00:01:30Do you mind telling me what all this means?
00:01:55You happen to be Tex Haynes, don't you?
00:01:57That's right.
00:01:58And you happen to be a lawyer.
00:02:01Right again.
00:02:02You're our man.
00:02:03You coming along, or do we have to persuade you?
00:02:07Well, are your guns loaded?
00:02:10Yours is.
00:02:11Then I'm persuaded.
00:02:12Come over here, Dave.
00:02:41You promised me we'd go bear hunting just as soon as we rounded up them ruffians.
00:02:45That's right, I did, Panhandle.
00:02:46But when a ranger gets orders to report...
00:02:47Yeah, I know, I know.
00:02:48He reports.
00:02:49Hello, Captain.
00:02:50Hello, boys.
00:02:51Sit down, Dave.
00:02:53Hello, Captain.
00:02:55Dave, I'm sorry to spoil any vacation plans that you might be making, but...
00:02:56No, it's my bear hunting you're interfering with by making him report.
00:02:57Well, we'll let you join in on a two-legged bear hunt.
00:02:58That ought to make you happy.
00:02:59Well, it won't.
00:03:00Well, it's my bear hunting you're interfering with by making him report.
00:03:01Well, we'll let you join in on a two-legged bear hunt.
00:03:02That ought to make you happy.
00:03:03Well, it won't.
00:03:04Well, it's my bear hunting you're interfering with by making him report.
00:03:05Well, it's my bear hunting you're interfering with by making him report.
00:03:06Well, it's my bear hunting you're interfering with by making him report.
00:03:07Well, we'll let you join in on a two-legged bear hunt.
00:03:08That ought to make you happy.
00:03:09Well, it won't.
00:03:10I want to catch me a bear.
00:03:13A four-legged bear.
00:03:15Sit down and listen to the captain.
00:03:18He's gonna tell you what's in the wind.
00:03:27Well, the only thing I get from this is that Wild Charlie Gray's about to be released from
00:03:30the federal prison there is more to it than that there's a story behind while
00:03:38charlie gray and our new interest in it an army paid train half dozen wagons or
00:03:43so with a small cavalry detachment were headed west with a shipment of gold
00:03:48coins a quarter of a million dollars worth at least while charlie gray headed
00:03:54the guerrilla band and shot up the wagon train and got away with the strong box
00:03:59don't go Sam caught up with while charlie and put him where he now is they
00:04:04never did find out where he hid the loop I suppose you want us to sit outside the
00:04:09prison and wait for him to come out no I want you to spend a week or two with him
00:04:14as a prisoner in the same cell well that's a good idea captain but don't
00:04:18forget that the few hombres there that I sent there they might recognize me and
00:04:23follow the game so
00:04:42I love you captain I ain't never been in prison I wouldn't even know how to act
00:04:48don't let that worry you panhandle no indeed you're our man Perkins you'll go
00:04:53in there as a prisoner about to be released from another prison they
00:04:57spending your last few weeks there no one will question that it's done all the
00:05:01time what did I do in the first place to get sent to prison it was a bus
00:05:05safecracker in the state until they caught up with you get it all I get is
00:05:10the fact that poor old panhandle Perkins spent for two weeks in a cell with a
00:05:14guerrilla hey maybe he ain't even seen you after all the years he's been there
00:05:20he's been
00:05:38hey what's the idea that's what I want to know well I have sent three different
00:05:44letters to mr. Haynes asking him to get in touch with me about some legal matters
00:05:47but he didn't answer so I asked the boys to go out and bring him in sorry if you
00:05:53misunderstood the text oh that's all right I've been away for a couple of
00:05:57months just on the way home when I met the boys first I mean you wanted to see
00:06:03me and Dave Wyatt and panhandle here tells me you have a hot case a case of a
00:06:08quarter of a million dollars I thought Sam was back in Washington for Sam well
00:06:12count me in when it was time now that's fine that's what I like to hear well
00:06:18Perkins here will start in prison thanks you and Dave will work out your problem
00:06:23any way you two want let me tell you Charlie Gray is no picnic well from what
00:06:29I've heard neither were his guerrillas panhandle I hope that prison makes a
00:06:35better man of you and that they let you out some day and let's hope they don't
00:06:41forget to let you out
00:06:50now you can't do this to me
00:06:55three four
00:07:05two more weeks in this hole for Charlie I'll make five years
00:07:14hey how long before you parole oh a couple of weeks maybe I don't know you
00:07:23said you was a safe practice how come he's that cold well the last day for a
00:07:29blue I put too much soup in when it went off it blew me and the safe right through
00:07:34the wall into the marshal's lap that was tough luck I suppose you got a stake in
00:07:41so you can live kind of easy like when you get out $10,000 Oh what chicken
00:07:49feed that won't last long maybe not say how are you think I suppose you've got a
00:07:58stake sorted away to take care of you when you get out if I have that's my
00:08:02business you don't need to get touching I just thought maybe if he didn't I could
00:08:06let you have part of mine that's nice of you panhandle where's yours I hid it in
00:08:13a safe some no-good thief stole it
00:08:37you know I like you panhandle when we get out I'm gonna do something for you
00:08:44yeah I got a stake buried I've just been drawing a map by memory hey you
00:08:54better let me take that map out for you they find it on you you won't have
00:08:58anything left
00:09:44come on Parker this is the day we get rid of you
00:10:13Come on, wake up, wake up, huh?
00:10:15We are getting out.
00:10:16Put your boots on and come on.
00:10:19Come on, put on your boots.
00:10:20Put on your boots.
00:10:28Well, so long, Charlie.
00:10:30When you get out, look me up.
00:10:31Don't leave me panhandled.
00:10:33I'll be out in just a few more days, and then we can pal together.
00:10:36Get going, Parker.
00:10:37Get going.
00:10:43Come on, Charlie.
00:10:44We'll get rid of you, too.
00:10:45Oh, thank you.
00:10:47Look, panhandle, I'm out.
00:10:49I'm out, too.
00:10:50A little stir crazy.
00:10:51He'll be all right.
00:10:52He ain't dating.
00:10:53Oh, we're going to be just like twins, glued together.
00:10:56Come on, pal.
00:11:14Well, looks like a reception committee.
00:11:17I hope no news leaked out that the Rangers are
00:11:19interested in Charlie Gray.
00:11:21Well, hardly.
00:11:23But just the thing, it's a good thing you're working undercover.
00:11:29Now, this is going to be interesting.
00:11:33The man in the black shirt is Steve Martin.
00:11:37Never thought much of him.
00:11:39He's the uncle of Ruby Martin.
00:11:40I told you about that case before.
00:11:42I wonder how deep he's in with Charlie.
00:11:45I don't know, but we'll find out when we see them all together.
00:11:53Why don't we rush Charlie and knock him off?
00:11:55With his map, we don't need him.
00:11:57How do I know the map isn't buried the same as the loose?
00:11:59Don't worry, boys.
00:12:00We'll all come in for a good slice.
00:12:02Why not all of us?
00:12:03You was with him when he robbed the wagon train.
00:12:05Yeah, but Charlie got caught, and I didn't.
00:12:07Don't you boys worry about Charlie coming out of this
00:12:09with anything except maybe his boots.
00:12:11Ha, ha, ha.
00:12:25Just like Daniel going into the lion's den.
00:12:28Yeah, but panhandling's going to be harder to digest.
00:12:38We were about to give you up, Charlie.
00:12:40Tell your friend here goodbye and let's go.
00:12:42Oh, I wouldn't do that.
00:12:44Steve, meet my pal, Panhandle Perkins.
00:12:47Hi, Steve.
00:12:48Wherever I go, he goes.
00:12:50You get it?
00:12:51Not when we dig.
00:12:53Even then.
00:12:54In fact, I wouldn't dig if he wasn't there.
00:12:57All right, Charlie.
00:12:58You're the boss.
00:13:00See, Panhandle?
00:13:01I'm the boss.
00:13:02Yeah, and I'm your pal.
00:13:11We can follow him a little ways together.
00:13:13I got a hunch it's a good thing I'm going to be working
00:13:15close to Panhandle.
00:13:58Well, what's got you all riled up?
00:14:00You and that new gang you're gathering together.
00:14:02Who are the new ones?
00:14:04They're friends of mine.
00:14:05You treat them right.
00:14:06We'll see about that.
00:14:08I'm your uncle and your guardian, Ruby.
00:14:10You do as I tell you.
00:14:15Well, Charlie, you're looking good after all these years.
00:14:18It's not your fault, Steve, that I'm looking good.
00:14:21By the way, did I tell you that my friend Panhandle is here?
00:14:27He was one of the best face crackers in the business
00:14:29until he got caught.
00:14:30That's too bad.
00:14:32Let's go in the office where we can talk.
00:14:53Are you here to join up with Steve, too?
00:14:56No, ma'am.
00:14:57I don't own all of Steve.
00:14:59And I don't join up with nobody.
00:15:01Better to travel alone, I say.
00:15:03Well, you're smarter than you look.
00:15:06I told you a long time ago, Steve,
00:15:08that it was just you and me.
00:15:10And I ain't splitting with nobody else.
00:15:12What kind of a deal is this?
00:15:13Mike and me have been on all your jobs.
00:15:15We're to turn ourselves in.
00:15:17Now, that goes for me.
00:15:19Steve's been promising us a cut.
00:15:20And we're going to get it or else.
00:15:22You'll get your cut all right from mine,
00:15:24from what Charlie gives me.
00:15:26You boys just didn't understand.
00:15:28Charlie doesn't cut his share with anybody.
00:15:30Except me.
00:15:31Ain't that right, Charlie?
00:15:32You bet.
00:15:33I'll take care of you, Panhandle.
00:15:36And Steve can take care of his pals.
00:15:39We're all worried about something,
00:15:40and only Charlie knows where it's buried.
00:15:42But what do you say?
00:15:43We all have a drink to his findings.
00:15:46That's good.
00:15:53Get a bottle of some glasses and hurry it up.
00:15:55Do it yourself, Steve.
00:15:56I'm not waiting on your friends.
00:15:58And another thing.
00:15:59You forget the money my father left me
00:16:01you used to build this place.
00:16:03So don't start giving me orders.
00:16:05Why, Ruth, let me have a...
00:16:09Say, who let you in?
00:16:12The door's open.
00:16:13I see no sign saying keep out.
00:16:15Well, get out.
00:16:16Who came in looking for work?
00:16:17I was just about to give him a job
00:16:18when you started giving orders.
00:16:21All right.
00:16:22Let him bring in the drink.
00:16:28Well, do you want to work,
00:16:29or do you start traveling?
00:16:31You gotta eat.
00:16:32I'll work.
00:16:33Put your pack over there,
00:16:35and then take the drinks in.
00:16:36When you come back,
00:16:37I'll show you where you can sleep.
00:16:43All right.
00:16:54Thanks, man.
00:17:08Here's your bourbon, mister.
00:17:27Nobody is bothered.
00:17:28You two get out.
00:17:29I'll let you know if I want something.
00:17:34Hey, wait a minute.
00:17:35Come here.
00:17:39I'd like to know something
00:17:40about the men working for me.
00:17:42I don't pack nothing I might get hurt with.
00:17:45Well, where are you from?
00:17:47Panhandle, Texas.
00:18:02You're just going to put this in your room, mister?
00:18:06The next time you take something out of a pack,
00:18:08put it back the way you found it.
00:18:12I didn't mean to look,
00:18:13but I saw the gun barrel sticking out.
00:18:15I'm suspicious of everyone that comes here,
00:18:18even you, mister.
00:18:19A tramp doesn't pack a .45 like yours.
00:18:22This one does, for a reason.
00:18:24A good one?
00:18:25The best.
00:18:26I want to keep on living.
00:18:28So do I.
00:18:30Where's the room?
00:18:31I'll show you.
00:18:42Come on.
00:19:00Oh, Miss Halston.
00:19:01You're quite a ways from home, aren't you?
00:19:03This is my home, Mr. Haynes.
00:19:05It's you that is far from home.
00:19:07Well, I...
00:19:08I don't see Uncle Steve around,
00:19:10but I'll bet he's here.
00:19:11Mr. Haynes, I can't tell you how glad I am to see you.
00:19:14Steve is up to something.
00:19:15More men are moving in here.
00:19:17Three today.
00:19:18Two of them look as if they just got out of prison,
00:19:20and a tramp.
00:19:21What does it mean?
00:19:23Well, I think it means you need a lawyer again.
00:19:25A singing lawyer?
00:19:26Anything to please the lady.
00:19:37Teach me to forget how much I love you
00:19:44Now that you've decided we are through
00:19:51You promised if we parted there'd be no regrets
00:19:58You taught me how to love you
00:20:01Now teach me to forget
00:20:05Teach me to forget
00:20:07Drink up, boys. There's plenty more.
00:20:09Wait a minute.
00:20:12Till you said you were...
00:20:14Yeah, I've heard that canary before.
00:20:19For all the years I gave you
00:20:22That's the thanks I get
00:20:26You taught me how to love you
00:20:29Now teach me to forget
00:20:33Teach me to forget
00:20:35The lies you told me
00:20:40Memories of them haunt me constantly
00:20:47I'd be much better off if we had never met
00:20:54You taught me how to love you
00:20:57Now teach me to forget
00:21:04Tex Haines, the lawyer who took care of Ruth's affairs
00:21:07when they settled her dad's will.
00:21:09Just wait till he shows up now.
00:21:12Charlie, you and Panhan keep out of sight.
00:21:14You two come with me.
00:21:16Ellen, you and I saw Miss Lawson, that she'd be around someplace.
00:21:19And being her guardian, I have to be.
00:21:21Made a nice investment for her here.
00:21:23Yeah, nice and quiet.
00:21:28Say, where's that tramp we put to work?
00:21:30Putting his stuff away in the storeroom.
00:21:46I always make sure I can get in and out of a place
00:21:49in case if I...
00:21:50You don't expect me to believe that, do you?
00:21:52You can't help it if you don't.
00:21:54Let me tell you something else.
00:21:55You didn't fool me, that story you told in the office.
00:21:58You're no hobo, and I know it.
00:22:03Keep your hand out of that pack.
00:22:08What are you afraid I'll find?
00:22:15Come on.
00:22:41That's the first bite I've seen in years.
00:22:44$10,000 on fees.
00:22:45Make it 20, and the hobo will be mine.
00:22:48Get to bed.
00:23:05I'll raise you $10,000.
00:23:09Maybe you've seen those two fight before.
00:23:11No, only one of them.
00:23:15Get to bed.
00:23:41Hold it.
00:23:42I'll take my gun.
00:23:45Mr. Martin, this should be your last mistake.
00:23:49The next one will be.
00:23:52Now remember that, Haynes,
00:23:54and you can bank on my memory.
00:23:57Pack your gear and get out of here.
00:23:59I was just going.
00:24:01Well, get on.
00:24:15I'm sorry, ma'am, if I've caused you any trouble.
00:24:17But I'm a little touchy about people
00:24:19prying into my belongings.
00:24:20You had your say.
00:24:21Now get out.
00:24:24Thanks for giving me a chance to work for you.
00:24:31If you want to keep healthy, Haynes,
00:24:33stay away from here.
00:24:34Because you picked the wrong side.
00:24:36Well, I intend to keep healthy, Steve.
00:24:39But I'll risk it if Miss Lawson needs any advice.
00:24:42In fact, I may come back and give her some,
00:24:44concerning you.
00:24:47I'll be staying in town.
00:24:57You know, it's funny when a lawyer
00:24:58puts away his book for a gun.
00:25:00And right now he's packing two of them.
00:25:03I don't know.
00:25:04You didn't send for him by any chance, did you?
00:25:06No, but maybe I should have.
00:25:08You owe me $30,000.
00:25:10You owe me $30,000.
00:25:12Now come on and pay me.
00:25:13My man wants.
00:25:14All right, all right.
00:25:15I'll pay you before long.
00:25:17Well, pay me now.
00:25:18I ain't cut up, you two.
00:25:20Sell your business outside.
00:25:21There's something up, and I'd like to know just what it is.
00:25:24I don't get you.
00:25:26That hobo that showed up here started a fight
00:25:28when I wanted to look in his bag.
00:25:30Then Tex Haynes, a lawyer who sometimes
00:25:32works as a special marshal, shows up.
00:25:34And the fact that you just got out, Charlie,
00:25:36all ties together.
00:25:37And I'm beginning to see it.
00:25:40Well, I don't see nothing.
00:25:42Let's get at it, Charlie.
00:25:43Dig up the mat and lead us to the loot.
00:25:45Wait a minute.
00:25:46Not so fast.
00:25:47That loot's been buried a long time.
00:25:50And I got something else to do before I dig it up.
00:25:55That looks nice, don't it?
00:25:58How long you had that?
00:26:00Ever since we held up the wagon train
00:26:02and you ran out on me.
00:26:05The doctor took the bullet out all right,
00:26:07but the scar never went away.
00:26:09What's the scar got to do with us digging up the loot?
00:26:13When I get my hand on that gold,
00:26:15I'm going somewhere.
00:26:17Somewhere where no one ever heard of Charlie Gray.
00:26:20I'm gonna change my name.
00:26:23I'm gonna have that taken off.
00:26:25And no one can prove who I am.
00:26:27Well, Charlie, if that's all that's holding us up,
00:26:29we'll get your hand fixed tonight.
00:26:31There's a doctor here in town that can take care of it.
00:26:35That's too bad, Dave.
00:26:36Yeah, but I didn't dare let him look in this pack.
00:26:38My ranger identification would have given me away.
00:26:40The best thing to do was fight it out.
00:26:43And you did that all right.
00:26:45That's too bad it turned out that way.
00:26:47Yeah, it leaves Panhandle in a tough spot.
00:26:50Well, they won't be long in digging up the loot.
00:26:52Then we can close in and put Charlie back in the cell again.
00:27:08Come in.
00:27:22Yeah, who is it?
00:27:29Well, Charlie, I've got everything fixed.
00:27:32Now you can have that scar taken off the back of your hand that's been bothering you.
00:27:35The doctor's waiting for you in his office.
00:27:37Does he know who I am?
00:27:38No, he just thinks you're a friend of mine.
00:27:40Somebody that's being bothered by an old wound.
00:27:42Where is he?
00:27:44Michael will take you to the place, but you go in alone.
00:27:46I've got a nice cabin all fixed up for you and Panhandle.
00:27:54And when you get through, we'll get down to the real business, Charlie.
00:27:57And no stalling.
00:28:01Hey, where are you going?
00:28:03Just to get some air.
00:28:04Well, you don't need none.
00:28:05Steve, take care of my friend while I'm gone.
00:28:08Don't let him get out of your sight.
00:28:10He means a lot to you, doesn't he, Charlie?
00:28:12More than anybody knows.
00:28:20Hey, what's the matter with you?
00:28:22Oh, I...
00:28:23I ain't had a bath since I got out of that penitentiary.
00:28:26I must say, how about letting me get one now?
00:28:28Well, you can't take one.
00:28:29Here, wait till Charlie gets back, and he'll get you out to the cabin.
00:28:32I sure will be glad to.
00:28:33You know, my feet have been burning me for days.
00:28:36Charlie thinks a lot of you, doesn't he?
00:28:39We was in that penitentiary together.
00:28:42Well, we were like that.
00:28:43Yeah, I bet you know a lot.
00:28:45Like where the loot's hidden, huh?
00:28:46Oh, you can show us, Charlie.
00:28:47Matthew wouldn't care.
00:28:49Well, you got it on you, haven't you?
00:28:51Well, uh, just between you and me, I ain't never even seen it myself.
00:28:58Charlie not wanting anything to happen to you,
00:29:00I thought you might be taking care of it for him.
00:29:02Who, me?
00:29:03No chance.
00:29:21I guess you're my patient.
00:29:23Well, I am if you're the doctor.
00:29:25Steve Martin tells me that you're carrying an old bullet scar that's been bothering you.
00:29:29That's right.
00:29:30There it is.
00:29:34Been there a long time, hasn't it?
00:29:37You ought to know.
00:29:38You're the one that took the bullet out of there.
00:29:42Oh, yeah.
00:29:43Yeah, I guess I did.
00:29:48That little Sam's looking for quite a bit of money, ain't he?
00:29:50Yeah, according to this report,
00:29:52there's been almost a million dollars lost here or there.
00:29:56And never been found.
00:29:57I was just reading it when you came in.
00:30:00You wouldn't be interested in finding any particular amount, would you, Doc?
00:30:07Any sum would do me if I could find it.
00:30:13You take that scar off of there so it can't be seen.
00:30:17I'll pay you more than Steve offered you for the job.
00:30:22All right, let's go to work.
00:30:23Get on that table.
00:30:24All right, let's go to work.
00:30:25Get on that table.
00:30:42I guess I put you to sleep.
00:30:46Well, I guess that's all right if you get that scar off.
00:31:09That looks like the Red Dog is closed for the night.
00:31:11Yeah, but not to us.
00:31:12I fixed the window in the storeroom so it'll open.
00:31:24I'll be right back.
00:31:38Oh, I'm glad you're here.
00:31:40When I saw that gun mister, I knew you were no tram.
00:31:42We thought you might be needing help.
00:31:45I don't, but that fellow that came here with Charlie, will.
00:31:47They won't let him leave.
00:31:48I heard Charlie say he was mighty important to them.
00:31:50Where's Charlie now?
00:31:51There's something up. I know it.
00:31:53Well, don't you worry. We're staying right here.
00:31:55You go back in the saloon.
00:32:01I'm tired of this. I'm getting out of here.
00:32:03Sit down, Panhandle. You ain't going nowhere.
00:32:08Can a man even go out to the bar for a drink?
00:32:10No, you can't. You ain't going no place until Charlie gets back.
00:32:14Why am I so important to Charlie all of a sudden?
00:32:18That's what we can't figure out.
00:32:20Are you sure Panhandle's carrying Charlie's map?
00:32:23Could be. Maybe that's why he's trying to get away.
00:32:31Charlie back yet?
00:32:32Oh, no.
00:32:35Oh, Steve, you wanted a bottle of this?
00:32:38Well, yeah.
00:32:39Sit down, you hungry-looking hombre.
00:32:41You know the kind that wants to get it.
00:32:44Hey, Steve, he's getting tough.
00:32:46Well, Panhandle, you wouldn't leave your old cellmate Charlie, would you?
00:32:50No, I'd even leave myself.
00:32:52And I will, too, if I don't get a bath.
00:32:54Well, wait till Charlie gets back.
00:32:56And you and all the rest of us will go places.
00:32:58And then you can drown yourself.
00:33:00Well, sure like that.
00:33:03Well, I can't feel a thing, Doc.
00:33:06Did you get the car off?
00:33:07Well, we'll know for sure in about a week when you take the car off.
00:33:10That's all. Good night.
00:33:11Wait a minute.
00:33:13That's not all.
00:33:15You know too much.
00:33:17You recognized me the minute I came in here tonight.
00:33:20And you know why I'm back here now.
00:33:22That's right, Charlie.
00:33:24A lot of people knew you a while back.
00:33:27They'll know you again, no matter where you go.
00:33:33With this car gone,
00:33:36nobody can prove who I am.
00:33:39And you're not going to be here to tell them.
00:34:07Where's Steve?
00:34:09You'll find him in the office.
00:34:13Well, Charlie, it looks like the Doc picked you up all right.
00:34:16You didn't have any reason for sending me to that particular doctor, did you, Steve?
00:34:20He's the only one in town.
00:34:22Well, I'm glad you're here.
00:34:24I'm glad you're here, too.
00:34:26I'm glad you're here, too.
00:34:28I'm glad you're here, too.
00:34:30I'm glad you're here, too.
00:34:32I'm glad you're here, too.
00:34:34Where's Steve?
00:34:35He's the only one in town.
00:34:37You mean was.
00:34:39Well, he's the guy that took the bullet out of there that made the scar.
00:34:42Well, he got rid of the scar for you, didn't he?
00:34:45And I got rid of him.
00:34:48You killed him?
00:34:49You know I did.
00:34:51Hear that?
00:34:52Murder kind of changes things, Dave.
00:34:55Nothing to do now but arrest him.
00:35:01You're under arrest, Charlie.
00:35:16Ruby, light a lamp.
00:35:29Well, that's nice work, Steve.
00:35:31Letting the killer get away.
00:35:33What are you talking about?
00:35:34You just heard Charlie say he killed the doctor.
00:35:36So what?
00:35:37Where do you come in?
00:35:38You'll find out after we take Charlie.
00:36:03Hold it!
00:36:04Hold it!
00:36:30Next time, don't hang over the law.
00:36:32We're all here, mister.
00:36:34Then you got a job on your hands, Sheriff.
00:36:36Charlie Gray out of prison on parole.
00:36:38Killed Dr. Cater tonight.
00:36:40And Steve here made it possible for him to escape when I tried to arrest him.
00:36:44He says he's a ranger.
00:36:47Dave Wyatt out of Norwalk.
00:36:50And you?
00:36:52Tex Haines, a lawyer.
00:36:54Just passing through.
00:36:56I'll call on you men later.
00:36:59Don't leave town.
00:37:00Don't worry, we won't.
00:37:04I'll tell you the same, Steve.
00:37:06Stay in town.
00:37:13See you later, Steve.
00:37:20Stay in town?
00:37:21You bet we will.
00:37:22Until we can get our hands on Charlie's bankroll.
00:37:26Where to?
00:37:27Hold up for the night.
00:37:28We'll pick up Panhattles Trail in the morning.
00:37:55Hey! Hey, hey! Hey, you! You!
00:38:22Wait a minute, pal.
00:38:25Wait a minute.
00:38:27Where are you going?
00:38:28I'm going down to the creek to take me a bath.
00:38:31A bath?
00:38:33Are you crazy?
00:38:34Do you want to catch pneumonia?
00:38:36I'll always take a bath.
00:38:38You're the scariest man of water I ever saw.
00:38:42I'd rather drown, Walter.
00:39:28What are you doing?
00:39:29You don't object to me washing my feet, do you?
00:39:32You'd never want to wash both feet the same day.
00:39:35Why not?
00:39:36I always wash both feet.
00:39:38Oh, don't ever do that.
00:39:40That's bad luck.
00:39:42Well, I don't want any bad luck.
00:39:46Oh, no.
00:39:49Well, we'll see about that.
00:39:53Well, uh...
00:39:56You don't object to me changing my socks, do you?
00:39:59Oh, stop, stop.
00:40:02No, no, because you changed the socks.
00:40:23Well, a trail of white beans leads to that cabin.
00:40:27Panhandle's been on the ground for months about having to use them to mark the trail.
00:40:37Say, that looks like him at the window now.
00:40:39It is.
00:40:44I wonder what he threw out.
00:40:46I don't know, but one of us better go up there and see.
00:40:48I'll get it. You keep me covered.
00:41:08You've ruined me!
00:41:09Well, I ain't done nothing.
00:41:10Well, you've ruined everything.
00:41:12What's the matter? Are you going crazy?
00:41:18He tossed out a pair of rolled-up socks.
00:41:20I wonder why.
00:41:22Too lazy to wash them, I guess.
00:41:25One of them looks like a pinwiper.
00:41:28Let's close in and get Charlie.
00:41:30All right.
00:41:37Still think you're loco, raving about a map.
00:41:39Well, I ain't never had a map on me.
00:41:41Yes, you did.
00:41:43You didn't know it.
00:41:44But when you was asleep, I printed it on the bottom of your foot.
00:41:47And you wiped it off.
00:41:49The one I copied it from, I tore up.
00:41:52So I lose a quarter of a million dollars.
00:41:55Well, blast you!
00:41:58Drop it, Charlie.
00:42:03You heard me. I said drop it.
00:42:06You ain't gonna shoot me, Ranger.
00:42:08If you do, I'll shoot this no-good in front of him.
00:42:10Oh, don't do that.
00:42:14Well, I guess you win, Charlie.
00:42:16You're gonna hang for one murder.
00:42:18We can't repeat it for a second.
00:42:20I ain't gonna hang at all.
00:42:23You're not gonna get very far, Charlie.
00:42:25That scar on your hand makes it easy to identify you.
00:42:29There ain't no scar on my hand.
00:42:32Then I'll put one there.
00:42:40Come here.
00:42:44All right.
00:42:46But I tell you, I ain't got nothing on my hand.
00:42:49Except where I burned it the last night.
00:42:51You've got a surprise coming, Charlie.
00:42:53Start unwinding that bandage and you'll find out that a scar like yours can never be removed.
00:43:04That dirty double-crosser.
00:43:07He said he took it off.
00:43:09Well, he got what was coming to him.
00:43:11You're gonna get what's coming to you, too, Charlie.
00:43:14A rope. Come on.
00:43:16You too.
00:43:52Tie these two up. We got a lot of work to do.
00:43:57You're putting yourself into a tough spot, Steve.
00:44:00Not half as tough a spot you two will be in when I get back.
00:44:03I'm glad to hear you're returning.
00:44:05I thought maybe for a minute you were clearing out.
00:44:07I never leave unfinished business.
00:44:09And I'll be back to finish you two.
00:44:11That ought to take care of them.
00:44:13Well, come on, panhandler.
00:44:15I'll be you and my pal.
00:44:32We're a fine-looking pair.
00:44:36I guess I better stick to my law books.
00:44:39You know, Charlie said he had drawn the map on one of Panhandle's feet.
00:44:45Why, that's it.
00:44:47What's it?
00:44:48The map. The key to Uncle Sam's treasure.
00:44:50It's on one of Panhandle's socks.
00:44:52You guessed it when you said it looked like a pinwrapper.
00:44:55And you threw it away.
00:44:57Well, that's all right. We're getting out of this right now.
00:44:59Turn around.
00:45:01This is far enough.
00:45:02All right, Charlie. Let's have the map.
00:45:04There ain't no map now.
00:45:06I printed it in ink on the bottom of his foot.
00:45:08And he wiped it off.
00:45:10Well, I didn't even know it was there.
00:45:12Well, the ink's still wet when you pull on his socks.
00:45:15Well, then we're all right.
00:45:17The map will be in reverse on the bottom of the socks.
00:45:19That's right.
00:45:20Get off and take off your boots.
00:45:21Oh, no.
00:45:22Oh, come on, pal. Get down.
00:45:24Well, I'll be back.
00:45:25I'll be back.
00:45:26Get off and take off your boots.
00:45:27Oh, no.
00:45:28Oh, come on, pal. Get down.
00:45:30Well, for you, I'll do it, Charlie.
00:45:37Sit down now. We'll get the boots off.
00:45:38No, no. I don't want to, Charlie.
00:45:40Come on.
00:45:41I don't want to.
00:45:43Well, there's not a sign of ink.
00:45:47I remember.
00:45:49Them are not the socks.
00:45:51The ones we want, he threw out the cabin window.
00:45:58And to think the thing we wanted, you threw in a bush.
00:46:01That's all right.
00:46:02We'll get it back.
00:46:03We'll get it back.
00:46:04We'll get it back.
00:46:05We'll get it back.
00:46:06We'll get it back.
00:46:07We'll get it back.
00:46:08We'll get it back.
00:46:09We'll get it back.
00:46:10We'll get it back.
00:46:11He threw it in a bush.
00:46:12That's all right.
00:46:13We know where to find it.
00:46:17Hey, Dave.
00:46:36Just what I needed.
00:46:39Well, it won't be bad after a wash them.
00:46:46We better get him before something happens to those socks.
00:47:10There ain't no socks there.
00:47:12Then somebody picked them up.
00:47:14Those rangers still inside of their horses wouldn't be here.
00:47:17Let's follow those tracks.
00:47:20Minion tracks.
00:47:21Yeah, yeah.
00:47:22The fox got us.
00:47:23Yeah, I told you so.
00:47:25We should get going.
00:47:28Let's get going.
00:47:31Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
00:47:32Let's go.
00:47:36Uh-huh, uh-huh.
00:55:40Pat, get him! The guns are empty!
00:56:43That goes for you too, Red.
00:56:48Well, you're just in time, Sheriff.
00:56:50These men will stand trial for attempting to steal United States property.
00:56:54I can't handle you're a pal to stick by me this way.
00:56:57Now we gotta hide the box.
00:56:58I know just the place.
00:57:00But I ain't gonna take you there unless you're blindfolded.
00:57:03The way you've been fighting for me, I'll do anything you say.
00:57:06Go ahead.
00:57:12Come on.
00:57:27Get over to the jail, you.
00:57:30Put it down, Charlie. We'll stay.
00:57:35You can take the blindfold off now.
00:57:40Panhandle, you're the best cellmate a guy ever had.
00:57:43Cellmate is right.
00:57:48Thought we did it, didn't we?
00:57:50Yeah, we did.
00:57:51We did it!
00:57:52We did it!
00:57:53We did it!
00:57:54We did it!
00:57:55We did it!
00:57:58Thought we did it here.
00:58:00Was your blindfolded, too?
00:58:02Hand over the guns, Panhandle.
00:58:04Wait a minute, now.
00:58:05You can't do this to me.
00:58:07I want a lawyer.
00:58:08Well, Tex is a lawyer. He'll advise you.
00:58:10Now, let me see.
00:58:12Goes out on parole.
00:58:15Parole broken.
00:58:18Charlie's there to murder for his charge.
00:58:23The only way I can see for you to get out, Panhandle,
00:58:25is to get a pardon from the governor.
00:58:27Uh, but the governor's gone fishing,
00:58:29and he won't be back for a month.
00:58:30Hey, wait a minute.
00:58:31Now, you can't do that to me.
00:58:33We're doing it.
00:58:34Tex, why don't you think of where this is going?
00:58:36All right.
00:58:37And, uh, in the meantime,
00:58:38I'll figure out what to do with Panhandle.
00:58:41Whether he'll get life or the rope.
00:58:47You will have to pay
00:58:51For your yesterday
00:58:54You'll be living all along
00:59:01Tender vows you broke
00:59:04Unkind words you spoke
00:59:07You'll recall them when I'm gone
00:59:14I was good to you
00:59:17And you know it's true
00:59:20I tried to please every way
00:59:27You walked on my heart
00:59:30Broke it all apart
00:59:33But someday you'll have to pay
00:59:40You will have to pay
00:59:43For your yesterday
00:59:46It will all come home to you
00:59:53You'll pay for your sin
00:59:56Time and time again
00:59:59I won't even pity you
01:00:06You can never be
01:00:09Quite the same to me
01:00:12And I'm so glad I can say
01:00:18I don't worry now
01:00:22My heart's free somehow
01:00:25But someday you'll have to pay
01:00:34Well, come on, Panhandle.
01:00:41That's all.
01:00:43Good work, Ranger.
01:00:45Him, a ranger?
01:00:46The cut of his clothes or the gift of his jab.
01:00:49Don't you worry. I never will again.
01:00:52Where you're going, you won't get the chance.
01:00:55See, for your part in this, you'll get 20 years at least.
01:00:59Ruby will get possession of her property again.
01:01:01So long, Doc.
01:01:02Panhandle, don't go away and leave me here.
01:01:05Well, Ruby,
01:01:07The place of business is all yours once again.
01:01:09Yes, thank you, sir.
01:01:11And you, Rangers,
01:01:12I hear Steve is going away and his pal Charlie with him.
01:01:15For a long time.
01:01:16For a long, long time.
01:01:17Well, the longer, the better suits me.
01:01:36THE END