Георгий Гачечиладзе. «Квинтет-юмореска» для духовых и ф-но (2018). Видео оформлено картинами Хуана Миро, Пауля Клее и Анри Матисса. Партитуру можно бесплатно скачать здесь: http://ggachechiladze.musicaneo.com
George Gachechiladze. "Quintet-humoresque" for wind instruments and piano (2018). The video is decorated with paintings by Juan Miro, Paul Klee and Henri Matisse. The score can be downloaded free here: http://ggachechiladze.musicaneo.com
George Gachechiladze. "Quintet-humoresque" for wind instruments and piano (2018). The video is decorated with paintings by Juan Miro, Paul Klee and Henri Matisse. The score can be downloaded free here: http://ggachechiladze.musicaneo.com