Haryana Elections: A Dynasty Faces TikTok Challenge in Adampur

  • 3 years ago
Since 1968, when former Haryana chief minister Bhajan Lal won the Adampur seat, his family has never lost hold over it. Lal won the seat nine times and his son and present MLA Kuldeep Bishnoi twice, with two women family members winning once each. This time Bishnoi is fighting as a Congress candidate and opposite him is BJP’s Sonali Phogat, who is also popularly known as TikTok star because of her presence on social media.
Adampur’s biggest problem is that of water. Local Jannayak Janata Party leaders insist that while as CM and union minister Bhajan Lal used to arrange water from nearby canal’s, his son is not cut from the same cloth. They insist that Bishnoi is a diamond trader and mostly stays abroad.
The Congress is busy attacking its BJP opponent for calling some local college girls “Pakistani” when they asked her why her maternal grandfather’s family was not releasing the land which had been earmarked for a girls’ college.
In her defence, Phogat said the matter is sub-judice but she would still appeal to the Khattar government to construct a college for girls. However, she added, that her priority would remain improving water supply to the region.

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