• 4 tahun yang lalu
SAFE Forum 2020
"Reshaping Indonesia for a Sustainable Future"
August, 25-28 2020

Scale It Up!

In recent years, there has been a growing number of global companies committing to support sustainable business concepts. This is also happening in Indonesia. How can we turn this trend into a bigger movement that is followed by many more companies?

1. Shinta W. Kamdani - President, Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD)
2. Nurdiana Darus - Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, Unilever Indonesia
3. Karyanto Wibowo - Sustainable Development Director, Danone-AQUA
4. Ricky Afrianto - Global Marketing Head/Director, Mayora Group

Puri Anindita

- If you want to access another discussion, please go to SAFE Forum 2020 page (https://katadata.co.id/safeforum2020)
- E-Certificate is available for participants on Zoom Application only who join 80% of the sessions in entire series of the events.
- All sessions are available in English and Bahasa Indonesia at Zoom Application

Mulai Sekarang #KalauBicaraPakaiData #KatadataSAFE2020

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