• 4 years ago
Show #27 -

0:50 - The Adventures Of Derek Cole And Friends! - We Are Family! - Derek hosts a rock and roll show for everyone and sings and dances with special acts!

12:14 - Cliffhanger - Bed - Cliffhanger tries to make an escape by using an “ed” which is actually a bed!

13:40 - Count’s Number Of The Day - 7 - The Count uses his pipe organ and finds out the number of the day is 7 and seven dancing chickens come in!

16:14 - Journey To Ernie - Musicland - Big Bird looks for Ernie in a land filled with all kinds of music!

20:04 - Ernie And Bert - Party Time! - Ernie and all his pals party while Bert is trying to read a quiet book…

21:08 - Hip Hip Hurry! - Wile E. Coyote is once again after the Road Runner, this time resorting to hand grenades, dynamite, falling rocks and a speed potion which contains vitamins R, P and M!

26:39 - Cookie’s Letter Of The Day – N – In part 1 – Cookie’s conscience tells him not to eat the cookie and in part 2 – Spongebob comes in to save the day and take the cookie away… not really!

30:12 - Pooh’s Spanish Tree - Blue - Pooh has a spanish tree and shows what blue means in spanish!

30:42 - Elmo’s World - Mail - (Special appearances by Big Bird and Cookie Monster)

45:04 - Closing Sponsors - Derek, Pooh and Strawberry look at the night sky and see constellations of the sponsors for the show!
