ملاعب عملاقة

  • 3 years ago
00:00The Israeli response, as you mentioned, means that nothing will change. the deterrence equation will remain as it is. Iran will remain
00:08the same activities, the same kind and nature of strikes,
00:13Nothing will change, I mean, rules of engagement will remain the same. Is this how we read things, or is there a change now in the direction and nature of this Iranian-Israeli conflict?
00:25We must not necessarily make sure that an actor like Iran is able to continue this kind of escalation. Even if he's as broke as he is now,
00:38We must make sure that we make it clear that whatever escalation there is there will be an equal price for it and an escalation. Therefore, every time the Israelis respond by land, Iran goes by sea because Israel prevents or rules out the levels of escalation.
01:00Iran is special. Money and blood can be spent pursuing these ideas. the hands that come ideologically, even if they do not have any progress in the escalation in these three areas, I mentioned deterrence. deterrence
01:17It's not a one-time thing, it's a circle, and it has to
01:20Maintaining a period of peace between attacks, this is the purpose of a strict response to have a longer period of calm.
01:30But when an adversary believes in a particular ideology, it is difficult to achieve that.
01:36Thank you very much from Washington via Skype Mr. Behnam Taleb, expert in Iranian affairs and senior researcher in the Center for the Defense of Democracies
01:45Thank you very much
01:50The Arab coalition announced the foiling of an attack on a Saudi commercial ship by a hostile march plane.
01:56The coalition said that the Houthis are still threatening maritime navigation lines
02:01and international trade in the South Red Sea with the support of Iran. He added that the coalition's efforts contributed to securing freedom of navigation
02:09and the safety of ships passing through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.
02:21In a speech to the United Nations on the implementation of the nuclear agreement concluded in 2015,
02:27Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said that the agreement is a global crisis
02:32Major without war or division. Zarif said that the agreement was concluded amid a state of doubt between the participants and after decades of hostility,
02:42However, the dispute settlement mechanisms and the constructive participation items with regard to the implementation of the plan
02:48failed to build confidence and led to the deepening of the existing tensions between the parties concerned, as he described it.
02:59Despite the talks
