Seeing a huge sunspot for the first time | Microscope World

Microscope World
Microscope World
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3 năm trước
Sunspots are areas of the sun's surface that are about a quarter of the luminosity of the surrounding regions. (spot temperature between 4000 and 5000 K, according to Stefan-Boltzmann law, while the surrounding region is about 6000 K) A phenomenon caused by very strong magnetic field variations on the Sun. In the process of development, the magnetic field of the sunspot also increased increases.
The period of black spot appearance is approximately 11 years.
Black spots often appear in groups, especially double groups, the magnetic fields of the double groups are often different. The largest spots, about 104 km in diameter, last for about 2 months, while most sunspots only last a few days and are then replaced by other sunspots.
The sunspot distribution is mainly concentrated in the range from 8 degrees to 35 degrees either side of the Sun's equator.
#MatTroi # KinhThienVan #Microsope #Telescope #Sunspot

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