When the Dam Breaks.. Will You be Ready?

  • 3 years ago
We are a society in turmoil. We are living on edge. With each new day more and more is revealed to those of us who have been paying close attention.

To the rest of society, it may come as s surprise in the coming weeks when there will be even more revealed. We will need to be prepared to support those who will be caught off guard.

I’ve been closely watching, reading, commenting, and discussing current events with many people. Some new, some old, some who are clients, and even family members too. After all, we live in a society in turmoil.

Some of these conversations are not easy but I think they are necessary. I would hate to look back and think, “I should have said something when I had the chance.”

In this episode I speak more about all of this and what I’ve been doing to stay focused.