Win By Fall Movie (2012) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Scott Reynolds is the state’s best 152-pound wrestler. He is a lock for a state championship and a scholarship to a Big Ten University. Scott is cruising his way through a perfect season, until his best friend Ryan, the team’s 171-pound varsity wrestler, breaks his leg in a meet with their cross-town rivals. Coach Winters (three-time UFC heavyweight champion and hall of fame member, Dan “The Beast” Severn) moves Scott up to the 171-pound division. Now, two weight classes higher than he has ever wrestled before, Scott fights for his future. If Scott wants to go to college, he needs a scholarship. If he wants a scholarship, he must WIN!
Directed by Chris Nickin
Starring Rick Dawson, Kirstie Munoz, Joel Paul Reisig, Dan "The Beast" Severn
Directed by Chris Nickin
Starring Rick Dawson, Kirstie Munoz, Joel Paul Reisig, Dan "The Beast" Severn
Short film