ملاعب عملاقة

  • 3 years ago
00:00to twenty seven or twenty two trillion dollars that was running locally. but from a military standpoint , it may bind china
00:08to equalize America in terms of military power, with alliances
00:12that America is establishing around the world, fleets, and agreements such as the China agreement, and it will not meet with Japan, Korea, and others.
00:21It might be very difficult for China
00:24To create an even equation. What's going on is actually going on
00:32the conflict over the areas
00:35I mean, America does not have rules in it like India and Africa. From here, I mean, China is actually trying to circumvent
00:43Behind that line of defense
00:45which was built by the United States through these alliances that you mentioned by hacking towards India. He has
00:55And down to the African continent.
00:57This will be the focus of China's conflict.
01:02Thank you very much for all these clarifications Mr. Nizar Abdel-Qader, military expert and researcher in strategic issues. You were with me from Beirut. Thank you very much for your attention.
01:12Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:17Oh, good.
01:19The British Ministry of Defense announced that an Israeli ship was attacked off the coast of Amman in the Arabian Sea hours later
01:28from reports received by a British naval authority on this attack.
01:33A short statement issued by the maritime trade operations in the United Kingdom stated that the investigation into this incident, which took place
01:41Late on Thursday evening, northeast of the island of Maqlat Al-Amaneya,
01:46He pointed out that it was not an act of piracy.
01:52The White House said that the US administration is still interested in seeking mutual compliance with the comprehensive plan of action
02:00on the nuclear agreement with Iran. I ask the White House when will it return to these negotiations in Vienna until the end of Iran
02:08from the presidential transition process, as also confirmed
02:11that his offer to return to these talks will not be indefinitely.
02:19The rise of the new Iranian President Ibrahim as the head of the authority undermines the ways to reach an agreement in talks that the details
02:28In an article for the newspaper Jiro Salem Post, we continue
02:33Iran's new president to take office next week with nuclear talks frozen
02:39With this headline, the Jerusalem Post newspaper wrote an article saying that the rise of a president to power
02:45led to the suspension of the negotiations between Iran, the United States and the world powers for more than two months, with no clear end looming on the horizon.
02:54The Jerusalem Post pointed out that Khamenei mobilized support for the presidential election
