ملاعب عملاقة

  • 3 years ago
00:00As they say, you're not as old as you are in years, but as you feel, we've found that the brain can control the pace of aging.
00:08When we manipulate rat brains, it can actually make them live longer. This means that your behavior, what you think about, and what you feel can actually affect your body and its aging.
00:19So we have a lot of evidence that the brain affects the longevity of, for example, in the case of mice, if you manipulate certain parts of their brains, they can live a life that is 20 to 30 percent longer. That explains why your body can still be completely young if you're following certain behavior or keeping your brain active. The best example of living life according to the scheme is the creators of longevity.
00:44These people were baptized until the nineties or after one hundred
00:48With good health and very good jobs.
00:52We're trying to figure out a way to take advantage of the advantage that exists between the current aging population, especially people who are over 100 years old and older
01:01that is the people who have exceeded 110 years, and who may not suffer from many of the deadly and destructive types or diseases that the rest suffer from at a younger age. These people are clearly getting older at a slower pace.
01:16We're trying to figure out their secret. Maybe it's genetic
01:19or a specific religion or a type of protein or fat that exists in their bodies, and to discover what that thing is and provide this advantage for the rest of the world. This is where gerontology is headed.
01:31Dr. Nair Barre, an agricultural doctor at the University of Albert Einstein, has been studying super-aged people for years in the hope of deciphering the secret of healthy centurions to the age of 100
01:41Dr. Barnes worked right on Port, who is 104 years old, several years ago. He studied what seems to protect her from the challenges of ageing.
01:51So centenarians are very rare. It's very complicated, and it's not just about felonies, it's about the changes in the DNA sequence
02:01Not only is it important, but there are things that we call backward science as well as DNA. And so we're revealing a lot of mechanisms that are part of
02:11From the Sheik.
02:13If you have a bad habit of not eating properly, or not sleeping enough, or not doing enough exercise,
02:21The 60-day continuation of practicing new habits
02:24It actually starts reprogramming your genetic activity, which is what we call genetic expression, as it becomes automatic if people know that it only takes the same disciplined choices every day for two months to reconnect the brain and reprogram the expression, the pound
02:40And that's because of neuroplasticity and retardation. �
02:43They will realize that it is not too late to choose to start living the right way and make the right choices for their way of life.
02:52understanding the secrets of the cognitive functioning of old - fashioned snobs is at the heart of the ongoing research at northwest ren
