
21:33How would it be if I did some of my card tricks?
21:35Oh, thank you so much, Wilbur.
21:37But I think we'll have dinner now.
21:38Come along, folks.
21:45Now, folks, let's have a toast.
21:48Oh, I love toast.
21:49Make it a funny one.
21:51To our charming hostess, may we all
21:53live to be invited to her golden wedding.
21:55Oh, isn't that cute?
21:57Very sweet.
21:59And to our invisible host, absent in person
22:02but with us in spirit.
22:04I am not.
22:06Now, look it, fresh guy.
22:08What did you do with the blonde woman you had in your car?
22:11I didn't have a woman in my car.
22:13You didn't, eh?
22:17We found these in the back seat of your car.
22:20How do you alibi that?
22:23Oh, I know.
22:24They must have fallen off a carol when I carried it out
22:26of the car.
22:27I thought you said you didn't have
22:28a woman in the car with you.
22:29I didn't.
22:30Well, then who's this carol?
22:32She's a model.
22:33I suppose a model ain't a woman.
22:35Now we're getting somewhere.
22:37Where did you hide her?
22:38I didn't hide her.
22:39I took her down to Max to get her fixed up.
22:41Fixed up?
22:43Max said he'd fix her up so that Mr. Sibley
22:45wouldn't know about the accident.
22:50Wait a minute.
22:51Now let's get started right from the beginning.
22:54Well, to begin with, Mr. Sibley wouldn't let me touch her.
22:57So there's another man in the case.
22:59Jealous, eh?
23:00No, but he thinks a lot of her, too.
23:02This guy Sibley and you were goofy over the same blonde.
23:05You take her away from him and, uh...
23:07No, no, no.
23:08No, you see, it was like this.
23:10He left me alone with her.
23:12And after he'd gone, I picked Carol up
23:14and I was taking her across the room to the bed.
23:17I want to lay her down there.
23:18But going over there, I tripped and she fell to the floor.
23:21And when she fell, she must have hit her head on the bed.
23:25Go on.
23:26Yeah, I'll go on.
23:28So I turned her over, see?
23:30And when I did, I noticed a big gash in her head.
23:32And I knew if Sibley came the next morning
23:34and found that big gash in her head,
23:36he'd be furious.
23:37I know Sibley.
23:39So what'd I do?
23:41I picked her up and took her over to Max to get her fixed up
23:44and I was hurrying home to dinner when...
23:46an officer stopped me.
23:48Well, of all the cold-blooded guys that I ever met...
23:51Mr. Police, I tell you, I ain't done nothing.
23:54No, I suppose you just drove that car
23:56into City Hall Fountain to watch it.
23:58I had a nervous shock, and I was tearing up at home
24:01when the fountain just jumped right up in front of me.
24:06Oh, Mr. Butler.
24:08They done kissed you, didn't they?
24:11Do you know this man?
24:12Yes, I works for him.
24:14So you're in on a murder too?
24:16No, sir, not me.
24:17Where's the body?
24:18I don't know what he done with it.
24:20I told you, it's down to Max Waxworks.
24:22Max Waxworks?
24:23Yes, Max Waxworks.
24:24If you don't believe it, go down and see.
24:26Flanagan, lock these mugs up before I go screw you.
24:29I gotta have time to figure this out.
24:30Come on, you.
24:31Hey, you can't do this to me.
24:33Oh, Brian, the whole thing is screwing.
24:35Max Waxworks, Sylvie.
24:36Heather, swell time.
24:38No fooling you, Effie.
24:39It was great.
24:41Come along, Clara.
24:42I know just how you're feeling, dear.
24:43But don't worry.
24:44Henry'll have a good excuse for not coming home.
24:46I hope.
24:48Coming, dear.
24:49Good night, darling.
24:50Good night.
24:51Well, as usual, always the last to leave.
24:53Good night, Effie.
24:54Good night, Dave.
24:55Good night, Mrs. Butler.
24:56Good night.
24:57Thanks so much for inviting me.
24:58Well, I'm so glad you joined us.
24:59I hope to have the pleasure of meeting your husband sometime.
25:00I'm sure you will.
25:01What do you mean, Gil, in court?
25:02Oh, no, no.
25:03I didn't mean it that way, Mrs. Butler.
25:04Oh, I'm sure you didn't.
25:05Good night, Effie.
25:06Good night, my dear.
25:07Come on, Gil.
25:09So your Henry's different.
25:11Ha, ha, ha.
25:14The next time you take a wax model down to Max Waxworks,
25:18I hope you do it on my day off.
25:20Now get out.
25:21Here, take these with you.
25:22Come on, Memphis.
25:23I'm going.
25:25What are you doing that for?
25:27I figured the quieter I was getting in,
25:29the less noise there's going to be later on.
25:33I think you've got something there.
25:51What's that?
25:53What's all this?
25:54That was your 20th anniversary dinner.
25:57My anniversary?
25:59Couldn't have been.
26:02It was.
26:03I said it was.
26:05Yeah, you said it was.
26:12Why didn't you tell me it was my anniversary?
26:14You didn't ask me.
26:15Oh, no.
26:20Good night, boys.
26:21Good night.
26:27Come on, puppet, come on and tell him!
26:29Why didn't you tell him?
26:30Why didn't you say anything?
26:31Don't tell me no lies!
26:32I didn't know who the noise!
26:34Tell me, why did you stop me?
26:36I didn't know!
26:37Why did you?
26:38Why didn't you say anything?
26:40I didn't know who the noise!
26:41Stop it!
27:51Why all the sneaking?
27:54I didn't want to wake up my wife.
27:57Hello, Effie, dear.
27:59Hello, Effie.
28:04I bet she thinks something's wrong.
28:16Whoever the gal is, she certainly has a dainty foot.
28:19What are you going to do about it?
28:20Well, I...
28:21I don't know.
28:23Nothing like this has ever happened before.
28:25How do you know it hasn't?
28:26Just because you didn't catch him doesn't say it didn't happen.
28:29Well, I...
28:30Now, let me know why.
28:31All men are cheaters at heart.
28:33Now, don't say,
28:34my Henry's different,
28:36because he isn't.
28:37Well, I...
28:38I know it seems a little, but...
28:40A little?
28:41What does it take to convince you?
28:43Both shoes?
28:44With a blonde in them?
28:45Now, you just let me handle this
28:47and be thankful you had your eyes opened
28:49while you're still young.
28:53If you're calling Henry,
28:54I don't want to talk to him.
28:56That's the spirit,
28:57but I'm not calling Henry.
28:59Mr. Wayne, please.
29:01Oh, is that you?
29:02Hello, Gil.
29:04Well, I've got another client for you.
29:10Mrs. Butler.
29:13A Mr. Gilbert Wayne to see you, sir.
29:17I don't want to see anybody.
29:19Nobody at all.
29:21I'm a very sick man.
29:23Very sick.
29:25Yes, sir.
29:26I'm sorry, sir, but...
29:29Mr. Butler?
29:30My name is Gilbert Wayne.
29:32How do you do, Mr. Wayne?
29:33What can I do for you?
29:35I'd like to talk to you about your wife's divorce.
29:37Yes, yes.
29:38Go on.
29:44Being a gentleman,
29:45you naturally won't fight the case.
29:46In fact, I'm sure you'll agree
29:47that the more quietly it's handled,
29:49the less scandal will be attached to it.
29:51Now, about the property settlement...
29:53Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
29:54Oh, just a moment.
29:56Just a moment.
29:57Just a moment, please.
30:02Now, the first thing I should demand
30:03is that Mrs. Butler be given the house free and clear,
30:05and then...
30:06Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
30:08Uh, who is this?
30:10Oh, this is Mr. Butler.
30:12I would like to speak to Mrs. Butler.
30:14As far as the automobiles are concerned,
30:16I shall be perfectly willing
30:17to allow you to retain yours.
30:21I'm sorry, Mr. Butler,
30:23but she says she ain't home.
30:29Oh, she did, huh?
30:31Well, shall we get down to business?
30:35Yes, Mr. Butler?
30:36Tell my attorney, Mr. Kimball,
30:39to come over right away.
30:42Despite your objections, Mr. Kimball,
30:43the fact remains that my client wants her freedom,
30:45and has employed me to act for her.
30:47I concede your point, Mr. Wayne,
30:49but I protest that you are not giving my client,
30:51Mr. Butler, the respect and consideration due him.
30:54Naturally, we will file objections
30:55to the charges in Mrs. Butler's complaint.
30:57Very well.
30:58If you and Mr. Butler want a fight,
30:59we'll give it to you.
31:00I was hoping that we could come to
31:01some mutually satisfactory agreement,
31:03but obviously I was wrong.
31:04I should hope so.
31:06Effie, you don't know what you're doing.
31:08If you'd only let me talk to you as a friend.
31:10Mr. Kimball, I shouldn't have to remind you
31:12that your actions are rather unethical.
31:14I apologize.
31:17Now, the first step is for you
31:18to establish another residence.
31:20Move out of my home?
31:22Oh, no.
31:24I don't want to do that.
31:26With all my pretty things,
31:28furniture, my pictures.
31:30Oh, no.
31:33No, I won't do that.
31:34Very well, in that case,
31:35it's up to Mr. Butler to move out.
31:37Who, me?
31:39I won't.
31:40Out of my own home?
31:41I won't budge.
31:42And you can't make me.
31:43Can he?
31:46Very well.
31:47Then I shall insist, Mrs. Butler,
31:48that you install a third person in this house
31:50as a witness who can testify in court
31:52that you and your husband are living apart.
31:53In that case, I shall insist that Mr. Butler
31:55have a witness also.
31:56Yeah, yeah.
31:59I have a complete list of the community property
32:01and shall insist upon Mrs. Butler
32:03receiving her full share.
32:05What did you say about community property?
32:07Just a moment, please.
32:09Mr. Kimball and I will take care of the details
32:11if you will just sit down and be quiet.
32:12Be quiet?
32:13In my own home?
32:14About my own divorce?
32:15Well, this is a fine state of affairs.
32:17I can't open my mouth in my own home?
32:19Well, let me tell you something.
32:20I'm a free American citizen.
32:22I pay taxes,
32:23and I have a right to free speech,
32:25liberty, and pursuit of happiness
32:27and all that stuff.
32:29And I can't talk, eh?
32:30And you stand there and tell me
32:31to get out of my own home
32:32and leave behind all the things I paid for.
32:34I paid for this,
32:35and this,
32:36and this,
32:37and that,
32:38and that,
32:39and that,
32:40and this chair,
32:41and that,
32:45I didn't know your husband
32:46had such a violent temper.
32:48Neither did I.
32:49I shall take steps to protect you
32:50from any further outbursts.
32:53I think I'll go to my room.
33:02When I got your telegram, Aunt Evie,
33:03I couldn't quite figure it out.
33:05What do you mean by my being a witness?
33:07What's it all about?
33:08I'm divorcing Henry.
33:10Divorcing Uncle Henry?
33:12Oh, you're not serious.
33:14Never was more serious in my life.
33:16But you two have always been so happy.
33:21We were until...
33:23Well, if you must know,
33:25there's another woman.
33:26Oh, I don't believe it.
33:28I can't believe it.
33:30Nevertheless, it's true.
33:32Uncle Henry, a playboy?
33:34It just doesn't make sense.
33:36It doesn't, eh?
33:44If you had a husband who stayed out all night
33:46and came home with these in his pocket,
33:49and guilt written all over his face,
33:51perhaps you'd understand my present frame of mind.
33:53Well, that certainly is a shock.
33:56Oh, what shall I do with these?
33:58Oh, they're Henry's.
33:59I moved him across to the guest room.
34:01I must have forgotten these.
34:02Just take them over to him and put them in his dresser,
34:04will you please?
34:06The second drawer.
34:08The right-hand corner.
34:21Pick them up.
34:24I have orders to shoot all intruders.
34:26No trespassing allowed.
34:28Oh, you must be Uncle Henry's keeper.
34:31Something like that.
34:33Well, I'm on the other side of the fence,
34:35so that sort of makes us enemies.
34:37Does it?
34:38Well, can't be compromised and be sort of friendly enemies?
34:41Why not?
34:42I never quarrel with lawyers.
34:44Hey, how did you know I was interested in law?
34:46Purely elementary, Watson.
34:47For one thing, you're wearing a Phi Beta Kappa key,
34:50and you use such words as compromise and trespass.
34:54Such deduction, Sherlock.
34:55But I still have some hurdles to jump
34:57from a full-fledged lawyer.
34:58Simple little things like passing my bar exams
35:00and finding some clients.
35:01And when you do hang out your shingle,
35:03what are you going in for?
35:04Divorce cases?
35:06Not me.
35:07I think divorce is, well, sort of tragic.
35:10I'd rather be the kind of a lawyer
35:11who keeps couples together.
35:12Take this case, for instance.
35:14It's all wrong.
35:15It just doesn't add up.
35:16Gee, I'm glad to hear you say that.
35:17That's the way I see it.
35:19Well, I'd better be getting back to Aunt Effie.
35:24How's about telling the fellow your name?
35:26Jane Forbes.
35:29That's pretty.
35:31I like that.
35:32And yours?
35:35Kindly step this way.
35:40Miss Forbes,
35:41allow me to present Mr. Bob Grant.
35:44Charmed, I'm sure.
35:46Oh, the pleasure's all mine.
35:49Well, I'll see you later.
35:51Hello, George.
35:57Well, Grant, old man,
35:58it begins to look like this job has possibilities.
36:05You know, in Bangalore,
36:06I can't get you no quicker.
36:09Is this the Butler residence?
36:11Well, step aside, eight ball,
36:13and tell Mrs. Butler that Gooch Mulligan's here.
36:15I'm Miss Butler.
36:17What do you want to see me about?
36:20Eddie, I'm a private detective and a bodyguard.
36:22Mr. Wayne sent me around.
36:24He said I was to protect you
36:25in case that tough guy you're married to gets violent again.
36:27He did?
36:32make yourself at home.
36:43Put it away.
36:45Never mind about that.
36:46I'll take care of it.
36:51Hello, Memphis.
36:54Oh, I beg your pardon.
36:55I thought I was in...
36:56I must have been in the wrong house.
36:58I thought it was 814.
37:05This is 814.
37:06Hey, what is this, a game or something?
37:07What do you want?
37:08I want to come in.
37:09This is my home.
37:11Are you Henry Butler?
37:13Who are you?
37:14Never mind who I am.
37:16I'm sorry.
37:22Oh, fresh cat, huh?
37:24Tough guy, I guess you've got something I'm going to fish for you.
37:26What have you got for me?
37:29Oh, what...
37:31Oh, you've got a pipe, huh?
37:34This is my pipe.
37:39Look out for that thing.
37:40Careful with that.
37:41It's loaded.
37:42Look out.
37:43Look out.
37:44That's loaded, man.
37:45Let's get out of here.
37:52Oh, now don't tell me you're going to waste another perfectly good evening.
37:55Waste another evening?
37:57Do you know of any better way of getting some easy dough?
37:59And big dough, too.
38:01You may get that fur coat and a diamond necklace.
38:03And what about the honeymoon in Hawaii?
38:06Oh, sure, sure.
38:07Well, just be patient, honey.
38:09You're not getting me to run around, are you, Gil?
38:11Run around?
38:12Why, who would ever put such an idea into your pretty head?
38:15Oh, I don't know.
38:16It's just that you're mixed up with so many women all the time.
38:18Look, in the divorce racket, the smart guy always represents the woman.
38:22That's where the big dough is.
38:24She gets the cash settlement.
38:25And the bigger the settlement, the easier it is to get a good-sized chunk of it, see?
38:29Come on, let's have a little smile.
38:31That's more like it.
38:33Look, I want you to come along with me tonight.
38:35If the old girl has weakened and won't sign, I may need your help.
38:40At least I'll get a smell of an idea.
38:44I'm so glad things turned out this way.
38:46It's much better.
38:47I am, too.
38:48Say, you're all right.
38:49It's a nice place.
38:53Well, I guess there's nothing I can do here, so I'll be running along.
38:57Oh, my watch must have stopped.
39:01Have you the time?
39:02Quarter past eight.
39:04Come on, Mr. Butler, we've got four hours to make here.
39:10I hope I haven't broken up the game.
39:12Who's winning?
39:13Oh, we just started.
39:14It looks as though Henry's on the way to a little slam.
39:16Oh, I'll die.
39:17We just happen to have all the cards.
39:19Well, it's pretty hard to beat someone who has all the cards,
39:21especially if he knows how to play them.
39:25Is Mr. Butler in?
39:26Yes, ma'am.
39:27Tell him that Evelyn would like to see him.
39:31Yes, Evelyn.
39:32Yes, ma'am.
39:37Ah, tell him he was here.
39:40Excuse me, Mr. Butler, but there's a Miss Evelyn to see.
39:47She's right out here in the hall.
39:50Out in the hall?
39:51I don't know any Evelyn.
39:53Excuse me.
39:58Henry, you old darling.
40:01What was the idea of going home so early the other night
40:04when the party was just getting hot?
40:06Why, Evelyn, you got me mistaken for somebody else.
40:09I don't know you.
40:10You don't know me?
40:12Why, Henry Butler.
40:15That is a good one.
40:16You don't know me.
40:17Oh, why, lemme pie.
40:20And by the way, where's my shoe?
40:22What was the idea of running away with it in the first place,
40:24you cute little dick and jew?
40:27Running away with it?
40:28Well, I don't know what you're talking about.
40:29Oh, Henry.
40:35I didn't mean to get you in trouble.
40:37Just give me my shoe and I'll run along.
40:38I tell you, I haven't got your shoe.
40:40You've got your shoe.
40:41Oh, all right.
40:42Have it your own way.
40:43But get this, playboy.
40:45The next time, don't carry a joke so far.
40:47Good night.
41:03That's funny.
41:04She said I had a shoe.
41:06I didn't have a shoe.
41:09I don't know that woman from Adam.
41:11She's telling me she...
41:13Give me your paper and your pen.
41:16Oh, Effie.
41:17Uh-oh, here we go again.
41:19You know what you're doing now, Effie.
41:21Is that all?
41:22Yes, thank you.
41:26I mean, Effie!
41:33Where do you think you're going?
41:35Where do you think you're going?
41:36You know, things like that depress me.
41:38Well, good night.
41:40Good night.
41:42Say good night to Mrs. Butler.
41:44Yes, I will.
41:45Stand aside, sir.
41:46Stand aside.
41:47Oh, yes.
41:48You're one of us, huh?
41:54Well, what's your verdict?
41:56Something's rotten in Denmark.
41:58I think so, too.
41:59This is the end, Jane.
42:01Absolutely the end.
42:02Oh, no, Auntie, please.
42:04There's no use your talking.
42:05It's as plain as day.
42:06Well, I saw it with my own eyes.
42:08You old darling.
42:09Lemmy Pie, you cute little dickhead.
42:13You can't argue me out of that.
42:15Butler, are you sure you don't know this girl?
42:17Try to think.
42:18Think hard.
42:19I don't have to think.
42:20I know.
42:21I tell you, I never saw her before in my life.
42:23Are you positive?
42:25Don't you think I know who I know and who I don't know?
42:28Yes, but I...
42:29I tell you, I never saw that woman before in my life.
42:33Pipe down, you.
42:36I tell you, I never saw her before in my...
42:39Say, what is this?
42:40Me, whispering in my own house.
42:42What am I?
42:43A mice or a man?
42:45Well, he can't stop me from talking to my own wife.
42:47I'm going over there and clean this whole thing up.
42:56None of that, Pappy.
42:59Well, that's telling him.
43:03I'll bet this isn't the first time.
43:05No wonder Grace Norman gave me that laugh.
43:08I'll bet she knew the whole time that...
43:17Oh, hello, Grace.
43:19No, I...
43:20I'm not in the mood for a party tonight.
43:22No, I don't feel...
43:27He is?
43:29That might be a good idea.
43:33All right, Grace.
43:34All right, goodbye.
43:37Going out?
43:38Yes, Grace Norman's having a party.
43:40Mr. Wayne will be there.
43:42And I'm going to celebrate my divorce.
43:47And am I going to get tight.
44:03Well, good night, dear.
44:08Oh, excuse me if...
44:09My, you look beautiful.
44:11I want to see you about something.
44:17Don't wait up for me.
44:18I won't be home until morning.
44:26No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
44:32What do I care?
44:35He's nothing to me.
44:36What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
44:54Don't wait up for me.
44:55I may not be back till morning.
44:58And I don't know what morning.
45:02Boy, are they both putting on an act.
45:04Yes, a couple of Pagliacci.
45:06Oh, God, we had that situation right in the palm of our hand until Aunt Evelyn came looking for her shoe.
45:11Isn't it, that sounded mighty fishy to me, didn't it to you?
45:14But you know Uncle Henry did come home with a shoe in his pocket the other night.
45:18He did?
45:19Certainly, that's what started the whole thing, didn't you know?
45:23Come in here.
45:24Exhibit A, as you lawyers would say.
45:28What size do you think this is?
45:29Oh, five, five and a half.
45:31I wish I'd paid more attention to that girl's feet.
45:33Did you notice them?
45:34As a matter of fact, I did.
45:36Well, she's no Cinderella.
45:38That makes it fishier than ever.
45:40I wonder who she is.
45:41Gooch knows who she is.
45:43A wise look-past between them.
45:44I caught it.
45:45Aye, you've been reading too many detective stories.
45:47I still see them.
45:48Gooch knows who she is.
45:49Gooch knows who she is.
45:50Gooch knows who she is.
45:51Gooch knows who she is.
45:52Gooch knows who she is.
45:53I still say Gooch knows her and probably knows where she lives.
45:56That makes it easy.
45:57Perhaps easier than you think.
45:59Another idea?
46:07Are you sure that dog is dead?
46:11Oh, another customer.
46:14I'll be back in a flash.
46:15All right.
46:18Effie, darling.
46:20Hello, Grace.
46:21I'm so glad you decided to come.
46:23It'll do you good.
46:24He'll be here in a minute.
46:25He's breaking another date.
46:27Come on and meet the gang.
46:29Hey, gang.
46:30This is Effie Butler.
46:31She won't be using the butler much longer.
46:33You remember Miss Hill and Mrs. Thornton.
46:36And you know Dick Gordon.
46:37Hey, Dick, get Effie a drink.
46:38What would you like?
46:39Oh, I'm so glad.
46:40Get her a bourbon and soda.
46:41Oh, no, but I don't...
46:42Hey, Ronnie, come here.
46:43Ronnie, come here.
46:52Hey, what'd you give me?
46:54A bourbon highball.
46:56A what?
46:57A bourbon highball.
47:00Oh, that's different, then.
47:02That makes it a lot of difference.
47:08Funny world.
47:09Funny world.
47:10It's a lot of nonsense.
47:11The whole thing's a lot of nonsense.
47:14Everything is a lot of nonsense.
47:18Everything is a lot of nonsense.
47:23It just doesn't make sense.
47:30And all about a shoe.
47:32It's all about one little shoe.
47:36A little bit of shoe.
47:38Don't say anything at all.
47:39Come on.
47:40All right.
47:41No, you don't have to worry about it.
47:42You don't have to worry about it.
47:45You know, there's a solution.
47:47There's a solution.
47:48Don't you tell me.
47:50Don't you tell me.
47:51Let me get it.
47:52I'll get it.
47:53I'll get it.
47:57I got it.
47:58I got it.
48:01Take care of yourself, pal.
48:03Oh, wrong direction.
48:10Oh, Mr. Gooch.
48:14You're wanted on the phone.
48:20Thanks, lady.
48:31Wasn't nobody there.
48:32Oh, she must have hung up.
48:34Well, didn't she say who she was or nothing?
48:37That's funny.
48:38I got a couple of girls on the string, but I never gave any of them this number.
48:43There's only one girl I know would call me here.
48:47Maybe she's the one, pal.
48:58Is this the Royal Arms apartment?
49:01Give me apartment number 216.
49:06Nan, did you call me at the butler joint?
49:09No, I didn't.
49:10You think I'm crazy?
49:11Well, somebody called me here, and I thought it was you.
49:13Well, you thought wrong.
49:14It wasn't me.
49:20Did you get it?
49:21The Royal Arms, apartment 216.
49:28Come in.
49:31Right on time, aren't you, darling?
49:34I'm all ready.
49:36Oh, boy, I can hardly wait till I get on that dance floor.
49:39Seems too good to be true.
49:42What's the matter?
49:43I'm awfully sorry, hon, but I've got to disappoint you.
49:46A business date has just come up.
49:48A business date, huh?
49:49It's a business date, and I mean it.
49:51Well, I don't believe you.
49:52What do you think of that?
49:59I'm through listening to you.
50:00Fed up with being shoved aside.
50:02You can't tell me you're going on a business date and get away with it.
50:04Why don't you come clean and tell me you're rushing one of those rich clients of yours?
50:07How do I know you're not planning to marry one of them?
50:09Give me the air.
50:10You're acting like a fool.
50:11Well, I'm sick of the way you're treating me.
50:13I stay in here night after night while you drag those rich mamas around nightclubs.
50:17You're beginning to think that honeymoon of ours is a fairy tale.
50:19And I'm beginning to get tired of hearing the same old swamp all the time.
50:22Oh, you are, huh?
50:24Well, if you go out that door tonight, all bets are off.
50:25I'm through.
50:26Is that the way you feel about it?
50:27That's the way I feel about it.
50:29Well, that suits me.
50:40Come in.
50:59Come in?
51:04Better save that for Wayne.
51:05He might come back, although I doubt it.
51:08What... what's the idea?
51:10Oh, nothing. Just checking up.
51:14I wanted to get a few things straightened out.
51:16This little frame-up on Mr. Butler, for instance.
51:18I don't know what you're talking about.
51:19Oh, I think you do.
51:21Now, let's get down to facts.
51:22You're working with Gilbert Wayne on this divorce record, aren't you?
51:26Okay, I'm crazy.
51:27But that gag and the missing shoe didn't ring true to me.
51:30Nevertheless, the fact remains he took it.
51:33When did he take it?
51:34That's my business.
51:35Oh, I see.
51:36And you had to come home on only one shoe, huh?
51:39Where is it?
51:40Where's what?
51:41The shoe that you had to hobble home in.
51:44It's in there.
51:45Let's see it.
51:47All right.
52:05So this is it, huh?
52:08You're pretty much of an amateur at this sort of thing, aren't you?
52:10A smart girl would find out the color of the missing shoe first,
52:13and then do her bluffing.
52:15This is the shoe Mr. Butler brought home.
52:19Mighty poor match, I'd say.
52:21And both from the left foot, too.
52:23All right, wise guy.
52:24It was a frame-up.
52:25So what?
52:28Did you hear that?
52:29Great work, Sherlock.
52:30Elementary, Watson.
52:31Purely elementary.
52:33And which would you like to ride in?
52:35Patrol wagon or a taxi?
52:38You win.
52:39Let's go.
52:44Carol, you're the one I want.
52:46Listen, Carol, you got me into a mess.
52:48Now you've got to get me out.
52:50You know what I'm going to do?
52:52I'm going to take you home and I'm going to get you out of here.
52:55You know what I'm going to do?
52:56I'm going to take you home and show my wife.
52:59Come on.
53:00Come on.
53:02Oh, excuse me.
53:04You can't.
53:05Come on, can you?
53:06Come on.
53:07I'll take care of it.
53:10Take you home and we'll clean up this whole affair.
53:18Say goodbye to Harry.
53:20Say goodbye to Harry.
53:22And then we all rode home on the milk wagon in evening clothes,
53:24and we gave the driver five bucks to help us deliver the milk.
53:31Oh, that must be Gil.
53:35Well, hello.
53:37Come on in.
53:38So sorry to be a little late.
53:39Better late than never.
53:40Looks like you're all way ahead of me.
53:41Will you excuse me, please?
53:43Good evening, Mr. Wayne.
53:44Good evening, Mrs. Buckley.
53:46You look like a new woman.
53:47I feel like one, too.
53:48Don't believe a word he says.
53:49He tells that to all his clients.
53:51Come on in.
53:52Forward march.
53:55Forward march.
53:58You don't have to worry about these men flirting with you.
54:00I'll protect you.
54:01Go on.
54:02Go on.
54:03Go on.
54:04Mind your own business.
54:05Go on, you old flirt.
54:06Come on, Carol.
54:12Come back here!
54:13Come back here!
54:19Cleveland headquarters?
54:20Are you fellas still looking for a lawyer by the name of George Wilson?
54:23Connection with a divorce raggot?
54:25Well, he's here pulling the same stuff.
54:29Got a fancy name.
54:30Gilbert Wayne.
54:32Tie that, will you?
54:34You want us to pick him up for you?
54:36Okay, call you back.
54:39Your boyfriend gets around, doesn't he?
54:41Austin, Miami, Cleveland.
54:43Any idea where he is right now?
54:45No, but wherever he is, I'll bet Mrs. Butler is with him.
54:48In that case, I suggest you call Mrs. Grace Norman.
54:51Yeah, this is my home.
54:54It was.
54:56Well, I guess everybody's going to bed.
54:58Come on, we'll go upstairs and make a move.
55:01Yeah, everybody's going to bed.
55:03Well, it's a little late.
55:08Oh, now watch yourself.
55:09Now, watch yourself.
55:11I know you're tired.
55:12Put yourself together.
55:14Now, all I want you to do, Carol, is explain everything to my wife,
55:17and then you can go home.
55:18Get the idea?
55:20Come on, now, come on.
55:21Up she goes.
55:22Up she daisy.
55:27Thanks very much.
55:30He was there, but he just left.
55:31He's taking Mrs. Butler home.
55:33I think we'll give the gentleman a little surprise.
55:39Oh, what a party.
55:42Still is as far as I can see.
55:45Good evening, Mr. Wilson.
55:47My name is not Wilson.
55:48You can tell that to the judge in Boston or Miami or Cleveland.
55:51Take your choice.
55:52Well, officer, what is this all about?
55:55That's Mr. Wayne's past catching up with him, Aunt Effie.
55:58Oh, I'm sorry.
55:59I'm sorry.
56:00I'm sorry.
56:01I'm sorry.
56:02I'm sorry.
56:03I'm sorry.
56:04I'm sorry.
56:05I'm sorry.
56:06I'm sorry.
56:07He's still catching up with him, Aunt Effie.
56:08Yes, it seems you're not
56:09the only victim of his little racket, Mrs. Butler.
56:12Yes, if you remember Evelyn and her little shoe.
56:14That was one of Mr. Wayne's little tricks.
56:16That's right, Mrs. Butler.
56:17Why, you dirty little chiseler.
56:18Oh, the shoe's on the other foot, Gill,
56:20and you're going to get it.
56:21Come on, you.
56:22Get going.
56:23You got a long train ride ahead of you.
56:29I'm sorry for everything I did tonight, Mrs. Butler.
56:32Except that.
56:33But if you ask me, I think we're both well rid of a big headache.
56:36Oh, dear, I don't seem to see what this is all about.
56:42Well, what's my next move?
56:44Why, you've never been in Boston, Cleveland, Miami, have you?
56:47Well, then, forget about it.
56:48Thank you very much.
56:50Oh, I almost forgot.
56:52The wrong one.
56:53There's no use breaking up a pair.
56:56You're welcome.
56:57Good night.
56:58Good night.
57:00To think that I ever mistrusted him.
57:03Now, Andy, all you have to do is go upstairs and tell him you're sorry.
57:06Sure, Mrs. Butler.
57:07That's all there is to it.
57:08Oh, I hope you're right, Bob.
57:09But I...
57:13But he still hasn't told me where this came from, the night of our wedding anniversary.
57:16Andy, now, don't get excited again.
57:18Take it easy.
57:19Don't worry about a thing, because I'm...
57:23I don't worry about anything.
57:25I'll take care of it.
57:27I'm sure he can explain it.
57:28Oh, yes.
57:29Just give him a chance.
57:30Just one step, you'll...
57:31That's right.
57:32Easy now.
57:33Easy, easy.
57:37I'm awfully sorry this happened.
57:38But you know how things are.
57:40When you're...
57:41When you're not ready...
57:42All right, folks.
57:45Henry Butler.
57:47Oh, honey.
57:48I want you to meet Carol from Max Wexworth's.
57:53Carol, this is my wife.
57:54Hey, that's what we've been looking for.
57:56Give me.
57:57Give me.
57:58Give me.
58:00There you are.
58:02One, two.
58:03That's what I've been trying to tell you all the time, honey.
58:05Come here.
58:06Come here.
58:07Wait, wait, wait, wait.
58:08Now we start right from the beginning.
58:10Oh, no.
58:11I don't want to hear it.
58:13And I was carrying her over to put her on the bed.
58:15And she slipped and fell and was whipped there on the bed.
58:18And there was a big gash down the side of her head.
58:20Oh, darling.
58:21So I picked her up with the rags.
58:22Actually, I picked her up so that there wasn't anything to do with her.
58:25She wouldn't move.
58:26She'd stumble.
58:27So on the way home, I was with her.
58:29And I was going on and on.