Orgonites against 5G cell phone radiation, WLAN radiation - do they really help?
What do the oscillations of artificially pulsed microwaves do?
Normally, the vibrations in the body cells are in harmony and all regulatory processes can run in an orderly and finely coordinated manner. The artificially pulsed action of the microwaves influences / superimposes the cell oscillation in terms of frequency and amplitude in such a way that it changes, increases, weakens or completely disappears even to cell death. The result can be an attack on the entire human organism with sometimes devastating consequences! The only area that you can still shield against state microwave terror via cellular communications, WLAN, DECT, etc. is your home! Use this chance to regenerate! Public buildings, squares, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, old people's homes, hotels, restaurants, train stations, public transport, etc. are contaminated with high-frequency, pulsed microwaves across the board! Tablets and laptops (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz microwaves) are also being introduced in kindergarten in order to breed Ritalin aspirants at an early age! Medication consumption (e.g. 4 million packs of benzodiazepines are prescribed in Switzerland every year!) And health insurance premiums are rising to dizzying heights! The coalition of mobile phone and pharmaceutical mafia generates billions in sales at the expense of your health! Are you suffering from unexplained fatigue or rashes? Does your child have ADHD? Do you have a cry baby? Do you suffer from other mental disorders that disappear, for example when you are in nature or simply outside your home? Then it is high time to measure the microwave exposure in your home and, if necessary, implement shielding! The area-wide forced irradiation with high-frequency microwaves is being vigorously promoted and every person has a tolerance limit that will be reached sooner or later. One does not want to believe that the microwaves are the cause of the suffering, because it was fine up to now! The damaging effect is hushed up by politicians because you cannot win elections with such topics! Protect yourself!
Orgonite gegen 5G Handystrahlung, WLAN Strahlung- Helfen sie wirklich?
Was bewirken die Schwingungen von künstlich gepulsten Mikrowellen?
Im Normalfall befinden sich die Schwingungen in den Körperzellen in harmonischer Abstimmung und alle Regulationsvorgänge können geordnet und fein aufeinander abgestimmt ablaufen. Durch die künstlich gepulste Einwirkung der Mikrowellen wird die Zellschwingung hinsichtlich Frequenz und Amplitude so beeinflusst/überlagert, dass sie sich verändert, steigert, abschwächt oder ganz erlöscht.Infolge dieses Eingriffs kommt es zu Fehlsteuerungen der Regelkreise und biologischen Rhythmen, dem Informationsaustausch zwischen den Zellen oder gar zum Zelltod. Eine Attacke auf den ganzen menschlichen Organismus mit zum Teil verheerenden Folgen können die Folge sein!
What do the oscillations of artificially pulsed microwaves do?
Normally, the vibrations in the body cells are in harmony and all regulatory processes can run in an orderly and finely coordinated manner. The artificially pulsed action of the microwaves influences / superimposes the cell oscillation in terms of frequency and amplitude in such a way that it changes, increases, weakens or completely disappears even to cell death. The result can be an attack on the entire human organism with sometimes devastating consequences! The only area that you can still shield against state microwave terror via cellular communications, WLAN, DECT, etc. is your home! Use this chance to regenerate! Public buildings, squares, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, old people's homes, hotels, restaurants, train stations, public transport, etc. are contaminated with high-frequency, pulsed microwaves across the board! Tablets and laptops (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz microwaves) are also being introduced in kindergarten in order to breed Ritalin aspirants at an early age! Medication consumption (e.g. 4 million packs of benzodiazepines are prescribed in Switzerland every year!) And health insurance premiums are rising to dizzying heights! The coalition of mobile phone and pharmaceutical mafia generates billions in sales at the expense of your health! Are you suffering from unexplained fatigue or rashes? Does your child have ADHD? Do you have a cry baby? Do you suffer from other mental disorders that disappear, for example when you are in nature or simply outside your home? Then it is high time to measure the microwave exposure in your home and, if necessary, implement shielding! The area-wide forced irradiation with high-frequency microwaves is being vigorously promoted and every person has a tolerance limit that will be reached sooner or later. One does not want to believe that the microwaves are the cause of the suffering, because it was fine up to now! The damaging effect is hushed up by politicians because you cannot win elections with such topics! Protect yourself!
Orgonite gegen 5G Handystrahlung, WLAN Strahlung- Helfen sie wirklich?
Was bewirken die Schwingungen von künstlich gepulsten Mikrowellen?
Im Normalfall befinden sich die Schwingungen in den Körperzellen in harmonischer Abstimmung und alle Regulationsvorgänge können geordnet und fein aufeinander abgestimmt ablaufen. Durch die künstlich gepulste Einwirkung der Mikrowellen wird die Zellschwingung hinsichtlich Frequenz und Amplitude so beeinflusst/überlagert, dass sie sich verändert, steigert, abschwächt oder ganz erlöscht.Infolge dieses Eingriffs kommt es zu Fehlsteuerungen der Regelkreise und biologischen Rhythmen, dem Informationsaustausch zwischen den Zellen oder gar zum Zelltod. Eine Attacke auf den ganzen menschlichen Organismus mit zum Teil verheerenden Folgen können die Folge sein!