• 4 years ago


00:00I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going
00:30to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it,
01:00I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a
01:30look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going to have a look at it, I'm going
01:57Nick Conrad. I'm to meet him at the Green Eagle.
02:01Green Eagle?
02:03What kind of a place is that?
02:05Oh, sort of a roadhouse.
02:10Dad, look.
02:14Danger ahead, Dad.
02:18I didn't know you were superstitious.
02:20Well, I'm not really.
02:23Well, I'm glad to know that.
02:27Well, just a few minutes with this man, Conrad,
02:31and we'll be back out on the ocean where there are no black cats.
02:54I'm looking for Mr. Conrad.
02:56Yes, sir. He's expecting you.
02:58Right this way, please.
03:09Mr. Conrad.
03:11Captain Matthews. I'm glad to see you.
03:13Mr. Conrad, my daughter.
03:15How do you do?
03:17Supposing we find a table somewhere.
03:21It's back here.
03:27Sit down here.
03:35Sit down, Captain.
03:37It's a nice place, Mr. Conrad.
03:39I'm glad you like it.
03:43Well, your silk's in the warehouse, Mr. Conrad.
03:46That's fine.
03:48You'll just sign this receipt.
03:57There it is.
03:59You and there's your $40,000.
04:02In cash?
04:05I didn't expect to get it in money,
04:08but I always prefer to pay in cash.
04:10You don't mind, do you?
04:12Well, I guess it's all right, but...
04:15I don't mind.
04:17I don't mind.
04:19I don't mind.
04:21I don't mind.
04:23Well, I guess it's all right, but...
04:26it's a lot of money to carry around.
04:34Okay. He's got it.
04:37Yes, sir.
04:46Why, hello, Jerry. How's the newspaper business?
04:48Oh, pretty quiet right now.
04:50Well, I might have a story for you later this afternoon.
04:52Thanks, Ed.
05:11Tell me, did you enjoy your trip, Miss Matthews?
05:14Yes, thank you.
05:15Pardon me, Captain Matthews.
05:17A gentleman wants you on the telephone.
05:19He says he's your first mate.
05:22You'll pardon me?
05:23I'll entertain your daughter till you return.
05:27Don't be long, Dad.
05:38Tell me, have you any friends here, Miss Matthews?
05:45That is, not yet.
06:08Hello! Captain Matthews speaking.
06:15Hello! It's Captain Matthews!
06:49Step in here.
06:53So that's why I was paid in cash.
06:58Come on, I say.
07:01Hurry up. I ain't got all day.
07:23Give me that money.
07:25Not a chance!
07:26Give me that money!
07:31I'll show you...
07:32Wait a minute. Don't use that in here.
07:34Remember the boss's orders.
07:36We'll take care of them, all right?
07:38Wait a minute.
07:42What do you mean, you'll take care of them?
07:44I'll shoot you.
07:45I'll shoot you!
07:46I'll shoot you!
07:47I'll shoot you!
07:48I'll shoot you!
07:49I'll shoot you!
07:50We'll take out all right
07:54Now take it easy remember you're an old man let me worry about that give me that dough
08:20Oh, I did he put up a fight he's a tough old rooster. Yeah, well get the dough
08:35I'll always worth it. Yeah
08:50Give that man back his money get out of here. This is our business
09:20Pardon me, will you please?
09:30Listen there's a fellow nosing around the private office
09:35Is he a copper I don't know whoever he is we can't afford to have him spoil our last job
09:40Our last job. What about the shipment tomorrow? Never mind about that. Things are getting too hot. We're clearing out tonight
09:46Get rid of that fellow
09:50We'll take care of them
11:21What's the matter
11:28What is it that guy got the dough
11:36Hey, he's got the 40 grand
11:41What are you waiting for get going
11:50My father hasn't returned yet. Have you seen him? Yes. I know he's in there
12:02Dad are you hurt badly? I'm all right
12:13I'm sure he headed this way
12:15I'm sure he headed this way
12:24You fellas take the corner Stephen, I'll double-back
12:39What's the matter Fred look worried I am worried I'm all upset I had a terrible dream yesterday
12:43I'm all upset I had a terrible dream last night Jerry it was awful I bet the two
12:47crooks came in here right in here I wouldn't let that upset me dreams never come
12:53true I hope.
13:00I'm going to come and read Oh fine I had a piano moved in so I could play in
13:04between slices of bacon stop if I get to break it say I could play Chinatown with
13:07only six mistakes and I could play goodbye forever I don't want to hear it here
13:12I guess. I hurry up here no no no no no.
13:19I was. Not in the money.
13:25There's anything I hate it's money.
13:33I thought it said dreams didn't come true.
13:42A good
13:55afternoon good afternoon gentlemen what's good about it I was
13:58a mighty hard to discourage get back and over that don't want to know if it's
14:03read you're talking about I have
14:04right why not up smart guy. Here
14:15here. These guys are working together.
14:28You'll be sorry now. My friend detective O'Brien is coming in here.
14:33And he'll arrest you. Copper. This new mug you'll be covered when
14:40that guy comes in here and one peep out of you to that flat foot and we'll let
14:43you have
14:43a understand yeah we understand. Hello
14:50. It was I mean. Are you Jerry as good as can be
14:58expected. Are you all right all right my job getting
15:05me down no excitement nothing ever happened nothing well
15:12practically nothing I'm out of your sausage today it's
15:17a lot of below.
15:18The. Don't you think that's funny it's
15:26a lot of money. Well now that we've had
15:33a little laugh. Get out of it. How about some thought.
15:38Off. I'll take this one.
15:48Hey this is very nice and fresh Mr O'Brien nice fresh liver smoke yeah I don't
15:53want to I want this one. Well how about some nice fresh head cheese. No it makes
15:59me better yet I tell you I want this one here. Go on Fred give it to him I want
16:07this one I like bologna. Half of it no all of it.
16:21I still think you should have bought the head cheese Mr I told you that had
16:26cheese makes me better yet.
16:27I'll take this. Here you are Mr O'Brien put it on the book Fred I'm getting plenty
16:37practice at bookkeeping. You do have me a laugh. But goodbye Fred goodbye Jerry
16:44goodbye boys so long. Come on you where's that money you're going to give it to us
16:55I want the boss to take it. It's in our racket eh? I hadn't thought of it. You've
17:02certainly got a lot of nerve. But I like it. Thanks. Now look here I won't stand for
17:12anybody working against me and that's definite. But if you're smart I might be
17:19able to use two men. You can make more money on my side with less danger. How about
17:27joining up with us? What are the dues? Half of that forty thousand. Forty thousand?
17:31Huh? Where's that money? He doesn't know. I still admire your nerve. We like yours
17:39too. Cut the comedy. Hey. Hey. Pick him up. Come on start reaching boys. Let's get out
17:52of here. You took the worst right out of my mouth. Stay where you are. Keep your hands
17:58in the air. Steve. Chuck. Get them. Through the cafe. There they go. Get going driver.
18:28I'll tell you later but hurry.
18:49Driver 142 York Street. Yes sir. Hey that's my address. What are we going there for? To get
18:55the money. It ain't there. Not there? Where is it? It's in the bologna that old Brian bought.
19:01What did you give it to him for? You said to. I said to? Sure don't you remember? That's a
19:05fine place to hide it. In a bologna. You know where old Brian lives? Sure. 3745 Gordon Street.
19:17Yes sir.
19:29Step on it Steve. What do you think I'm doing?
19:39Wait we'll be right back.
19:55I guess he's not home. I'll try a window. Oh but that won't be any good.
19:59He lives upstairs. That makes it more complicated.
20:02I guess I can get up from this side. I'll help you.
20:15I'll be right down. Oh take your time.
21:03Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
21:10They're coming. And I'm going. They're right in that house upstairs. They climbed up the chimney.
21:32Hey Larry come on jump!
22:02Look they got away.
22:13Did you get the better cash? Sure. It's lucky he wasn't hungry. He'd eaten the whole thing.
22:18What are you going to do with it? I'm going to put it in a safe place till I find that sea captain.
22:22What sea captain? Oh I haven't time to tell you now. Read tomorrow's paper.
22:52Jerry a certain turn in a grand story. Thanks Harry. Not only beat the other newspapers but the
23:17police department. Well tell me how in the world you get a hold of that money?
23:22Well I don't want to appear modest but it was just an accident. I stopped in at the
23:25Green Eagle for a sandwich and well things began to happen and that's the story. And a
23:30pretty good one too. Look at it. Look at that front page. And it took a newspaper reporter
23:39to get the goods on him. He's a pretty smart boy reporter. He's a friend of mine. I'll admire him
23:46on your day off. We didn't get a report on this case until a few minutes ago. Maybe Conrad's still
23:52out of that joint. What joint? The Green Eagle. Where is that? Here take this. The address is in
24:04the article written by your friend. Well maybe we better be going. That's a swell idea. Come on Hogan.
24:17That one? Yeah. It's just our luck. He would be a newspaper reporter. It sure is tough and
24:34coppers will put the heat on plenty now. Oh don't worry they'll never look for us here.
24:39People in this neighborhood think I'm respectable. They don't know you.
24:47I'll show that sergeant if it takes a thousand years. I don't think he'll live that long.
25:04I can only get my hands on that forty thousand. Hey if you don't look where you're going you're
25:08gonna have your hands on a lily. A lily? Bah!
25:26Let's take him alive if we can.
25:39Well O'Brien. Well Joe, bless my heart. You working here? Sure, I've been here a long time.
25:48You know Hogan there don't you? Sure, hello Hogan. Hey, say Joe, you could use a little help here.
25:57I'm a little busy. I'm a little busy. I'm a little busy. I'm a little busy. I'm a little busy.
26:03Sure, hello Hogan. Hey, say Joe, you can do me a big favor. Certainly. What is it?
26:16Where can I find this guy Conrad?
26:20Why that's funny. I got a tip on that fellow. Yes?
26:25What is it? He skipped town last night.
26:30That's a tip? Sure. Come on, Hogan.
26:38That horse of mine came in at that. Where's Conrad? Search me. He should have been here a half hour ago.
26:55Hello, Nick. Where have you been? I picked this up at the customer's.
27:01Well, are you going to seek? Not if I can help it. Well, what's the idea, boss? That reporter never
27:07had a good look at Captain Matthews. So anyone who looks like a sea captain can go up to that
27:11newspaper office and claim the 40 grand and get it. And this will help the cause along. Well,
27:16which one of us is elected?
27:18You are, Pete. Well, do you think I could get away with it? Sure. I helped myself to the
27:24captain's credentials before he was taken away. You're clever. You are. Thank you, Captain.
27:34I hope I can put this over.
27:36I understand you've got my money here.
27:42So you're Captain Matthews, huh? Yes, sir.
28:25look closer to me. What do you think, Jerry? They belong to Captain Matthews. All right.
28:32Give him the money.
29:04here's your money. Oh, thank you. Thank you very much, both of you. I certainly appreciate this.
29:12You don't know what this is going to mean for me. Thank you very, very much.
29:18Well, anyway, he thanked us. At least he could have done a subscribe for the paper.
29:25How do you know he can read?
29:38Come in.
29:48Pardon me. All right, go ahead. I'm Captain Matthews' daughter. I understand you have the
29:53forty thousand dollars. We had it, but your father was just here and we gave it to him.
29:59Why, there must be some mistake. I just left my father at the Hillside Hospital.
30:05Well, miss, the claim the money had the papers to prove he was the captain.
30:17Well, that's impossible. Hello there. Oh, you remember me, don't you? Certainly.
30:24Then you remember the middle-aged gentleman, the sea captain who was with me at the cafe.
30:29Surely. Well, that was my father. I surmised as much. I didn't have a chance to see his face.
30:38Maybe she is the Matthews girl. I'm sure of it, Harry. Sure of it? Yes.
30:43Then we give the money to Crooks. Oh, no, we haven't. But I don't understand.
30:50What are you driving at? The money's still in the safe. I'll get it for you.
30:54I'll get it for you.
31:11There's your money. Oh, thank you very much.
31:15Say, how did you happen to give that guy the phony envelope?
31:18I wasn't sure of him, so I thought if he really was Captain Matthews,
31:22he'd be back when he discovered he didn't have the money. You're getting pretty smart, ain't you?
31:26Keep it up, my boy, and someday you'll be a city editor. Oh, I thought I was going to amount to
31:30something. Oh, take him away, Miss Matthews. Take him away. Who? Oh, me? Sure. You've got a lot of
31:39money in that bag, and he'd make a swell bodyguard. That would be nice. That is, if you don't mind.
31:45It would be a great pleasure. Thanks, Harry. Thank you.
31:52What's all this thank you stuff? It's all I've been getting all day.
31:55And thanks again, Harry. You don't know what they're going to mean to me. Maybe I don't.
32:02Maybe I do.
32:06Well, I got it. Good. I just walked right in, and he handed me the dough just like a sucker.
32:13No argument, no nothing.
32:21Well, there must be some mistake.
32:28You said your father was in the hospital. I hope he's not seriously hurt.
32:32Fortunately, he isn't, but I am worried about him and this. What are you going to do about this?
32:38I'd like to put it in the bank for the present.
32:41If it's after three, I'm afraid it's too late. Well, what do we do?
32:46How about a bite of food and we talk it over? I think that's a grand idea.
33:01Why, hello, Jerry. Hello, Fred. Miss Matthews. Mr. Kline. How do you do? How do you do? Fred helped
33:07me save your money. Oh, you're the captain, eh? No, I'm the captain's daughter.
33:16I've heard of the farmer's daughter, but never the captain's.
33:20Well, did you ever hear about two people who were starving to death? No, but I'll listen.
33:24Well, come on over to the table and find out.
33:27And now, what for the starving people? How about some of those good cold cuts in that
33:31grand potato salad? And you? It's on the ice.
33:42I certainly appreciate what you've done for me. I wish there was some way I could reward you.
33:47I've already had my reward. What do you mean?
33:51You're having lunch with me, aren't you? Oh, you're very sweet.
34:01You didn't think I could do it, huh? I'm going to play a little song I just wrote.
34:06I call the song Eloise. The girl's name is really Mary, but that doesn't fit.
34:11You're the light of the love in my heart. Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise, Eloise,
34:41Eloise, I've loved you from the very start. And in my dreams I think of you.
34:57A little dash of Italian in there. I think it's a dash of chili.
35:03Always a faithful. Are you paying any attention to me?
35:09A true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true, a true
35:39a true.
35:44Give me a hamburger sandwich and a glass of beer
35:51Oh, say, I haven't got much of a voice, but Jerry could sing it.
35:53Oh, please, Jerry, for me.
35:55I don't know the words
35:57Oh, there they are, right there, I just wrote them
35:59Well, I'll try
36:01My Lorraine, my Lorraine, you're the light of the love in my heart, my Lorraine, my Lorraine.
36:31I've loved you from the very start, and in my dreams I think of you, always faithful and true.
36:58My Lorraine, my Lorraine, you're the one girl in the world for me.
37:29That was beautiful, Jerry.
37:32Yes, sounds better with him singing it, doesn't it?
37:35I had no idea you were so accomplished, Mr. Kline.
37:38You'll find it on the check.
37:40What's the check on the books?
37:42Poor old books.
37:45Oh, what time is it?
37:49Oh, I must get back to the hospital. Dad will be wondering what's become of me.
37:52By all means, I'll take you to a cab.
37:54What do I do with this money? I don't like to carry it around with me.
37:56Money? What money?
37:58The $40,000.
38:01What, again?
38:03I really think the best thing to do is leave it right here.
38:07Sure, in your safe. Those racketeers think it's in the newspaper office. Fred's on the level.
38:11Suppose those racket men come back here?
38:14Don't worry, lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
38:17It don't?
38:19Of course not.
38:21Then you will help, won't you?
38:23Sure, who said I wouldn't?
38:25Well, here it is.
38:27So it is.
38:29Here, take this in case anything happens.
38:32Thanks a lot.
38:34Oh, that's all right.
38:37Well, Fred, see you later.
39:24But Dad, you aren't well enough to get out.
39:27My dear, we've got to.
39:29We can pick up the money on our way to the boat and get out of here.
39:32But I think you really should...
39:34Now, am I the skipper or not?
39:36Of course you are.
39:38Then give me my cap.
39:40Okay, skipper, you win.
39:49Come on.
39:55So she's a pretty nice girl, huh?
39:57Ah, she's perfect, Harry.
40:05Hello, Jerry Mason speaking.
40:08What? What's the address?
40:1110311 4th Street.
40:15Murder? I'll be right over.
40:17Who called?
40:19One of the boys from headquarters, I guess.
40:21Good luck.
40:36Maybe that's him now.
40:45Who is it?
40:47Jerry Mason of the Herald.
40:49It's that newspaper reporter, Duckfellows.
40:52Come in.
40:59Come in.
41:10Looking for someone?
41:14Not a bad gag, getting me here on a murder story.
41:17Stick around. We'll stage one for you.
41:23Now what?
41:25You're going to get that money for us.
41:28Are you sure?
41:32You won't get out of here until you do.
41:48Come on, Harry.
41:53You think you're pretty tough, don't you?
42:04Steve, get some rope and tie him up.
42:22I'll be right back, Dad.
42:35Fred, open the door! It's me, Matthew!
42:51No, you don't! No, you don't!
43:05What's the matter, Miss Matthews?
43:07My dad and I are leaving. I want to take up the money.
43:10Have you seen Jerry?
43:11Not since he was here with you.
43:13Have you got a pencil?
43:14Sure, here's a pencil.
43:17I'll get the money for you right away.
43:38Here's your money.
43:39Oh, you're a dear friend.
43:40Will you give this note to Jerry?
43:42Now go out and find him right away.
43:45Are you ready?
43:47Come on, let's go.
43:56To Pier 146.
44:09Come in.
44:12Hello, Mr. Cromwell.
44:13Hello, Fred. How's business?
44:14Terrible. Where's Jerry?
44:16He left here about 20 minutes ago.
44:17He did? Where'd he go?
44:19I think you'll find him there.
44:34Maybe we'd better phone the station, hadn't we?
44:36Nothing doing.
44:38Not if we get a line on those crooks.
44:40Maybe Jerry can give us a tip.
44:42Hey, Fred!
44:46Hello, O'Brien.
44:47Is Jerry inside?
44:48No, I'm on the way to see him now.
44:49Here's where he is.
44:51Drive me there.
44:59I think you've had a chance to cool off a bit.
45:02Maybe you'd like to show Chuck and Steve where the dough is.
45:06Maybe I wouldn't.
45:10Take all the identification marks off of this fellow.
45:26No, no.
45:27Lay off.
45:29I'll make him talk.
45:34Listen, smart guy.
45:35I'll give you about three minutes to change your mind.
45:39You're just wasting your time.
45:41Just the same, I'll give you three minutes.
45:51Wait for me, will you?
45:53Hey, wait a minute.
45:55Tell Jerry I want to speak to him, will you?
45:57I'll tell him.
46:06Well, you've got about a minute left.
46:20Who is it?
46:21It's me, Fred.
46:24I want to see Jerry.
46:28It's me, Fred.
46:30I want to see Jerry.
46:32I want to see Jerry.
46:34It's that loosey guy from the delicatessen.
46:37We'll take care of the two of them at the same time.
46:41Come in.
46:46Sir Jerry, I've got a...
46:50I must be in the wrong place.
46:51Excuse me.
46:52No, no.
46:53You're in the right place, all right.
46:57Say, you can't read that note.
46:59That's Jerry's.
47:04Get this.
47:06Dear Jerry.
47:08Father and I...
47:12Father and I are sailing at five o'clock from pier 146.
47:16Please meet us there.
47:18Lorraine Matthews.
47:20Well, there's one thing's sure.
47:22If they didn't have the money, they wouldn't be going away.
47:25Looks like pier 146 for us.
47:28Fred, get out of here.
47:29Beat it.
47:33You can't tie my friend up.
47:38See that?
47:39Oh, what do I care for your darned old gun?
47:43I wouldn't be in such a hurry if I was you.
47:47Let's go in and get him.
47:49What's your hurry?
47:51He'll be out any minute.
47:54I came prepared, if you get what I mean.
47:57I'm going to play with you like a cat plays with a mouse.
48:01They're rats, ain't they, Jerry?
48:03Stick them up.
48:12I ought to shoot you.
48:14And I guess I will.
48:23I forgot to load them.
48:25Come on, let's get out of here.
48:26No, wait, the back way.
48:27The car's out there.
48:46What's the matter, dear?
48:49What's the matter with you?
48:51What's the matter with you?
48:52What's the matter, dear?
48:54I was just thinking about...
49:01Don't worry.
49:03He'll meet you.
49:05I hope you're right.
49:07I wonder what's keeping those fellas.
49:10Keep your shirt on.
49:12Keep your shirt on.
49:27what's the matter with you?
49:29What's the matter with you?
49:31What's the matter with you?
49:33What's the matter with you?
49:36those fellas are in a hurry.
49:47Come on, Fred, let's get out of here.
49:53Come here, Fred, and untie me.
49:55You're not hurt, are you?
49:56No, I ain't hurt, but can you imagine me forgetting to load the guns?
49:59Those long things are no good anyhow.
50:01Hey, that one went off.
50:02I wonder which one it was.
50:03Oh, never mind about that. Get out of here.
50:05We've got to beat them to the pier.
50:07Oh, Brian and Holden are out front.
50:09That's good, but get me out of here.
50:11Don't go.
50:12Come on, now.
50:13Don't trick us for getting to unload the guns.
50:14I'm going.
50:15Get back to that baloney.
50:24Drive to pier 146.
50:26Those racketeers are at the house, Nick.
50:27Call the headquarters.
50:28Nothing doing. We'll get them ourselves.
50:34Get over here.
50:53Take the change.
51:04How are you, Captain?
51:05We've got to set sail at once.
51:07Impossible. There's only a couple of men aboard.
51:09The rest are all in town.
51:11Round them up.
51:12Yes, sir.
51:30There it is.
51:32There it is. Over there.
51:47It's those crooks.
51:48They're after that money.
51:53Get up in there and hide.
51:55George, Jim, come lower this boat.
51:58Come on, boys.
52:02Stop her.
52:06Hold it.
52:08Pull up that boat.
52:10Come on, get out of there.
52:12Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.
52:18I'll take that.
52:24Lay off.
52:32That must be it.
52:33Come on.
52:36Oh, boy.
52:37Well, let's be a feather in my hat.
52:38Come on.
52:40Got a word out of you two.
52:42Come on, boys.
52:58Where do you think you're going?
52:59Where do you think you're going?
53:01What's the idea?
53:02You'll find out.
53:11Take after them.
53:14All right.
53:15All right.
53:16Look out.
53:19Get those two.
53:30You're going below.
53:31But what about you?
53:32I'll be all right.
53:59I'll be all right.
54:30Come on.
54:52Hey, you.
54:53You, I dare you to touch me.
54:59Oh, gee, excuse me, why don't you look where you're aiming?
55:18I did.
55:19Oh, gee, excuse me, why don't you look where you're aiming?
55:49Oh, gee, excuse me, why don't you look where you're aiming?
56:19Oh, gee, excuse me, why don't you look where you're aiming?
56:50Come on, you folks! Come on, here, I'm gonna put the bracelets on you! Get out, come on!
57:05Come on!
57:10Well, O'Brien, you got all your customers?
57:15You got out of your customers. Oh boy. I guess the sergeant lay off on me from now on
57:21Come on, you mugs. Come on, bring them on
57:30Go on get up there and get that car get him up dick. Go on go on
57:37Oh Brian
57:40Captain what became of Jerry? Oh, he's right over there with the skipper
57:52Don't feel now captain much better. Thank you. I'm all right. That's good. Well, I guess I'll say goodbye. I
58:01Think there's someone who wants to see you
58:11Must you go I should
58:16Must you really
58:19Say captain, where is the
58:24Captain let me show you the latest thing in ocean
58:33Would you say this boat was going China you think there'd be room for an extra passenger