Георгий Гачечиладзе. «Судьба животных» – три пьесы для струнного оркестра. Видео оформлено картинами Франца Марка. Партитуру можно бесплатно скачать здесь: http://ggachechiladze.musicaneo.com
George Gachechiladze. «The fate of animals» – three pieces for string orchestra (based on paintings by Franz Marc). The video is decorated with paintings by Franz Marc. The score can be downloaded free here: http://ggachechiladze.musicaneo.com
George Gachechiladze. «The fate of animals» – three pieces for string orchestra (based on paintings by Franz Marc). The video is decorated with paintings by Franz Marc. The score can be downloaded free here: http://ggachechiladze.musicaneo.com