Why is sleep so important?

  • 3 years ago
A third of British adults have insomnia to some extent, a problem that has worsened amid the anxiety of the pandemic. The odd night tossing and turning will not have any lasting health implications, however, chronic insomnia could trigger pain, depression and even heart disease. To boost your chances of a peaceful night’s slumber, establish a routine where you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day – even on weekends. Find what works – or doesn’t work – for you. Do you need to cut out caffeine after 6pm? Binge watching Netflix in bed may sound like a relaxing evening, but are you sensitive to the jarring light our laptops, tablets and phones emit? To help sleep come faster – write a to-do list, do some gentle yoga, have a warm bath, read a relaxing book, listen to soothing music. If nothing helps, don’t lie there getting frustrated. Get up and do something relaxing until your eyes feel heavy.