Poster Boys Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: When broke Irishman, Al Clancy, mistakenly agrees to mind his smart-ass 10-year-old nephew, Karl, for a week, his job and home are placed in jeopardy. In a bold bid to save Al's unfulfilling but undemanding job as a poster boy, they steal the family camper-van, embarking on a madcap, impulsive postering tour across Ireland. But the unlikely pair soon discover it may be more difficult than they realised to survive a week in each other’s company…
An “Irish gem that will have you in stitches” (Film Ireland), this festival favourite is a road-trip adventure with undeniable heart and an uplifting message at its core; that families need to look out for each other no matter what circumstances they may find themselves in.
An “Irish gem that will have you in stitches” (Film Ireland), this festival favourite is a road-trip adventure with undeniable heart and an uplifting message at its core; that families need to look out for each other no matter what circumstances they may find themselves in.
Short film