Presenting a new romantic & comedy-drama Beiman Bhabi, Written by Mezbah Uddin Sumon, Directed by Rubel Hasan, Starring Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Nusrat Imrose Tisha & Many more.
Drama: Beiman Bhabi | বেইমান ভাবী
Written by: Mezbah Uddin Sumon
Directed by: Rubel Hasan
Cast: Jovan, Nusrat Imrose Tisha, Ujjol Mahmud, Shikha Khan, Liona Islam & many more.
DOP: Naim Fuad
Chief AD: Mitul Khan
Edit & Color: Arman Ariyan
AD: Shishir Ahmed & Rakib Hasan
GFX: CMV Creative (Nahid)
BGM: Apple Mahmud Emil
PR: DHOOLI communications.
Label: Central Music and Video [CMV]
Producer: Shahriar Shakil
Produced and Distributed by Central Music and Video [CMV].
Release Date: 12-06-2021
Drama: Beiman Bhabi | বেইমান ভাবী
Written by: Mezbah Uddin Sumon
Directed by: Rubel Hasan
Cast: Jovan, Nusrat Imrose Tisha, Ujjol Mahmud, Shikha Khan, Liona Islam & many more.
DOP: Naim Fuad
Chief AD: Mitul Khan
Edit & Color: Arman Ariyan
AD: Shishir Ahmed & Rakib Hasan
GFX: CMV Creative (Nahid)
BGM: Apple Mahmud Emil
PR: DHOOLI communications.
Label: Central Music and Video [CMV]
Producer: Shahriar Shakil
Produced and Distributed by Central Music and Video [CMV].
Release Date: 12-06-2021