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Directed and narreted by Orson Welles The War of the Words was based on H,G. Welles' science fiction novel of the same name. The radio broadcast of Welles' adaptation of the novel on October 30, 1938 was designed to sound like a series of real news bulletins and live accounts of an alien attack. It caused fear and alarm among many listeners who thoght it was a factual report of Earth's invasion by aliens.
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My video - Data
Directed and narreted by Orson Welles The War of the Words was based on H,G. Welles' science fiction novel of the same name. The radio broadcast of Welles' adaptation of the novel on October 30, 1938 was designed to sound like a series of real news bulletins and live accounts of an alien attack. It caused fear and alarm among many listeners who thoght it was a factual report of Earth's invasion by aliens.