• 4 years ago
The pandemic gave rise to "pandemic pods:" groups of friends or partners created as a result of extraordinary conditions.
Now that restrictions have begun to ease and more people are fully vaccinated, moving beyond the pandemic pod can get tricky.
Experts say it's necessary, even though the emotions of a pod-breakup can be complex.
"They’ll include guilt, despair, regret, scorn and even glee." Schekeva Hall, Clinical Psychologist, via 'The New York Times'.
Experts recommend giving your pandemic pod-mates space so that both of you can figure out how or if the relationship will carry on.
The pod you've created just might not be sustainable under conditions like we were used to before the pandemic.
People have reported that the absence of lock-down conditions, which gave rise to their pods, make public pod-mate meetings seem too vulnerable.
Others state that taking slow steps towards their return to a more public lifestyle has served them best.
Whatever your approach, experts recommend getting very clear on how or if the relationships should continue.
