Lorelei Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: After 15 years in prison, Wayland (Pablo Schreiber) reunites with his high school girlfriend, Dolores (Jena Malone), who is now a single mother of three. What follows is a lyrical take on love, regret, and second chances.
directed by Sabrina Doyle
starring Jena Malone, Pablo Schreiber, Amelia Borgerding, Parker Pascoe-Sheppard, Chancellor Perry, Gretchen Corbett, Dana Millican
release date July 30, 2021
directed by Sabrina Doyle
starring Jena Malone, Pablo Schreiber, Amelia Borgerding, Parker Pascoe-Sheppard, Chancellor Perry, Gretchen Corbett, Dana Millican
release date July 30, 2021
Short film