'We Burnt the Mazar Down': Hindutva Men Talk About the Violence They Unleashed

  • 3 years ago
Since Monday, North East Delhi has been on the boil. Hindutva mobs have unleashed large-scale violence against anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act protestors, and there has also been violence and stone-pelting from the other side.

Shots have also been fired in some parts of the district. Several shops and homes have been vandalised and set on fire, and vehicles have been torched.

The violence has led to the death of at least seven persons and more than 100 have been injured. The situation remains volatile, with armed mobs patrolling the streets and continuing to torch homes and shops.

The Wire met with a pro-government Hindutva mob and spoke to them about the violence and their modus operandi.

They agreed to talk “if the camera is not focused on our (their) face”.

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